What is the difference and what is the difference between mint and lemon balm, which is healthier?

Every housewife knows that the aroma and taste of a culinary masterpiece depends on what spices and spices are used in preparing dishes. Gardeners are trying to grow the necessary components in their garden beds - homemade greens have a fragrant bouquet and a lot of useful qualities. Mint and lemon balm are frequent inhabitants of garden beds, but it often happens that there is confusion when growing these crops - not everyone knows the differences between the plants. How to correctly determine what is growing in the garden and what features distinguish similar and at the same time such different types of spices?

How to distinguish mint and lemon balm by appearance

If you look closely at these crops, you will notice that these plants are very similar in appearance, and even an experienced gardener can easily confuse mint with lemon balm. The mistake is not too dangerous, since the aroma of these herbs will in no way spoil the flavor of the dishes. The cultures also hardly differ in the content of useful qualities. The only thing you need to remember is that plants have limitations and can cause allergies in sensitive people, so it is better to learn to distinguish between them in order to avoid mistakes that are dangerous to health.


Mint has a straight, long stem ending in flowers collected in a dense spikelet inflorescence. The shade ranges from light lilac to dark purple. This may depend on climatic conditions and variety. The height of an adult bush does not exceed a meter, although low-growing mint is often found - up to 30-50 cm. The leaves are oval, although in some species they are lanceolate, the root system is small and weak.

Flowering ends with the appearance of the ovary, although this is considered a rare occurrence; the fruit contains several small nuts inside.

Melissa is different in appearance from mint, and with a little observation it is easy to spot the differences. The stem begins to branch from the very surface of the soil. The flowers are not collected in a spikelet, but in rings encircling the shoots, located along the entire length at some distance. The height of the plant can reach one and a half meters, although it is quite rare to find such a bush. Melissa leaves are ovoid in shape.

ending with flowers,


The differences between lemon balm and mint do not end there - these cultures differ not only in appearance, but also in aroma. The scent of mint is a pronounced aphrodisiac and has notes of menthol.The aroma is refreshing and spicy, with delicate notes of spring flowers.

Melissa has an equally bright fragrance; you can distinguish notes of citrus fruits, especially lemon or lime. Bees prefer this particular crop, so during the summer honey harvest, you can distinguish plants by the presence of these tiny workers. Bees rarely land on mint, although the smell is no less attractive than lemon balm.

To determine the characteristics of aromas, it is enough to carefully sniff lemon balm and mint in turn - the bouquets of fragrance are so different that it will no longer be possible to confuse them. Familiarity with the descriptions of cultures and smells is enough to forever learn to distinguish between these types of spices.



You can distinguish mint and lemon balm by their taste, which, like the beneficial properties, is completely different for these plants. Mint has a refreshing menthol aroma, and the taste is also menthol. This is clearly noticeable in the dishes - they acquire a pleasant bouquet of spice.

Melissa is not so rich in a bouquet of aromas - the taste of the plant, if chewed thoroughly, is reminiscent of lemon. This spice is often added to lemonades - it successfully replaces the main component, the difference is practically not felt.

beneficial features

Differences in Chemical Composition

If you ask herbalists what beneficial qualities mint and lemon balm have, you can hear a rather curious answer - the first plant is excellent invigorating and toning, the second is calming and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The reason for this difference is in composition.

Mint contains:

  • essential oils;
  • saturated acids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamin groups (A, B, C);
  • fats;
  • minerals (copper, phosphorus, iron, potassium).

useful qualities

Melissa is not so rich in useful components, although it can boast of many elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Among them:

  • minerals (manganese, iron, magnesium);
  • vitamins (the entire group of B-vitamins, A, a small amount of C);
  • fats.

Important! Melissa contains no dietary fiber or essential oils; it can only enrich the body with minerals and vitamins.

useful components

Medicinal effect of plants

The differences between mint and lemon balm are not only in taste, aroma, appearance, but also in lmedicinal properties, which are best studied in advance to prevent errors in treatment. It is recommended to use mint for the following health problems or diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of internal organs or on the surface of the skin;
  • persistent problems with high blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fatigue, loss of strength, apathy;
  • problems with the digestive tract, frequent heartburn, bloating, stool disorders;
  • heart pathologies, problems with vasodilation.

action of plants

Melissa is not so often used in the treatment of diseases, although the plant has no less medicinal qualities, and is often more useful than mint. It is recommended to use plant materials with beneficial properties for the following problems:

  • nervous disorders, depression, stress;
  • problems sleeping (insomnia);
  • all types of dermatitis, skin rashes, non-healing wounds, severe burns;
  • constant diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea, which can progress to prolonged vomiting.


It is not necessary to use plants as remedies - you can simply add raw materials to dishes and prepare refreshing healing drinks based on them.The main rule of preparation is not to mix mint with lemon balm; this will not have a positive effect on your health, since herbs have their own characteristics and have different effects on the human body.

Where is lemon balm added?

Cooking has its own characteristics and rules for using lemon balm. Fresh plant materials are often used, but dry grass also has a bright smell and almost does not lose its beneficial properties during processing.

add lemon balm

Fresh plant materials are used in the preparation of first courses, salads, and even added to desserts. Dry herb goes well with marinades for fish and meat. It is often added when salting cabbage for the winter, enriching the healthy product with vitamins, minerals, and a persistent bright aroma.

When preparing dishes, it is important to remember that it is recommended to add spices a few minutes before the end of cooking or stewing. If you do this earlier, the aroma will not be as pronounced, and a bitter taste may even appear.

spice recommended

It is also recommended to use lemon balm for preparing aromatic refreshing drinks. Tea brewed from the plant has many beneficial qualities and can improve overall health and well-being if consumed regularly.

Important! It is not necessary to use only lemon balm in preparing drinks - it goes well with thyme, marjoram, and basil. This mixture is also recommended for use in marinades and canning.

refreshing drinks

Where do you add mint?

Like lemon balm, mint is recommended to be used in any form - fresh, dried, canned.The only rule is not to freeze the herb; the beneficial qualities will not completely disappear, but this will affect the presentation of the plant, the rich green tint will be lost and almost no aroma will remain. It is better not to experiment and, if possible, add fresh plant materials to dishes, and dry the leftovers and store them in airtight containers.

It is recommended to add fresh plant materials to salads, meat dishes, and sauces. Butter whipped with chopped mint into a pulp has an excellent taste. Baked goods with the addition of this spice acquire new notes and a bright aroma. Even in the preparation of alcoholic drinks, mint cannot be avoided; liqueurs and cocktails are prepared on its basis.

recommended to use

You can also use dry mint. It often becomes the main component in spicy sauces. Another way to use mint is to brew a fragrant tea rich in beneficial properties based on it. The drink is recommended for many health problems and simply to improve mood and boost energy. You can add ginger, lemon, even cinnamon to mint tea.

Powder from dry raw materials is often included in ready-made seasonings for dishes.

Melissa and mint are plants, each of which has its own characteristics, so you should not confuse completely different crops, although they come from one huge family. It is enough to carefully examine their appearance, smell, taste, so as not to confuse them. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the qualities of herbs and the features of their use in cooking - this will improve the taste of dishes and give them a new, unique note.

seasonings for dishes

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