Instructions for use of the drug Intermag vegetable garden for cucumbers

Intermag vegetable garden cucumbers is a concentrated complex fertilizer intended for feeding garden species. The Russian-made product belongs to the category of mineral microfertilizers intended for a wide range of horticultural crops, including cucumbers.

The composition contains a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The use of the product for leaf and root feeding of cucumber varieties prevents deficiency of micro- and macroelements throughout the growing season. The substance can be used to treat cucumbers grown in open and closed ground.

drug Intermag

The use of the drug allows for proper growth and improves the quality characteristics of the crop, increases the protective qualities of the plant against diseases of cucumber crops and their main diseases. Thanks to the biologically active form of microfertilizer, cucumbers receive up to 100% of the necessary nutrition.

What are the advantages of the product?

Intermag has been used in horticulture for a long time to improve the performance of growing various varieties of cucumbers and other crops. The undeniable advantages of Intermag include the following qualities:

advantages of the product

  • contains a high concentration of microelements necessary for the plant;
  • increasing the germination properties of planting material;
  • higher efficiency indicators among analogues;
  • improvement of fruit set;
  • the possibility of increasing the immune properties of garden crops;
  • the ability to improve yields and shelf life of fruits;
  • quality of preservation of soil properties after rains;
  • formation of resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • lack of chlorine content.

The drug is relatively safe and biologically harmless; according to the current classification, it belongs to the 3rd class of danger for humans and animals. The product is safe for garden crops, as it is not phytotoxic, does not tend to accumulate in the fruits of garden crops, and after treatment does not leave chemical burns on the leaf blades of cucumbers.

high concentration

Features of using the product

The working solution is prepared immediately before use; the working liquid cannot be prepared in advance.The Intermag vegetable garden cucumbers manual presents easily accessible information in the form of a table, with the help of which even a novice gardener can easily determine the dose of substance required for dilution and the volume of the required solution.

The working volume of liquid is prepared in accordance with the type of horticultural crop being processed and the planting area.

Treatment of cucumber bushes is carried out using a manual or backpack sprayer. The essence of preparation is to fill the container with water to 2/3 of the recommended volume, slowly add the drug and then add liquid to the desired value. After thorough mixing and complete dissolution of the chemical, the solution can be used to treat plants by spraying or watering garden bushes.

working solution

Work is carried out in the morning or evening, choosing weather without wind. When spraying, the entire planting area is treated sequentially, evenly wetting the entire surface of the leaf plates. It is most effective to carry out work that involves a combination of spraying and watering procedures, which is most effective in the early stages of development of cucumber crops.

The optimal period for use is considered to be from May to August. When diluting the drug, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of the drug, which is 3 years. The duration of validity is calculated from the date of manufacture of the product. The drug must be stored in a dry place inaccessible to children and adults. The permissible storage temperature is considered to be from -10 to +30 C.

plant processing
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