What maximum speed can a horse develop and what does the performance depend on?

There are several factors that influence how fast horses develop. This depends on the level of stress on the animal, breed and a number of other circumstances. You also need to consider the purpose for which the horse is raised. In particular, some animals are bred specifically for competitions. Therefore, trained horses are noticeably superior in racing to those used in agriculture.

Average speed of an animal when running

As stated, the average speed of horses depends on several factors:

  • presence and absence of a rider;
  • breed characteristics;
  • availability of carts and others.

On average, horses of all breeds, deprived of additional loads, run at a speed of 15 km/h. This feature is also typical for animals that do not belong to racing species.

Moving at an average speed, horses are able to cover long distances. However, horses reach their maximum over short distances. After this, the animal needs a long rest.

Without a rider

Working horses have a strong build and short legs. Because of this, representatives of this breed run slowly. In animals intended for agricultural work, the average speed reaches 15-20 km/h. Horses without a rider can reach about 40 km/h.

With a rider

The presence of additional cargo immediately affects the abilities of animals. Because of the rider, working animals bred for slow movement and increased loads develop no more than 12-13 km per hour. Horses created specifically for short-distance speed racing are capable of accelerating up to 20-30 km/h, depending on the breed.

man and horse

With a cart

The speed at which a horse and cart runs also depends on how loaded the cart is. Moreover, in this case, representatives of draft breeds, characterized by increased endurance, are considered. If the level of load that the animal experiences does not exceed 8% of its body weight, then the average speed of running with a cart is 10-12 km/h.

Factors affecting horse speed

The speed of the horse, in addition to the factors listed above, depends on:

  • current health status;
  • age;
  • breeds;
  • way of transportation.

Animals that have reached 5-8 years of age are considered the fastest. Younger racehorses bred for racing are also capable of performing well. But horses over eight years old begin to move more slowly.

the horse is running

The main factor determining the capabilities of an animal is the breed. Traction horses are capable of transporting large loads over long distances. However, such horses develop low speed. Moreover, even long-term training is not able to significantly improve the performance demonstrated by traction animals.

Racehorses develop high speeds and run short distances. After this, the animals require a long rest.

Speed ​​indicators of different breeds

The best speed performance is demonstrated by representatives of the following breeds:

  1. Thoroughbred horse. An English breed of horses that demonstrates the best speed performance. This variety was specially bred for short-distance racing, so it is not used for other tasks. These characteristics are partly due to the size of the lungs: according to this parameter, thoroughbred horses occupy a leading position among all existing breeds. These horses are also distinguished by their large and muscular bodies.
  2. Arabian racing horse. This breed appeared in the middle of the first millennium on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian racehorse is distinguished by its compact size, dry and lean body, thin legs and small head.
  3. Sel (French racing horse). Representatives of this breed appeared in the 19th century. This variety was obtained by crossing English thoroughbred and French horses used in agriculture.Thanks to this, the selk is distinguished not only by its large size and ability to run quickly, but also by its increased endurance.
  4. Trotters (American, French, Oryol and Russian). In brackets is a list of breeds taking into account the speed characteristics of horses.

a beautiful horse

Russian trotters, adapted to the conditions of long and harsh winters, are extremely popular among horse breeders. This breed includes the Don, Terek and Akhal-Teke horse varieties, also demonstrating good abilities for fast running. There is an opinion among horse breeders that speed indicators also depend on the color of the animal. Horses with an orange body are considered the fastest. Next come bay, black and white. Among wild horses, representatives of the mustang breed stand out. These horses, living on the North American continent, accelerate to 100 km/h.

Relationship between gait and speed

Gait refers to the way a horse moves. That is, by determining the type of movement of the animal, you can understand how fast the horse moves.


Walking is a simple and familiar way of moving for horses. The average speed that horses develop with this gait is 4-5 km/h. Some representatives of racing breeds prefer to walk faster, developing up to 7 km/h. With this gait, animals are able to cover long distances without losing their stride.

a beautiful horse


Lynx is divided into several types:

  • quiet (9-10 kilometers per hour);
  • average (up to 13 km/h);
  • fast (15 km/h);
  • maximum (from 30 km/h and above).

This type of gait is typical for the above breeds of trotters.


Gallop is considered the most convenient way of movement for representatives of various breeds. With this manner, horses develop up to 35-45 km/h.Galloping is typical for thoroughbred horses, which begin running like this a couple of minutes after the start of movement.


This manner is known as tenting. Moving in a quarry, adult horses reach speeds of up to 54-60 km/h.

horse jumping


Moving in this manner, adult horses accelerate faster than at a trot, but move slower than a gallop or gallop. Ambling is characterized by the fact that animals move their legs synchronously. That is, both hind or forelimbs move simultaneously. With other gaits, animals alternately rearrange their legs.

World record holders

During the history of recording the running speed of horses, the following records were registered:

  1. 69.69 km/h. This speed was achieved by the purebred stallion of the English breed Beach Rackit. This record, which has not been broken even with the advent of the 21st century, was registered in 1945. In the early 90s of the last century, the stallion Onion Roll developed a similar maximum speed. However, the horse was unable to exceed this figure.
  2. 69.3 km/h. The horse Siglevi Slave moved at such speed without a rider. This result was recorded during a race of 804 meters, which the horse covered in 41.8 seconds.
  3. 60.7 km/h. This record belongs to the stallion John Henry. This result was recorded during a race over a distance of 2.4 kilometers.

These records were demonstrated by purebred horses. Animals whose examination reveals “admixtures” of other species are not allowed to compete.

Despite the fact that speed characteristics directly depend on the breed of horse, regular training and proper nutrition help improve previously achieved performance. It takes three or more months for horses to get into shape for long-distance racing.During this period, animals require high-calorie food and plenty of drink.

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