Short summers and long, cold winters in most regions of Russia, especially Siberia, prevented the breeding of productive poultry. The Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens has no problems adapting to harsh climatic conditions. It is hardy, unpretentious, and versatile: it gains good weight within 1-2 years and has good egg production.
- Origin of the breed line
- Description and characteristics of the Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens
- Exterior and color
- Productive qualities
- Puberty and egg production
- Chicken Temperament
- Main advantages and disadvantages
- Breed varieties
- Features of maintenance and care
- Poultry house
- Walking area
- Feeders and drinkers
- Molting and break in egg production
- What to feed Tsarskoye Selo chickens?
- Seasonal diet
- Daily ration
- Subtleties of breeding
- Possible diseases
- Cold
- Coccidiosis
- Pasteurellosis
- Worms
- Lice, lice, mites
- Where can I buy eggs and poultry?
Origin of the breed line
The breed was bred by Russian scientists at the end of the 20th century. When obtaining a stable genotype, broilers-6, New Hampshire and Poltava clayey breeds were used as progenitors. The purpose of the selection was to obtain highly productive birds for breeding in households.
Description and characteristics of the Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens
Tsarskoye Selo chickens belong to meat and egg type. The bird is unpretentious in keeping, resistant to diseases, and tolerates low temperatures well.
Exterior and color
Tsarskoye Selo hens have elegant and lush plumage. The motley red-and-black outfit gives the poultry a decorative appearance. The red tint predominates on the wings, body, and neck. Black feathers with stripes and splashes are found in the tail. Cockerels are brighter and more expressive than hens.
An adult bird reaches large sizes. The average weight of roosters is 3200 grams, hens – 2800 grams. The paws are high, bare, light yellow in color. The beak is the same shade. The comb, earrings and lobes are small (especially in hens), rich red. The head is neat, on a long neck.
Productive qualities
The carcass weight of a one-year-old bird is sufficient to be used for meat. At this age, cockerels go to slaughter. The hens are left for another year to produce eggs. Upon reaching 2 years, the flock is renewed, as the productivity of laying hens decreases.
Puberty and egg production
Young laying hens begin laying eggs at 5-6 months of age. The final maturation of chickens occurs towards the end of the year. One adult hen can produce more than 170 eggs per year, depending on care.The eggs, even of young chickens, are large - up to 60 grams, brown in color.
Chicken Temperament
Tsarskoye Selo hens are active and curious. Roosters are aggressive towards the “enemies” of the chicken family: cats, dogs, wild birds. There may be quarrels and fights within the flock, especially if the roosters lack hen friends.
Main advantages and disadvantages
The bird is not afraid of low temperatures, remaining active and productive. During incubation, the fertilization rate of eggs is 100%. Chicken survival rate is about 98%. The Tsarskoye Selo hen has retained the brooding instinct and does not abandon the nest if it sits on eggs. The disadvantage of the breed is its short productive period: up to 2 years for meat and eggs.
Breed varieties
The Tsarskoe Selo breed has chickens with rose-shaped and leaf-shaped combs. The first variety is more hardened and exceeds the second in mass. Leaf-shaped hens are more thermophilic and lay more eggs.
Features of maintenance and care
The Tsarskoye Selo breed was bred for the northern regions. But it also thrives in warmer climates. When keeping it, it is necessary to take into account that the bird is active and curious.
Poultry house
For adult birds, it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature in the house. Chickens are active; their well-being and appetite are not affected by temperatures close to zero degrees. The Tsarskoye Selo breed does not need perches for sleeping at night. Floor keeping is safer for birds with a weight of about 3 kilograms and significant dimensions. The area of the premises is determined by the number of livestock. There should be at least 0.5 square meters per bird. Laying hens need nests (at the rate of 1 nest for 5 hens), installed in quiet, shaded places at a height of 50 to 70 centimeters.
The bird needs good lighting: a combination of natural and artificial. For convenience, a timer is installed that automatically turns the lighting on and off. It is recommended to leave a low-power lamp on constantly at night so that the bird does not become disturbed.
Walking area
The Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens needs a place to roam. The bird loves to walk and is not afraid of colds. The approximate walking area is 1.5 square meters per head. To organize walking, an aviary is installed next to the poultry house. In rural areas, chickens have more space to roam outside the garden.
Feeders and drinkers
It is necessary to ensure that the bird does not consume contaminated feed and water. The water is changed 2 times a day. Drinking should be free of impurities and chlorine. The drinking bowl is washed every time to prevent mold from forming on the walls. Water temperature is 15-17 degrees.
Feeders are installed at a height of 10-15 centimeters above the flooring. The design of the feeders should not allow birds to get their paws into them and should be convenient for removing food residues. Permanent feeders are installed for the grain mixture.
Vegetables and herbs are given in special containers that can be washed and disinfected well. Sand and crushed shell rock are poured into bird-friendly containers and stored in a permanent place in the poultry house.
Molting and break in egg production
During molting, poultry stop laying eggs and are susceptible to disease. Tsarskoye Selo chickens remain active during this period. Their molting period can last up to 2 months. Delayed molting indicates a lack of vitamin D in the chicken diet.
What to feed Tsarskoye Selo chickens?
The diet of chickens should not differ significantly at different times of the year. Vitamins and mineral supplements must be present at all times.The basis of nutrition is crushed grain of wheat and corn. Oats, rye and barley should make up no more than 10% of dry food. The grain mixture is prepared in the form of a wet mash. The crushed grain is poured into a container in accordance with the proportion and a little water is added. The mash should not be dry or stick to your hands.
In addition to the main diet should be:
- peas, beans (boiled, crushed);
- vegetables (boiled, mashed);
- fruits (raw, cut);
- greens (fresh, dried);
- vegetable oil;
- bone flour;
- chalk.
If feed for chickens is available, the diet is adjusted depending on its composition.
Seasonal diet
In the spring and summer, fresh grass is added to the birdseed daily:
- dandelion;
- quinoa;
- clover;
- woodlice.
The grass is given whole or cut. After 30 minutes, uneaten remains are removed.
Shredded carrot and beet tops are added to the mash. Root vegetables (carrots, beets) are boiled and cut. Zucchini, pumpkin, apples, pears are given fresh. In the autumn-winter period, a mash is prepared from boiled vegetables, adding flour from dried grass to it. Potatoes are boiled and pounded. Give without mixing with other vegetables.
Daily ration
Feeding chickens divided into 3 doses, with an interval of 6 hours. In the morning and evening they give a grain mixture and greens. At lunch, the main portion of food is vegetables. Grain or mixed feed makes up about 20% of the volume. The amount of feed per bird is, on average, 80 grams per day.
Based on the number of livestock, feed is calculated and prepared for 1 feeding. The chickens should be satiated within 10 minutes. Uneaten remains are removed from the feeders. There should always be fresh water, shell rock and sand in the house.
Subtleties of breeding
For active birds, it is necessary to provide a place for constant walking and a spacious chicken coop.
Possible diseases
The Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens is resistant to infections and colds. The cause of death may be parasites carried by mice, rats, sparrows, and crows. Chicken vaccination and balanced nutrition of young animals will increase the immunity of adult birds.
Colds can be caused by drafts in the chicken coop and cold floors. If the bird has become lethargic, has stopped laying eggs, and walks with its beak open, then it needs to be placed in a dry, insulated room and the water replaced with vitamin infusions. In severe cases, antibiotics are used.
Infection with coccidia most often occurs during walking, when the bird pecks earthworms and greens along with the soil. Symptoms of infection:
- blueness of earrings and comb;
- loose and frequent stools;
- lethargy;
- the bird is cold, which is why it is constantly tufted;
- loss of appetite;
- thirst.
The sick bird is placed in a cage. Treatment is with antibacterial drugs. Prevention - vaccination of chickens, daily cleaning of the poultry house. If there are signs of coccidiosis, disinfect the premises and equipment.
Healthy chickens can become infected by mites by pecking the feces of sick wild birds. The period from infection to the first symptoms does not exceed 2 days. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Signs of acute bacterial infection:
- thirst;
- loss of appetite;
- temperature up to 44 degrees;
- scallop cyanosis;
- mucous foam from the nose;
- blood in stool;
- apathy.
It is impossible to cure a bird infected with pasteurellosis. Sick chickens must be slaughtered and carcasses must be disposed of.The high survival rate of pathogens requires thorough and repeated disinfection of the premises and equipment. Prevention - vaccination of chickens starting from 6 months.
Ascariasis is a helminthic infestation that affects laying hens and parent flocks. Infection occurs through wild birds or from purchased chickens. Signs of infection are decreased egg production, loss of appetite, thirst. Treatment is carried out over a long period of time with drugs containing fenbendazole.
Lice, lice, mites
The source of infection for chickens is wild poultry. Insects cause great concern to the bird, which is why it loses part of its plumage, loses weight, stops laying eggs, and becomes vulnerable to infections and other parasites. Timely chemical treatment of chickens and disinfection of the poultry house give good results in the fight against mallophagosis.
Where can I buy eggs and poultry?
You can buy eggs and chickens at VNIIGRZh of St. Petersburg or from private breeders.