Description of the 6 best breeds of chickens with black plumage and maintenance rules

Black chicken breeds are amazingly diverse. They are characterized by an original appearance and excellent productivity. Each variety has certain characteristics. Thanks to this, farmers can choose the appropriate breeding option. To achieve success in raising birds, it is worth properly equipping the chicken coop and providing them with adequate nutrition.

The history of black chickens

The efforts of breeders in breeding black breeds were aimed at obtaining viable chickens that are resistant to frost and disease and at the same time characterized by high productivity. As a result of crossing different breeds, original black chickens were obtained.

General description and characteristics

Black chickens are rare. The uniqueness of birds is associated with the original color of the feathers. The main characteristics of birds include the following:

  • zonal or completely black plumage;
  • dark beak;
  • black skin;
  • dark color of internal organs.

Some black chickens have meat of a similar color. At the same time, the eggs differ in a standard color - it does not depend on the color of the skin and plumage.

black chickens

Advantages and disadvantages

Each breed has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of birds include the following:

  • ease of care;
  • high performance;
  • resistance to cold;
  • strong immunity;
  • undemanding to feed.

At the same time, birds also have disadvantages. These include:

  • lack of maternal instinct;
  • tendency to gain excess weight.

young cock

Popular breeds

Today there are many breeds of black chickens, each of which has its own characteristics.

Moscow black breed of chickens

Such birds were bred in Moscow in the last century. A characteristic feature is a wide chest, a scarlet comb and a curved beak. Black feathers have a golden tint.

Birds are characterized by low maintenance requirements and easily tolerate exposure to low temperatures. The disadvantages of birds are considered to be a tendency to obesity and a decrease in productivity with a decrease in the amount of food. Birds have a calm and docile character.They are allowed to be kept in cages or free-range.

black breed

Pantsirevskaya breed of chickens

This breed was obtained in Russia, which is why it is very popular. At the same time, chickens are considered very whimsical and do not tolerate the effects of cold weather. That’s why they need insulated rooms.

Breed Russian Black Bearded

These black-feathered birds gain body mass well. Therefore, they are bred to produce not only eggs, but also meat. If you provide your birds with a balanced diet and introduce mineral supplements into their diet, you will be able to achieve excellent egg production.

Chickens of the Brama dark breed

These birds are easy to keep. They need special food or long walks. At the same time, birds are characterized by low egg production. Their advantage is considered to be their impressive body weight. Birds reach 5 kilograms.

dark gate

Chicken breed Ayam Chemani

This is a very rare breed. Chickens are not only characterized by black feathers. The skin, comb and beak have the same color. These birds are undemanding to living conditions.

Yurlovsky vocal breed of chickens

These are aggressive birds that constantly conflict with other individuals. Birds are characterized by a powerful body. They weigh up to 4.5 kilograms. The meat has excellent taste. Egg production parameters are 170 eggs per year. At the same time, the eggs weigh a lot - more than 80 grams.

Yurlovskaya vociferous

Breeding in Russia

To achieve success in raising birds, they should be provided with suitable housing conditions.

Features of maintenance and care

First of all, it is recommended to think about the chickens’ diet.Thanks to a correct and balanced menu, it will be possible to achieve high-quality development, excellent productivity and good appearance of birds.

In this case, you should follow these rules:

  1. The main part of the diet should be dry food in the form of granules. Finely divided food is also suitable.
  2. After puberty, it is worth introducing combined mixtures. This is done after 20 weeks.
  3. Food should be present not only in feeders. It is recommended to scatter a certain amount of food to stimulate the locomotor activity of laying hens.
  4. When free-range, you should give preference to granulated food. This will help reduce the amount of contamination.
  5. Chickens should be given crushed boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and whey. Such supplements are used 2 times a week.
  6. As the chickens grow, crushed grains and greens are introduced into their diet. Birds also need combined feeds.

young hen

Adults should receive the following food:

  • cereals;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • compound feed;
  • greenery;
  • protein products;
  • fermented milk food;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products should be introduced carefully to avoid upset of the digestive organs. It is important that this food is fresh.

For full development, birds require calcium. They get it in the form of chalk, shells or shells. These products are given to birds in crushed form.

birds pluck

The best option is three meals a day. In summer, birds have access to pasture. Therefore, it is permissible to feed them 2 times a day.

Providing comfortable living conditions is of no small importance. To do this, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • insulate the chicken coop for the winter;
  • exclude exposure to wind or draft;
  • maintain a suitable temperature - in winter it should not be less than +7 degrees;
  • lay a layer of sawdust or straw on the floor;
  • systematically clean the chicken coop and change the litter;
  • provide the birds with plenty of space - there should be no more than 4 birds per 1 square meter;
  • make a lot of nests;
  • organize additional lighting in winter;
  • make a yard for walking;
  • ensure constant access to clean water and food.

chickens eat

Breeding rules

Black chickens were bred by selective breeding. Therefore, laying hens lack maternal instinct. It is recommended to breed birds in an incubator. To obtain black birds you will need special equipment. It must have temperature control and ventilation.

1 rooster is enough for 10 chickens. It is permissible to cross birds of different breeds. But it is worth considering that this will lead to a loss of decorative characteristics. Productivity parameters in this case are difficult to predict.

It is worth buying chicks of these breeds from specialized farms. Otherwise, there is a high probability of purchasing low-quality products.

bird walking

Immediately after birth, chicks are very weak. Therefore, it is recommended to heat and clean the room all the time. To provide the chicks with vitamins, they should be given green onions. After 2 weeks, it is permissible to start short walks.

Black chickens are very popular among farmers. They are distinguished by high productivity and spectacular appearance. To achieve success in raising chickens, they should be provided with suitable living conditions..
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