Recently, tea lovers have begun to discover herbal drinks. They do not contain preservatives or dyes and have a general strengthening effect on the body. The most popular is the preparation of mint and lemon balm for the winter.
- Secrets of preparing mint and lemon balm for the winter
- Features of choosing ingredients
- The best harvesting methods
- Drying mint and lemon balm
- How to freeze mint
- Fragrant sugar from fresh mint
- Mint syrup
- Delicious jelly
- Mint juice
- Mint sauce
- Melissa for tea
- Vinegar with lemon balm
- Melissa liqueur
- Storage rules and periods
Mint has sedative, antispasmodic, vasodilating, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties.Melissa has a bactericidal and diuretic effect. Tea made from these components not only captivates with its aroma, but also helps strengthen the body during the cold winter season.
Secrets of preparing mint and lemon balm for the winter
You can harvest the whole plant, but many housewives prefer to dry the leaves. Melissa has a light lemon aroma, tones and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. Mint helps you fall asleep faster, relaxes the nervous system, and relieves overexcitement. Dried, fresh, or frozen plants are used to prepare mint tea.
It is important not to use grass from industrial areas or near highways. The best option is homemade mint in the garden. It is not recommended to use plastic bags for storage - this can lead to loss of aroma and richness.
Features of choosing ingredients
The herbs are collected in July-August - this is the time of flowering. At this moment, foliage, shoots and flowers accumulate essential oils and other useful components. 2-3 year old plants are considered high quality. The collection is carried out early in the morning or after sunset. You cannot pull mint out by the roots; it is recommended to cut off 70% of the stem; the lower sprout may still grow.
The best harvesting methods
The collected material can be prepared in various ways at home. Peppermint and lemon balm are used not only for making tea. There are various recipes using mint: sauces, jellies, juices, infusions, liqueurs. Additional ingredients are added for variety.
Drying mint and lemon balm
The drying process occurs in 3 methods:
- In outdoor conditions, the raw materials are laid out on a towel, plywood or cardboard.To protect from dust and insects, mint and lemon balm are covered with a piece of gauze.
- In indoor conditions, a window sill would be an excellent option. In this case, you will have to periodically stir the herbs to completely dry them.
- In bunches - this is how the whole plant is dried, along with the leaves and stem. Mint and lemon balm are collected in bunches, tied, hanging vertically.
The grass bundle should be small, otherwise the inner stems will not dry out and will begin to rot.
How to freeze mint
When mint is stored in a plastic bag, the branches begin to turn black. Such raw materials are not suitable for further storage and are discarded. It is advisable to freeze mint immediately after purchase. First, the grass is washed and dried on a paper towel.
Freezing occurs in three ways:
- In boxes or bags. For this method, the leaves are torn off and carefully laid without compacting. Such preparation is stored from six months to 9 months at -17-18 OWITH.
- In cellophane film. Place mint leaves on a plastic surface and roll tightly. Store in the freezer for 8-9 months.
- In ice trays. This method will allow mint to fully retain its valuable properties; it is ideal for drinks. Leaves are placed in a container, filled with filtered water, and placed in the freezer.
With all freezing methods, plants quickly defrost, do not lose their beneficial qualities, and retain their original appearance.
Fragrant sugar from fresh mint
Mint sugar is used to decorate desserts, baked goods, and cocktails. To prepare, you will need 1 bunch of mint and lemon balm, a glass of sugar. The herbs are washed, the stems are separated, and dried.Mix sugar with mint in a blender, it is important not to turn the mixture into porridge, the sugar crystals should remain intact.
For long-term storage, place the mass on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for half an hour. The finished product is poured into a container.
Mint syrup
Syrup is an ideal additive for cocktails and drinks. Pour water (200 g) and sugar (200 g) into a small enamel saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes until the syrup thickens. Add crushed mint to the liquid, remove from heat, and leave for 40-50 minutes. Then the mixture is boiled again, adding citric acid. The syrup is filtered, poured into a sterilized container, and sealed.
Delicious jelly
For unusual jelly you need to stock up on:
- gelatin (10 g);
- mint (1 bunch);
- sugar (1 glass);
- water (1 glass).
The plant is soaked in hot water for half an hour. Gelatin is poured into 2 tbsp. l. water, left until it swells, then put on fire. After the gelatin has dissolved, add mint and boil for 10 minutes. The hot liquid is poured into the mold, waited for it to cool, and placed in the refrigerator.
Mint juice
The juice is made from freshly picked mint stems and leaves. For preparation you will need the following components:
- mint pulp 200 g;
- water 1 glass;
- sugar 100-150 g;
- lemon juice, zest.
The washed plants are crushed with a knife or blender. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan, placed on the stove, and boiled. Remove from heat, leave for 60 minutes, then boil again. The hot liquid is poured into sterilized bottles and sealed. The shelf life is 9-10 months.
Mint sauce
To create the sauce you need to stock up on:
- honey 3 tbsp. l.;
- fresh mint 50 g;
- half a lemon;
- water 100 ml;
- soy sauce 1 tbsp. l.
Wash the lemon, cut into squares, remove the zest, and place in a saucepan. Separately, boil water, pour in lemon, leave for 30 minutes. Next, add soy sauce and melted honey and boil. The cooled mass must be strained, add chopped mint, and leave to infuse.
Melissa for tea
A hot drink with lemon balm can be consumed at any time of the day in any quantity. For tea you will need:
- 1-1.5 tbsp. l. dry lemon balm;
- 1 liter of boiling water;
- 2 tsp. honey
Melissa is poured with boiling water, infused, and honey is added. After thorough stirring, the drink is ready to drink.
Vinegar with lemon balm
You can prepare unusual vinegar using the following ingredients:
- fresh lemon balm leaves 50-60 g;
- wine vinegar 500 ml.
The washed leaves are mixed with wine vinegar, sealed, and left for 14 days, shaking the container periodically. After the solution has become transparent, it is filtered and poured into a bottle.
Melissa liqueur
Alcoholic lemon balm liqueur is prepared with the following ingredients:
- dried lemon balm 35-45 g;
- alcohol 90O 1 l;
- sugar 1 glass;
- water 200 ml.
The mint is placed in a container, filled with alcohol, and left for 5-7 days at room temperature. Next, prepare the syrup with water and sugar separately. After boiling and complete dissolution of granulated sugar, the liquid is poured into the tincture. Everything is thoroughly stirred, filtered, and poured into a bottle.
Storage rules and periods
Dried raw materials are stored for no more than 1.5-2 years. Herbs are stored in glass jars, paper bags, fabric bags, cardboard boxes, wooden vessels, glass bottles. It is strictly forbidden to store dry products in a plastic container or plastic bag. This can lead to loss of mint flavor and spoilage of the product.