Description of the Vladimir heavy draft horse breed, maintenance and breeding

To transport goods, peasants needed strong and durable horses. Among these, one can highlight the Vladimir heavy draft horse breed, which has spread throughout Russia, earning recognition among people involved in agriculture. The practical use of the horse and its unique qualities made it the peasant's first assistant.

Historical reference

The creation of a draft horse was necessary at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.It was impossible to develop agro-industrial production without hardy horses capable of transporting heavy loads. To breed our own breed, we had to use the genes of Percherons, English Shires and Scottish Clydesdales imported from France. Working stallions of the Clydesdale breed, which had strength and a fast pace, were most often used to create draft horses.

By crossing with local Vladimir fillies, the desired breed of horse was obtained. But it took several decades to breed purebred stallions.

The draft horse was registered in the State Register only in 1946.

Description and characteristics of the Vladimir heavy truck horse

A purebred stallion can be determined by several parameters. The Vladimir heavy draft horse has characteristics that were awarded to it by local horses when crossed with foreign genetic material. The breed is valued for its large size. You will never find such a massive and at the same time energetic horse.

Horse temperament

The Vladimir heavy truck is considered one of the most peaceful and good-natured animals. Horses feel comfortable among the bustle of the city and in rural solitude. Balance and calm are the hallmarks of their character. Thoroughbred horses are used for traveling with children, to whom they are friendly and affectionate. A child can approach a horse, pet it, and feed it. In this case, the heavy truck will behave calmly.

Vladimir draft horse breed

Strong and hardy horses are capable of performing any hard work without showing obstinacy. They quickly get used to commands and carry them out unquestioningly.


In the Vladimir heavy truck breed, the striking appearance of individuals is that they have:

  • height at withers from 170 centimeters;
  • width at chest up to 2 meters;
  • body length 175 centimeters;
  • weight from 700 kilograms to 1 ton;
  • long muscular neck;
  • large skull;
  • correctly positioned strong limbs.

Draft horses have a thick mane and tail, and short, bay or red hair. A characteristic feature of the breed is the presence of white fluffy stockings on the horses’ legs. White markings are found on the horse's face, croup, and belly.

Vladimir draft horse breed

Productive qualities of horses

The Vladimir draft horse breed embodies the best qualities of this type of domestic animal. The strength of the bones of the front and hind limbs, wide hooves, and the power of the chest allow horses to perform difficult work. In 5 minutes, a heavy truck can transport 1.5 tons of cargo over a distance of 2 kilometers. At the same time, the horse does not feel tired and is energetic.

Horses can also be used for riding. They look graceful and sophisticated. Hardy representatives of the breed were able to overcome the distance from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the Vladimir draft horse are recognized all over the world. Animals combine universal qualities associated with:

  • maximum endurance, strength;
  • calm, flexible character;
  • high performance;
  • duration of operation of individuals.

horse and people

Despite its large dimensions, the horse looks like a beautiful, graceful individual. At the same time, the horse's move is fast and easy. He can compete in running with racing breeds. One of the disadvantages of a heavy truck is that it has a soft back as a result of a shallow deflection of the body. Flat ribs prevent the horse from making maximum use of his lungs when working.

Keeping at home

The quality of horses improves if appropriate living conditions are provided for them.Horse breeders give preference to Vladimir horses, valuing their versatility, ease of care, and ability to adapt to any living conditions.

But a comfortable life and proper nutrition make pets more resilient. Moreover, they last up to 20 years.


Premises for horses are built in the form of a stall, where each individual has a separate living space. But the downside of the building is the lack of communication with other horses. Stalls that can accommodate the entire livestock of draft horses give the animals the opportunity to communicate with each other. But in a common room it is easy to become infected, and sanitation rules are more difficult to follow.

beautiful stables

When setting up stables, the norm is observed, leaving 5 square meters of room for each horse. In the maintenance of the breed, stall lighting and regular ventilation play an important role. The walls are made of wood, and the floor is preferably concrete. But there must be a drain to remove excess liquid. Cover the floor with sawdust, covering it with straw or hay on top. Cleaning is carried out daily, changing the flooring. The air temperature in winter is maintained at +8-10 degrees. The stables should have a feeding area with feeders and drinking bowls. Containers are chosen without sharp corners.


Heavy trucks need to be looked after regularly. This includes hygiene procedures, preventive examinations of the condition of hooves, wool, and teeth. Once every six months you need to call a veterinarian so that he can examine for the occurrence of pathological problems. The stables are cleaned daily, which includes:

  • cleaning the premises from manure and removing it outside the stable area;
  • separating wet litter with a pitchfork and replacing it with clean, dry litter;
  • cleaning and washing feeders and drinkers;
  • Sprinkling the floor with dry sawdust.

Vladimir draft horse breed

Before cleaning the stables, animals are taken out into clean air.The room must be ventilated before horses are allowed in there. At the same time, do not forget about controlling the air temperature.


The health of the draft breed depends on the cleanliness of the animal's fur and hooves. It is necessary to comb the horse's mane and tail daily. A special comb is used for the procedures, moving in the direction of hair growth. Spraying with a special spray will help eliminate tangles.

Horses' legs are washed daily with warm water, and the entire body is washed once every 7 days. Using a hook, they pull out pebbles and dirt stuck there from the hooves. The hooves are examined, identifying cracks and wounds, treating them with ointment or disinfectant solutions. Affects the pet’s well-being and dental condition. They need to be treated promptly.

Feed and water

For adult horses of the draft Vladimir breed, it is necessary to prepare and feed daily oats (a bucket), 15-18 kilograms of hay, bran - up to 2 kilograms, carrots - 5. The diet of thoroughbred horses should include fruits and vegetables. Salt briquettes are constantly renewed in the stable.

a lot of food

Meals are provided 3 times, and for workhorses - every 2 hours. Animals are not denied access to the hay. Constantly chewing dry grass helps prevent the development of stomach ulcers. Heavy trucks should not be left without water. Clean water is poured into the drinking bowls so that the horses can drink plenty before feeding.

Breeding rules

Horse breeders are engaged in breeding heavy draft breeds in order to use the horse as a draft force. The horse is not suitable for meat. Milk can be obtained from mares, but for this they are kept in special fattening.

The peculiarity of horses is that they need physical activity. They cannot be kept in a pen all the time.

The fertility of thoroughbred mares is high.The beauty of the horses' exterior attracts attention to the Vladimir heavy truck. These horses are rarely used for their intended purpose. Many vehicles have been created for transporting heavy loads, so the services of a heavy draft animal are not needed. But breed selection continues. Beautiful horses are used in the tourism business.

Vladimir draft horse breed

Disease Control

Strong and hardy draft horses rarely get sick, but they do have skin problems such as:

  1. Ringworm. The pathogenic fungus gets into the wound on the skin, and then bald spots appear, which peel and itch. The sick individual is isolated and the spots are treated with iodine. It is necessary to give injections, which will be prescribed by the veterinarian.
  2. Scabies. One of the symptoms of the disease is severe itching that torments horses. After scratching, wounds and ulcers form. They are dangerous because pathogenic microorganisms can enter them. Lubricate the affected areas with benzibenzoate solution.
  3. Dermatitis. Signs of the disease are manifested by peeling of the skin, cracks in it, and hair loss. Most often, dermatitis is the result of an allergy to pollen, food, or chemicals.
  4. Mokrets. Mud fever bacteria affect animals during wet summer periods. The horse's legs become covered with scabs, then the flaky areas spread to the belly. It is necessary to treat midge by washing the affected areas, lubricating the stains with Vaseline, and ointments. Antibiotics will also help.

Vladimir heavy truck

The development of diseases in heavy horses can be prevented by following the rules for keeping horses.

Field of activity

Use of the Vladimir draft dog continues, although the number of individuals has decreased in recent years. In private farms, such a horse is needed to replace the tractor. It will bring joy to both adults and children.

The demand for animals in the tourism business has increased. Heavy trucks are successfully used in equestrian tourism. The horses are calm, friendly, and can easily overcome climbs and long walks. City parks and attractions require beautiful horses. They are harnessed to carriages where passengers sit. But the Vladimir heavy truck is rarely used for its intended purpose.
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