Favorable days for planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in May 2024

Summer residents usually determine the best days for planting cucumbers in the garden by the favorable position of the moon. This has been going on for a long time. Those who know how important it is to plant, feed, weed, and water according to the lunar calendar do this strictly every year. Some novice gardeners do not follow the rules for sowing cucumbers. And they often sow incorrectly.

It is important for us to find out what favorable days will be for planting cucumbers in 2024.To do this, it is worth studying how the moon affects the growth of seedlings, why you can’t do anything in the garden during the full moon, eclipse and new moon. Those who follow simple planting rules usually have abundant harvests and tasty fruits.

About the lunar calendar

Since ancient times, gardeners have become accustomed to working on the land according to the lunar calendar. It is believed that it is its location and activity that affects the harvest. Every year a new calendar is compiled for planting and caring for crops.

One phase of the moon replaces another, this greatly affects the ovary, nutrition distribution, flowering and growth of vegetables. The moon often affects the well-being of people, as well as many plants. If planting is done incorrectly, then most likely you will not be able to achieve a good harvest, something will go wrong.

In the northern regions, seedlings are usually planted in the garden in May. To find out what date cucumbers need to be planted so that they produce good tasty fruits, you need to study the lunar cycles.

When the moon waxes, it is recommended to take care of the lower part of the stem and roots. If the moon is waning, then on the contrary, feeding is carried out at the top. You can spray, water, and fertilize. But transplantation cannot be done on a waning moon. You can figure out the days for specific care if you purchase a moon calendar. It describes in detail when it is best to plant cucumbers, at what time to feed and water them.

young greens

The influence of the moon on cucumber planting

Planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar is quite simple. The calendar is purchased at the beginning of each year. The moon significantly influences many processes in the development of these capricious vegetables. Even in ancient times, the influence of the moon on plant growth was noted. The most important thing is to follow this calendar exactly.And under no circumstances should you sow on days of the full moon, or days close to it.

cucumbers and watering

The phases of the moon have a strong influence on planting cucumbers in the ground. The first and second phases are called full moon and new moon. Here is the peak of active growth of cucumbers, development of the root system and stem. Then comes the third phase, here there is active growth of the root. And in the fourth - the development of the external part. It is best to plant seedlings when one phase of the moon smoothly transitions into the second.

If you are late in planting cucumbers, you should not expect a bountiful harvest. If planting is too early, the seedlings will become sick and the leaves will quickly fade. You need to plant on time, and according to the lunar calendar.

four phases

When to sow cucumbers next year

Favorable days for sowing cucumbers should be studied according to the lunar phase calendar. This is a very effective technique. After all, even if you sow the highest quality and most expensive seeds of elite varieties in the wrong phase of the moon, you should not expect a high-quality harvest. If you sow too early, the seedlings will already be ready to be planted in the ground, but the soil is not yet prepared for plant growth, since the earth has not yet warmed up, and the lunar influence is very strong.

It is necessary to sow cucumbers exactly on the day that according to the calendar is the best for this action. Then the seedlings will grow strong, tall, and the fruits will be tasty and healthy. This will be the date when the seeds were soaked and planted in the ground.

tweezers with seeds

This number must be calculated carefully, otherwise it will be impossible to adjust. Prosperous months for cucumbers, or rather for sowing them, are considered to be March and April. They are planted at home in special containers. In March, according to the calendar, these will be the days for sowing cucumber seeds from 19 to 24, as well as 27 and 28. And in April you can sow from 5 to 9, as well as from 20 to 24.

Pay more attention to the dates of sowing seeds. Because the quality of the harvest depends on it.

man in the field

When to plant cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses

Planting days also depend not only on the lunar phases, but also on the weather conditions of the region, as well as on the variety of seeds and their characteristics. If the ground has not warmed up well, there are still frosts at night or it is snowing, then you can postpone the planting to a more favorable time. The earth should warm up to 13 degrees at a depth of 10 cm, and the air - up to 16 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will freeze and die.

It is also important to take into account the time of planting, that is, days when it is best to plant in the evening, and vice versa, some days only have morning hours favorable for planting. Therefore, the date 05.2024 must be selected accurately and take into account the time of day. Planting cucumbers in open ground should be done somewhat later than planting in greenhouses. It is necessary to wait until the earth warms up to the desired temperature.

well-groomed garden bed

The most successful dates for planting cucumbers, according to the data studied, in May 2024 are the 18th, 24-28th. And in June - from 14 to 15, and from 21 to 22. On these days, you can plant seedlings in greenhouses or open ground with seeds. In June, you can plant early ripening varieties that love warmth. Then they will take root well and produce a bountiful harvest at the end of summer.

It is recommended to water and feed for the first time before planting, and about 10 days after.

To improve the quality of the crop, it is very important to plant only in fertile, previously prepared soil, water well, loosen, and spray against harmful insects. Care also affects seedlings.

greenhouse planted

Unfavorable days for planting and care

When growing cucumbers, you should also remember about unfavorable lunar days, that is, those days when you should not sow and plant plants. Otherwise, they will not produce healthy fruits, they will get sick and die. If you cannot plant cucumbers on the desired date, then you should plant them on any other date, just avoid dates that will adversely affect the yield.

unfavorable days

Unfavorable days:

March – from 8 to 13, from 14 to 17.

April – from 4 to 6, from 14 to 16.

May – 2-3, 7-8, 15.

These days should be strictly guarded against, as the moon greatly influences the growth and development of crops.

shovel and pitchfork

Having studied the favorable days in May 2024 for planting cucumbers, you can create a sowing calendar. If you follow this technique, you can get a bountiful harvest. It is very convenient to use the lunar calendar for caring for crops. This is a good opportunity to increase the yield on the site.

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