When choosing a crop to grow, reviews from other gardeners play an important role for a person. If you want to plant onions on a plot of land, it is recommended to choose a variety based on the existing growing conditions. One of the onion varieties is Shetana. It can be grown in every garden. Due to its productivity, good taste and preservation in winter, it is popular.
History of origin and characteristics
Shetan onion was bred in the Czech Republic. Breeders tried to ensure that the crop developed in open ground conditions.The survival rate is noticeable in the central and southern regions of various countries. It is recommended to plant sets for growing turnips.
From the moment of planting the crop to harvesting, 100 to 105 days pass. Each onion is medium in size and has a dense structure. The weight of one piece reaches almost 100 g. The fruit obtained from the seed weighs no more than 50 g. The taste of Shetana classifies it as a semi-sharp bulbous species.
The scales have a light yellow tint. The round fruits are juicy and soft. The neck has medium thickness. There are usually 3 buds inside the bulb.
The harvest is stored without problems in ventilated rooms. At the same time, the onion does not germinate, which makes it suitable for growing next season. During the storage period, only 4–5% of the total vegetables are eliminated. Harvest safety is high.
Shetan's characteristics are as follows:
- high level of productivity;
- fast ripening;
- long storage period;
- medium level of severity.
Shetana will appeal to picky gourmets. The fruits are mild in taste and lack strong pungency. The fair half of humanity prefers onions with such taste characteristics. This feature makes it so popular.
Shetan onion needs carefully selected soil. Predecessors are legumes and nightshades. A decrease in yield is observed after planting onions in places where garlic, cucumbers and asparagus grew. Favorable neighbors are bell peppers and carrots. Shetana is planted “before winter” or in early spring.
Material selection
Before planting, material is selected that will ensure a rich harvest. For sowing, medium-sized bulbs are used.They should not show signs of mechanical damage or rot. Smooth, identical onions are placed in a warm place. The seeds are soaked in warm liquid and then dried.
Planting in the ground occurs in mid-spring - April, and continues until early May. There should be enough space between the rows - from 10 to 15 cm. To get a turnip, at least 6 cm of soil is kept between the bulbs. This is necessary so that the culture does not need free space.
Humidity level
The variety does not need a lot of moisture. After planting, the plant is watered once a week. The irrigation scheme is maintained until the beginning of July. With regular precipitation, the crop does not need watering.
Any activities with soil begin after the plant has time to take root in the soil. For better ripening of the bulbs, weeds are regularly removed between rows. Pests take away space for normal development and feed on beneficial substances from the soil that were intended for onions. The weeding procedure is carried out every week.
Fertilizer application
For normal growth and fruiting, the soil must be saturated with useful substances. Fertilizing is done while digging the bed, before planting the vegetable. Young sprouts also need a new portion of fertilizers. During the entire growth period, the crop is fed no more than 3 times. Nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus are chosen as fertilizers.
Mature bulbs are dug up and placed in fresh air until completely dry. After this, you can transfer it to a storage room.
This indicator depends on the region in which the crop grows. As a rule, in the central regions they receive up to 5 kg of vegetables. In the southern parts of the country, yields are much higher.Depending on proper care from 1 sq. m you can get 20 kg of bulbs.
If you grow Shetana from seeds, the weight of the bulb will reach from 40 to 55 g. Sevok can give a much better result - up to 85 g. Weight directly depends on care, soil fertility and temperature conditions. The vegetable is suitable for preparing any dishes. Often used for blanks.
Pros and cons of culture
Shetan's onion has a number of positive qualities:
- Early ripening of bulbs.
- Smooth and regular shape of all bulbs.
- Good yield.
- Preservation of fruits until the next planting in the ground.
The description of the Shetan onion also has negative sides - disadvantages of the variety. The vegetable reacts differently to the attack of onion diseases. He is able to survive some without showing defeat by the pest. In other cases, it completely succumbs to the disease, which affects the harvest - it disappears completely. To exclude or reduce the likelihood of developing the disease, the vegetable undergoes prophylaxis.
The Shetana variety has excellent yield. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country. It does not require special skills from a person to work with it. Needs a plot of land, weed removal and a place to store the collected bulbs.