Step-by-step diagrams for braiding onions for storage and drying

Onions are an integral part of many people's daily menu. Vegetables should always be on hand.

The root crop is harvested for future use in the winter, and it can be stored in different ways. The most practical and beautiful is braiding onion braids. To create them, each onion is thoroughly dried and combined into clusters.

There are several options for braiding onions for storage. The finished bunch is secured with a tourniquet, which is tied into a knot and the root crops are hung from the ceiling or wall using it.Place braids of bulbs both in storage and in the kitchen.

Optimal timing for weaving

Onions ripen 63-83 days after planting. Braiding is used only for mature specimens. One of the first signs of ripening of a vegetable is yellowing and drying of the lower feathers. When the onions are ripe, you need to start harvesting. Dig out the vegetable carefully so as not to damage the root crop. The feathers need to be preserved because they are used to bind the bulbs for drying and storage.

In warm, sunny weather, the harvested crop is left to dry directly on the beds, but if it suddenly rains and becomes damp, there is a risk of damage to the crop.

 bow weaving

Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the tops. Only if it is available and properly prepared for storage can you begin weaving. When harvesting, it is recommended to ensure the safety of the entire length of the tails. Feathers that are too long are trimmed, leaving 12 cm for weaving.

Preparing the bulbs

In order to be able to store onions in braids throughout the winter, you need to take a responsible approach to harvest preparation. The length of its storage and taste depend on the correct processing of onions.


The harvested crop must be cleared of soil residues and laid out on any material to dry in a well-ventilated and dry place. An oilcloth or blanket is suitable for this purpose.

You need to dry the plant until the tops begin to dry out. It is important to dry the feathers a little, but at the same time maintain their elasticity. Dried tails are fragile and crumble. The method of storing onions in bundles can only be used if the elasticity of the tops is preserved.

dry place

Drying takes 5-7 days.At the end of the procedure, the crop is placed under the sun's rays, but not for long, so that the bulbs are not exposed and the tops do not dry out. Sometimes drying takes 2-3 days depending on the air temperature.

After this, you need to sort out the onions, remove damaged specimens and sort the heads by size. It is recommended to remove excess husks and trim the roots a little. This will make the braid look more beautiful.

harvest is placed

Popular ways to weave onion braids

Storage and drying onions in braids has been carried out for a long time. This is a time-tested method that has its advantages.

In braids, onions take up less space. When suspended, it is inaccessible to pests and rodents. This method is also suitable for drying. Over the years, several methods of weaving onion braids have been developed.

The braid must be woven only from bulbs of the same size.

onion braids

Option 1

Since the weight of the braid is quite large, it is necessary to use a rope to secure it. You can take twine, tape, bandage or nylon cord. Then you need to decide what pattern to use to knit the bow into a braid.

For the first method, you need to select the bulb with the longest feathers, tie the tail to a rope of the required length so that 3 edges are formed - 2 from the rope and 1 from the tops. The latter should be located in the middle.

Then you need to braid the onion according to the principle of a simple braid, only with each grip you need to add one onion head on both sides. They must be woven tightly enough to securely fix the heads. Weaving continues until 10 cm of rope remains to the top of the braid. A strong loop is tied from the remaining ends.

use rope

Option 2

I have been braiding bows this way for years.The cord must be folded in half, the ends tied on one side, and a loop made on the other.

The rope is fixed on a hook or nail for more convenient work. As in the previous option, it is recommended to choose the first onion with a long feather. It is tied in a loop, and the remaining tail is passed between the two sides of the cord, wrapping around each of its sides.

Then they continue to work according to the same principle, adding each bulb and wrapping feathers around the cord. The ends of the tops are brought out alternately from the opposite side (toward and away from you).

braiding my hair

Option 3

For this option, several pairs of bulbs are first tied together. This is done carefully and at the same time firmly, but so that the tops remain intact. Then you will need a rope folded in half.

One large head is tied to the cord in the middle. The tied pairs are placed between the ropes, alternating them so that each subsequent bulb is turned in the opposite direction.

After the second pair, we tie the rope into a knot, fixing the finished section. Then we put 4 onions again and knit a knot. We continue this way until 10 cm of rope remains. Onion braids, tied using the latter method, turn out strong and attractive.

several pairs

Storage conditions for onion braids

The storage conditions for fagot have the following criteria:

  1. Only well-ventilated, dry rooms are suitable for their placement. The onion must “breathe”.
  2. The optimal storage temperature is +18…+20 °C.
  3. Humidity in the room should not exceed 70%.

Taking into account the recommended storage conditions, the wicker can be hung in the kitchen, hallway or closet. The basement is not the best place to store onion bundles. There is a risk of root crops rotting.

dry rooms
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