Is it possible to plant zucchini and cucumbers next to each other, their compatibility?

To reap a high-quality harvest, you definitely need to know whether it is possible to plant cucumbers and zucchini next to each other. The successful proximity of crops allows you to grow vegetables with pleasant taste and a bountiful harvest. It is possible to reduce the risk of spreading infections and protect against attacks by insect pests. Some planting combinations negatively affect the growth and development of plants.

Similarities in cultivation

Each vegetable in a garden plot does not grow alone and has to be adjacent to other crops. A certain part of the plant releases bioactive substances into the environment, such as antibiotics and phytoncides. These substances are either absorbed by all plants planted nearby or inhibit their development. This property must be taken into account when planting vegetable crops in adjacent rows.

Cucumbers and zucchini belong to the pumpkin family. The processing and selection of seeds, preparing the soil for sowing, and the complex of necessary fertilizers applied during digging of the earth are exactly the same.

Both types of vegetable crops require the same growing conditions:

  • do not tolerate low temperatures and especially frosts, so planting in the ground begins after warm, sunny days have established;
  • During the entire growing season, the same complex of fertilizers is applied;
  • the same timing of sowing seeds in a permanent place;
  • for planting, you need to choose a plot of land that is protected from draft winds and where light enters without obstacles;
  • have similar sowing methods.

cucumbers and zucchini on a bench

Having chosen your favorite variety, they begin pre-sowing preparation. Zucchini and cucumber seeds begin to be prepared at the same time. First you need to select only large and dense seeds. A day before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in nutrient solutions that strengthen the immune system and accelerate growth.

Since zucchini seeds have a denser structure, germination will be later, by about 2-3 days. After the seeds have sprouted, they can be sown immediately in the garden beds, pre-treated and fertilized.

You cannot plant too tall plants next to cucumbers and zucchini. This is necessary so that light and heat can reach the vegetable beds without obstacles.

Fertilizing is applied at least three times during the entire growing season. The holes are fertilized the first time before planting, the second time before flowering begins, and the last time during the period of mass ripening of fruits.

Possible difficulties

Cucumbers and zucchini have the same inflorescences and ovaries, so problems may arise during the pollination period. Being nearby, these two crops pollinate incorrectly. As a result, female flowers receive an excess of pollen, which negatively affects the formation of ovaries. The yield may be reduced.

When growing zucchini and cucumbers, the proximity to carrots, garlic, and onions is considered successful. Beetroot has a beneficial effect on their development. These are good neighbors that have different inflorescences and ovaries, so there is no risk of deterioration in plant growth.

It is not recommended to plant zucchini and cucumbers nearby in open ground for another reason.

  • Since these crops require the same microelements during growth and development, rapid depletion of the soil can occur.
  • The tendril shoots that the zucchini sprouts can hinder the growth of cucumbers.
  • Zucchini has a highly developed root system, so it can intertwine the roots of cucumbers and prevent the flow of water and nutrients.

cucumbers in open ground

To get an excellent harvest of cucumbers and zucchini, you need to know what to plant with and how to properly combine the planted vegetable with other crops. The linear arrangement of plants in the garden bed is popular. This method is especially helpful for gardeners who have only a few acres of land at their disposal. In this case, the beds are made square.

What can you plant with cucumbers?

The best neighbors for cucumbers, which have a beneficial effect on their development and the quality of the crop.

  • From the experience of vegetable growers, we can say with confidence that proximity to corn has a beneficial effect on the condition of cucumbers. It repels ants and protects against bacterial wilt. You can plant cucumbers next to sunflowers.Another advantage of this neighborhood is additional support for cucumber vines. The cucumbers will taste sweet and crunchy.
  • You can plant radishes and radishes in the neighborhood. These vegetables improve the taste of cucumbers and protect the root system from pests.

  • It is safe to grow all varieties of cucumbers next to peas and beans. Beans and peas enrich the soil with useful microelements, especially nitrogen. Therefore, after harvesting, it is not recommended to pull out the stems of legumes by the roots, but only remove the tops. It is only important to know that beets and beans do not get along.
  • You can plant onions next to cucumbers. It can protect against the invasion of many insect pests. Planting with onions helps protect cucumbers from spider mites and many diseases.
  • Good compatibility with garlic. It can be planted with almost any crop, including zucchini and cucumbers. It suppresses many fungal and viral diseases. If you plant a strawberry bed next to it, garlic will protect it from insect pests, it will protect potatoes from late blight, and it will protect carrots from carrot flies. Cucumbers and zucchini can also be planted next to strawberries.

cucumber seedlings in the ground

  • Different varieties of cucumber crops get along quite well next to cabbage. They require the same care and growing conditions. White cabbage and kohlrabi get along especially well
  • It wouldn't hurt to have beets nearby. Almost all vegetables feel good next to it. Beets are capable of releasing natural antibacterial substances that kill many pathogens in the soil. But beets should be planted with sufficient distance from cucumbers, since their powerful tops shade their neighbors.

If the question arises of what to plant in the beds where zucchini and cucumbers grow, then you can think about flowers. Planted nasturtium flowers will help prevent whitefly invasion. If you plant calendula next to a cucumber bed, the pollination process will improve. The scent of these flowers attracts pollinating insects.

calendula in the garden

Vegetable growers need to know which herbs are considered good neighbors. From greens you can choose dill and basil. Basil has a good effect on all surrounding crops due to its high vitamin content and special aroma. This smell repels many insect pests.

Dill can be planted with many crops. You can also sow dill between squash or cucumber plantings. But you should remember that dill does not get along well with basil.

Away from each other

It is not advisable to plant plants that are susceptible to the same diseases together. For example, late blight often affects tomatoes and potatoes, viruses pose a danger to peppers, bacterial rot often affects radishes, cabbage, turnips, powdery mildew and root rot are considered dangerous for zucchini and cucumbers.

late blight of tomatoes

It will not be possible to grow tasty and crispy cucumbers planted next to potatoes. Potatoes contain substances that cause yellowing and wilting of cucumber leaves. In addition, these two vegetable crops require different growing conditions.

You shouldn’t plant cucumbers and zucchini in place of the potato field for several more years. During their growth, potatoes take potassium and phosphorus from the soil, which are so necessary for the growth of cucumbers and zucchini.

You can't plant cucumbers next to pumpkins. During the pollination period, excess pollen falls on the female inflorescences, which affects the taste and shape of the fruit.It is best to plant pumpkin seeds away from tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, and eggplants.

pumpkin in the garden

Watermelons cannot be planted with cucumbers or zucchini in the same bed or even close to each other. These crops have different care requirements, especially watering. Cucumbers love moisture, but watermelons do not do well in high humidity. Excessive soil moisture can lead to the death of melon crops.

But melon is allowed to be planted nearby, but not in the same bed. If planted close to melons, cross-pollination occurs, which affects the taste of both crops.
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