The Oryol horse breed is characterized by certain features. It has long been considered a true symbol of Russia. The breed has a rich history and excellent characteristics. Horses are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and endurance. Their characteristic feature is their unique, playful trot. That is why many horse breeders are engaged in breeding these animals.
- History of appearance
- Description of the breed
- Exterior and color
- Animal temperament and trainability
- Use of Orlovites
- Advantages and disadvantages of a horse
- Maintenance and care of Oryol trotters
- Stable
- Diet preparation
- Hygiene and horse care
- Grazing
- Horseshoe
- Training
- Vaccinations and disease prevention
- About fertility and breeding
- Price
- Famous Oryol stallions
History of appearance
The name of the breed is associated with the name of Count Orlov. He began breeding and developing these horses. In 1776, the count traveled around Asia and brought back unique Arabian horses from his trip. At that time, his collection already included Danish horses. By crossing these specimens, it was possible to obtain a breed with excellent speed characteristics. Thanks to this, the horse was called the Oryol trotter.
Description of the breed
This breed has a number of unique characteristics. It is thanks to their presence that horses have become widespread throughout the world.
Exterior and color
Oryol old type a trotter is a tall horse. Adult animals reach 160-165 centimeters at the withers. Old lines of the breed suggest the presence of a massive body, which is distinguished by its harness shape. The key features of the breed include the following:
- Large head with an elongated facial part and a typical Arabian profile. Horses are characterized by a convex nose and a concave fragment below the bridge of the nose. These characteristics are considered signs of clean lines.
- Expressive eyes.
- Long neck with a beautiful curve and developed crest.
- Movable ears.
- Tall limbs with developed joints and large hooves.
- Thick and long mane, bushy tail. The mane extends below the neck. It is also possible to have small brushes.
Typical colors of the breed include:
- different shades of gray – light, dark, red-gray, “dappled”;
- black;
- bay.
Among Oryol horses, other color options are also acceptable. Thus, there are red, dun, salt, and roan shades.
Animal temperament and trainability
Oryol trotters are distinguished by their lively and flexible disposition.Breeding stallions are considered playful and temperamental. However, they are highly trainable. When trained correctly, horses obey commands. Horses are considered cautious, but they are not shy.
Use of Orlovites
Today, Oryol trotters are often used in equestrian sports. They are used in almost all disciplines. This is due to the fact that representatives of this breed are considered energetic, hardy and fast.
Animals can also be used for dressage and driving. This term refers to competitions between horse teams. Flexible horses adapt to city conditions. That’s why they are often used in parks for walks. Some representatives of the breed are used in the work of mounted police.
Advantages and disadvantages of a horse
The advantages of this breed include the following:
- beautiful appearance;
- excellent endurance;
- high speed;
- universal purpose;
- low maintenance requirements;
- the ability to adapt to different types of climate;
- calm character, which makes it possible to use horses to work with children;
- Possibility of use in hippotherapy.
However, the breed also has some disadvantages:
- the possibility of stallions having sexual intercourse only at the age of five;
- high price.
Maintenance and care of Oryol trotters
In order for horses to develop normally and not get sick, it is recommended to take into account many features when caring for them.
A stable is required to keep animals. It must be spacious so that the horses can turn around, enter the stall, and exit. The stall itself should be wooden. It is recommended to equip it with a closing gate. Thanks to this, the horse will not leave the stall on its own.
The minimum dimensions of the stall should be 2x2 meters.However, it is better to provide an area of 3x3 meters. This will provide the animal with plenty of room to move.
It is permissible to use containers made from boards as feeders. It is recommended to place them near one wall of the stall. It would be desirable to be able to add feed from inside or outside the stall. This will make it easier to clean the feeder at any time. There should be a water container near the feeder. Feeders and drinkers must be well secured so that the animal cannot knock them over.
The flooring should also be wooden. It is recommended to use boards 5 centimeters thick and place a thick OSB board on top. It must have a water-repellent surface. Thanks to this flooring, it will be possible to provide the animal with warmth and comfort. The bedding should be made of hay or straw.
Oryol horses normally perceive hot weather and cold. However, in the summer, it is recommended to ventilate the stable all the time. For the winter, it is worth placing a potbelly stove inside to provide the animal with additional heating. It is recommended to cover the room itself with foam plastic. This will help keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. In summer, the animal should be systematically watered. This will help eliminate the risk of overheating. It is permissible to make a water tank on the roof and arrange for the outlet to the stall. This will help you shower periodically. In winter, animals need additional sources of lighting. An ordinary incandescent lamp is suitable for this.
Diet preparation
It is recommended to feed the horse hay, bran and oats. It is definitely worth providing the animal with access to fresh water. It is important to consider that it must drink a lot. This is especially true in hot weather. As for vegetables, horses are allowed to be given lettuce leaves, beets and carrots.Fruits you should feed your pet are apples.
Hygiene and horse care
It is recommended that the Oryol trotter systematically comb its coat. For this you should use special brushes. This procedure brings positive emotions to the animal and makes it beautiful and healthy. It is recommended to comb horses especially carefully during the molting period. Thanks to this, this physiological process will proceed more easily.
It is recommended to have your teeth examined at least twice a year. With age, the frequency increases up to 3-4 times. Regular visits to equine dentists will help you maintain oral health.
Horses need fresh grass on a regular basis. Therefore, in the warm season, it is recommended to systematically send the horse out to pasture.
The horses will definitely have to be shoed. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the appearance of cracks, chips and other defects on the hooves. This procedure also provides protection against mechanical injuries when driving. Hoof shoeing must be done by a qualified professional. It is worth caring for your horse's hooves periodically - it is important to systematically trim and sharpen them.
Horses of this breed quickly understand commands. They can easily be taught to overcome obstacles. Animals put a lot of effort into meeting their owner's expectations. This is especially true if the pet is raised by one person. The horse does not respond well to commands from unfamiliar people.
The use of punishment or violent teaching methods is prohibited. Animals of this breed are highly sensitive. Such methods can lead to a complete refusal of obedience. Stopping a horse is permitted only with a rope. The use of a whip is prohibited.
Vaccinations and disease prevention
It is recommended to show the horse to the veterinarian 4-5 times a year. These animals are distinguished by good health. However, it is definitely recommended to vaccinate them. To keep trotters healthy and avoid dangerous diseases, you should follow basic hygiene rules. To do this, it is recommended to remove manure every day and change the litter as it gets dirty. Dry straw helps avoid the development of dermatitis.
It is recommended to clean the feeder and drinker weekly. To do this, you should use hot water and soda. It is also recommended to clean the walls and partitions of the stall.
To help your animal in a timely manner, you should have the following kit in your first aid kit:
- camphor alcohol;
- brilliant green;
- alcohol with salt;
- Vaseline and fish oil;
- hoof ointment;
- bandages;
- cotton wool;
- turpentine.
About fertility and breeding
This is a late maturing horse breed. Individuals complete their formation by the age of five. Some animals mature a little earlier. In this case, the four-year-old trotter may be ready for mating. Despite the late stages of development, horses are characterized by excellent fertility and a long life span. Fertility parameters may vary, depending on the characteristics of the content and hereditary factors. On average, 80-90 foals are born per 100 mares. You can get offspring in the following ways:
- natural mating;
- artificial insemination.
Regardless of the method, it is recommended to choose the stallion wisely. It should be judged by its exterior, agility and color. Mares can be inseminated from February to June. Foals remain with their mothers for up to six months. After which they are moved to special rooms.
Immediately after weaning from the mother, it is worth starting classes.By the age of two years, animals are ready for a kind of exam. It involves participating in races at a hippodrome.
The price of Oryol breed horses ranges from 60,000 to 300,000 rubles. The specific cost depends on age, awards, pedigree. It is also influenced by health status and exterior features.
Famous Oryol stallions
The horse Krepysh is considered the most famous representative of the Oryol breed. At the beginning of the last century, he was a real star of the hippodromes. Horse racing fans from all over the world came to watch it. The stallion won 50 out of 80 races and brought fame to the breed.
Another famous trotter is the horse Kvadrat. He gained popularity after the war and was considered one of the most beautiful trotters in the world. At the same time, the horse could not boast of high speed, but due to perseverance and perseverance it won almost all competitions. Oryol trotters are a popular breed of horse that has gained fame all over the world. To achieve success in breeding these animals, they should be provided with suitable living conditions.