Description of rare and unusual horse breeds, the most beautiful and extinct species

The horse population is considered uneven. The number of these animals depends on many factors. A significant reduction in livestock is due to the mechanization of all sectors of the economy. Some species have completely disappeared due to a reduction in their working use, while others have become much less common. To preserve rare breeds of horses, special clubs are opened and relevant laws are adopted at the state level.

The rarest and most beautiful horse breeds

Today there are many rare breeds of horses that have excellent decorative characteristics.


This is an old English breed. Its representatives are quite large in size. Today, such horses are used if great strength and endurance are required. They are considered real heavy trucks. Therefore, such animals are often used in pulling competitions.

Newfoundland pony

These small animals are native to the island of Newfoundland. Their ancestors are considered to be horses brought from the British Isles. Adults do not exceed 140 centimeters in height. Currently, their population size is no more than 400 animals. The breed is considered a national treasure and is included in the Red Book of Canada.

Newfoundland pony


This is an English breed, which was obtained on the basis of local individuals, Arabian and Spanish horses. Horses have been known since the fourteenth century. Initially they were used for horse riding. Subsequently, the horses were improved and became known as Norfolk. The new massif became the basis for breeding the Hackney breed.

The height of these animals at the withers reaches 147-168 centimeters. They are bay or black and have many markings. The gait is considered springy, and during a trot the animals raise their legs high.


This is one of the most ancient breeds. For a long time it was considered lost. However, in 1965, during an expedition to Iran, unusual short animals were found. Since then, work has been underway to restore the breed.

Caspian horse

The average height of animals at the withers reaches 117 centimeters. There is a pronounced crest on the head. It is located on the parietal bone.Many individuals have a pair of extra teeth. The thoracic vertebrae have prominent spinous processes.

Cleveland bay

This first English breed was developed in Yorkshire. Initially it was bred as a pack variety. However, over time, the animals became draft animals and became widespread among traders. A distinctive feature of the breed was its color. The animals are exclusively bay in color. The decline in livestock numbers is due to mass mechanization of production. After World War II, this process only accelerated. In 1962, there were literally 4 breeding stallions.

To restore the animal population, the help of Queen Elizabeth II was needed. Today there are 550 of these horses. The height of animals at the withers is 163-168 centimeters. They are characterized by a large head and short limbs with developed muscles. Only bay horses are included in the stud book, although most breeders prefer light colors.

Cleveland bay

Colonial Spanish

This breed became a cross between different types of horses - mainly from the Iberian Peninsula. In the seventeenth century, there were more than 10 thousand heads of such horses. However, most of them went wild and mixed with representatives of other breeds. Consequently, horses turned into mustangs. Currently, the number of breeding individuals is no more than several hundred. Horses do not exceed 137-142 centimeters at the withers. Moreover, their live weight is 320-360 kilograms.

Animals are characterized by a straight profile. The upper jaw is longer than the lower jaw. They can be of any color.

American cream

This is a young breed that comes from one representative. She became the mare Granny, who was bought by an American farmer in 1911.In terms of appearance, it belongs to the category of draft horses. However, the ancestry cannot be reliably traced.

After covering the mare with a black Percheron, they managed to get a cream stallion. The selection of the breed began with him. At the end of the fifties of the last century, the number of cream-colored draft horses was more than 200 individuals. However, the breed did not become popular.

American cream

The height at the withers is 152-170 centimeters. The weight of animals reaches 680-850 kilograms. The cream color of the coat is associated with the action of the Champagne gene.


Representatives of this breed are characterized by small sizes. Their height is a maximum of 50 centimeters. In terms of body structure, the animals resemble ordinary horses, and in size they are 2-3 times smaller. They have a friendly character, are great with children and can be used to teach kids how to ride.


The name of the breed comes from 2 rivers - Sor and Raya. They took place in the habitat of animals - in Portugal. The animals are distinguished by their modest appearance, gray color and small stature. Today the breed is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, many breeders are trying to breed these animals in order to preserve the rare species.

horse Zorraia


Representatives of this rare and beautiful breed were obtained more than 5000 years ago. They owe their appearance to the Turkmen tribes. Animals differ significantly from other breeds in appearance. They are characterized by thin skin through which blood vessels are visible.

The hairline also has a fine and silky structure.

Horses are characterized by a sparse mane that is not cut throughout their lives. Common colors include black, bay, gray and red. Dun and brown wool is also found.A characteristic feature is the presence of silver and golden reflections.

Unusual types of horses

There are many unusual breeds of horses that differ from other animals in appearance.

American Curly Horse

American Curly Horse

These animals are characterized by thick and fluffy fur. Thanks to this, they are able to withstand extreme temperatures down to -40 degrees. These horses were first discovered in America in 1898. This happened in the mountains of Nevada.

Arabian thoroughbred horse

This breed was developed on the Arabian Peninsula. This happened in the 4th-7th centuries AD. To this day, these animals are used to organize races and races. They are resilient and have good health. The animals are characterized by their small weight and height, but this does not prevent them from carrying an adult person over a distance of 160 kilometers.


This is a rare breed that originates from Denmark. A characteristic feature of horses is their original color. This is a Dalmatian horse.

Knabstrupper horse


This is a rare breed that has a two-tone color. She was released in 1992. There are no more than 300 individuals of such animals in the world. They originate from Arabian horses.

Friesian horse

This is one of the most attractive and original breeds in the world. Friesian horses They are large in size and look very elegant. They can be exclusively black in color. Friesians are sometimes called black pearls. Today, such horses are bred exclusively for decorative purposes. They do not take part in any competitions.


These are powerful and muscular horses. At the same time, they are distinguished by a calm, affectionate and friendly character.

Percheron horse

Missouri Fox Trotter

This breed of horse was developed in Missouri.These horses are characterized by a muscular body, powerful build and a special gait. Horses can walk at a fox trot. In this case, the front legs move at a walk, and the hind legs move at a trot.

Anglo-Norman horse

This is a strong and hardy animal that is distinguished by its versatility. Horses can be used for riding, in harness, and for carriage.

Cuban pacers

This is a relatively young breed that is developing and improving today. Horses are characterized by a small, neat head and a long neck. The horses are distinguished by their noble color and muscular body. They are characterized by ease of care and breeding.

Cuban pacers are distinguished by their unpretentious diet, rarely encounter diseases and have an obedient character.

Cuban pacers

Extinct breeds

There are many extinct animals today. The most famous include the following:

  1. Tarpan. It is considered the ancestor of modern horses. These animals lived in modern Europe - in the center and southeast. They were also found in some regions of Russia. They were small horses with hooked noses, lush manes and thick hair. They were also characterized by a small tail. Tarpans lived in herds and were highly cautious. Animals were exterminated by human hands. The last representative of the breed died in 1918.
  2. Quagga. These animals lived in South Africa. Horses were characterized by a striped head color, like a zebra. The rest of the body was bay. The natives managed to train these animals to guard their herds. When predators approached, quaggas immediately gave a voice. This helped people keep their pets. Along with this, horses were hunted. This was due to the high strength of their skins.The last individuals died in the mid-nineteenth century.
  3. Bityug. These Russian heavy trucks appeared in the eighteenth century. They were bred in Russia by crossing draft horses with imported Dutch and Danish horses. The bityugi were large in size, which is why they were very popular among peasants. They were often used in agriculture. In the nineteenth century, animals began to gradually disappear. Breeders associate this process with mixing the blood of Bityugs with other breeds.
  4. Hagerman horse. These animals were among the oldest representatives of the genus. This species appeared 3.5 million years ago. It was a small horse that resembled a zebra in appearance. Scientists have found that horses became extinct 10 thousand years ago. They explain this by climate change.
  5. Drykgants. This is the most mysterious breed, the existence of which has no exact confirmation. It is believed that Drykgants were a Belarusian-Polish variety of horses that disappeared in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. These horses were distinguished by their loyalty and endurance. Therefore, they often took part in battles and military campaigns.

There are many rare breeds of horses. Each of them is characterized by certain features. Today, some animal species are on the verge of extinction. Government support and the creation of special breeding clubs help preserve them.
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