TOP 10 recipes for preparing mint and lemon balm preparations for the winter
Recently, tea lovers have begun to discover herbal drinks. They do not contain
What is the difference and what is the difference between mint and lemon balm, which is healthier?
Every housewife knows that depending on what spices and spices are used in preparing dishes,
How to grow and care for mint at home on a windowsill from seeds
The window sill is a place where you can comfortably place spices that will not only fill the room with fragrance, but
Description of the black mint variety, features of cultivation and care
Black mint is a variety of English mint. This is a special hybrid that in the wild
Medicinal properties and contraindications of mint for the human body
Gardeners talk a lot about the medicinal properties and contraindications of mint. The well-known grass grows on
Description of the English mint variety, features of cultivation and care
English mint is popularly called chilli mint or chilli mint. This variety is valued for its life-giving properties.
Description of the variety of curly mint, features of cultivation and care
Curly mint is the most common variety of mint found in summer cottages. The plant is unpretentious and does not require
How to properly grow and care for mint in a greenhouse
Mint is valued not only for its aroma, but also for the beneficial properties it contains
Description of the variety of spearmint (garden), features of cultivation and care
Many gardeners value spearmint for its unique aroma and pleasant taste. Besides, in
Description of the chocolate mint variety, features of growing and caring for the plant
Everyone knows mint, as it is the favorite spice of many people. So lately
Description of the Kuban peppermint variety, features of cultivation and care
Gardeners who love various spices grow at least a small amount of peppermint on their plots
Description of varieties and types of mint with names, what kind exists
There are cultivated types of mint and those growing in the wild. Despite the diversity of this culture,


