The best and most productive varieties of cucumbers for growing in open ground

From a huge variety, gardeners can easily choose the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground. When choosing the most productive varieties of cucumbers for open ground, you need to rely on a number of important features. After all, cucumbers generally love warmth, and not every variety will bear fruit in an open space.

Important criteria for seeds for planting in open areas

For growing in open ground, a number of features of the cucumber family are important.These features help them survive in non-greenhouse conditions and give good fruiting results. It is difficult to choose which variety to plant in an open space if you do not have experience in vegetable growing and know nothing about the known types of cucumbers. To choose seeds, you can consult with experienced gardeners which ones are characterized by high yield and endurance.

Usually, cucumber seeds for open ground are first germinated in special containers at home. Cucumbers love warmth, and they need greenhouse conditions to hatch. And then, when the seedlings have become stronger and the soil has more or less warmed up, they are planted in open soil under a film. The soil should warm up to 19 degrees; manure, peat and humus help make the soil warmer.

The best seeds are those that easily adapt to changeable weather, bear fruit despite unfavorable conditions, are not afraid of cold nights, and are resistant to diseases and pests. Science does not stand still. Breeders have already developed many varieties and hybrids that meet these requirements.

productive varieties

You also need to pay attention to the purpose for which cucumbers are planted, and in what month they want to receive the harvest. They can be planted only for preservation, or for use in salads and slices. Cucumbers can be early-ripening, mid-ripening or late-ripening.

germinate seeds

What are the best cucumber seeds for open ground?

To determine which cucumbers are ideal for open ground, you need to plant several types in the garden at once. Next time, when choosing, you will already have knowledge of which ones bear fruit best without a greenhouse. Each summer resident chooses the best variety of cucumbers for himself. These are mainly cold-resistant varieties of cucumbers.

Among the universal species we can distinguish cucumbers Christina, Farmer, Dachny, Konny, Nezhinsky, Muromsky, Rodnichok, Zasolochny, Regina F1, Zhuravlenok F1, Hector F1.

the best

The difference between a variety and a hybrid

To understand which cucumbers are best planted in open ground, you need to figure out what is more suitable, a variety or a hybrid.

A variety is a specially bred type of plant that has the ability to reproduce. A hybrid plant is obtained by crossing several types of crops. Hybrids are created artificially to improve the qualities of the plant. It is easier for a person to grow hybrids in modern conditions. They store better, suffer less from illness, have improved taste, are high-yielding, and are cold-resistant.

specially bred

Therefore, it is better to plant hybrids in open ground. You can also use varieties, but only those that tolerate conditions outside the greenhouse well and are able to withstand various environmental influences. For example, the most cold-resistant vegetable is Muromsky 36. The name of the hardy and fruitful hybrid is Generalsky F1. There are other names. Before planting, you need to decide whether early or late crops are needed, self-pollinating or bee-pollinated, large or small. These criteria determine which seeds should be purchased.

namely hybrids

Early varieties

The peculiarity of early-ripening cucumber hybrids for open ground is that they are mainly self-pollinating, bring a high yield already in mid-summer, and are resistant to cold and various diseases.

One of the famous varieties that ripens early is Muromsky. He is productive. It is planted in May, and after about a month and a half the first vegetables appear.

early maturing hybrids

You can also note the most popular early variety - April F1.He is one of the first to produce a harvest at the dacha, delighting everyone with green crispy cucumbers. Its advantages are ease of care, the fact that they are not afraid of the cold, and do not taste bitter.

Early fruiting cucumber Christina f1 is known for its resistance to any weather conditions, fungal diseases, and drought. The fruits are not bitter, bright green, up to 10 centimeters long, and small in weight.

popular early

Cucumber Monisia f1 ripens early, is immune to viral mosaic, and rarely suffers from powdery mildew. The fruits are tasty, with pimples, suitable for pickling.

Zador f1 refers to small gherkins, the bushes are small, they can even be grown in pots on balconies.

cucumber Monisia

Krepysh f1 is another early variety with high yield. Tolerates cold and aridity normally. The fruit is medium in size, weighs up to 90 grams, sweet, crispy. Thanks to the large harvest, they can be salted and pickled. They are without bitterness and have beautiful tubercles on the skin.

tolerates cold

Mid-season and late hybrids

In addition to early hybrids, summer residents also plant late and mid-season varieties. After all, they have long fruiting periods, are suitable for canning and pickling, have high yields, and are not afraid of autumn cold. In order for the bush to be productive before the autumn cold, the hardening procedure begins with the germination of seedlings. The plant gradually adapts and becomes resistant to cold.

Late varieties are light-loving, which is why they are recommended to be grown in well-lit spaces, in open areas. The bushes should be planted at a distance from each other; the film should be opened in good weather. To improve the quality of the harvest, the bushes should be fertilized and ensure that there is 11–12 hours of daylight.

mid-season and late

The best varieties for open ground from late-ripening cucumbers are Garlyanda, Kurazh, Kapelka, Farmer, Nerosimy 40 and others.

Mid-ripening ones are good because they ripen faster than late ones. They are also distinguished by their rich harvest and strong immunity to diseases. Of these, the most famous variety is Vyaznikovsky 37. The bushes are low-growing, the fruits are small up to 9 centimeters. They have tubercles. Very tasty for eating fresh and for pickling.

a bountiful harvest

Gardeners' opinions

It would be interesting to hear reviews from summer residents about which varieties of cucumbers are best suited for growing without greenhouses. Usually people choose seeds according to three main categories: So that the bushes are fruitful, give a high yield, are less sick, and are unpretentious in care.

Anna: I have a dacha in the Moscow region, and, of course, I plant cucumbers. It happens that two greenhouses are overcrowded with other crops, so you have to plant seedlings in open ground. I select the best varieties, taking into account their resistance to weather conditions. Not everyone is able to withstand them. I like the April F1 cucumber the most. This is an early ripening hybrid, strong, hardy, gives a good harvest, does not taste bitter at all, and does not suffer from anything.

gardeners' opinions

Marina: The most delicious varieties that I usually plant without a greenhouse are Muromsky and Moscow Evenings. Of the high-yielding ones - Connie. He is also easy to care for. The most important thing is to provide the plants with food, proper watering and cover them with film on time. Then you can enjoy a delicious crispy cucumber, fresh or canned. The main thing is not to be afraid to try growing cucumbers without greenhouses. Now so many different varieties have been bred that are adapted to this.

delicious cucumbers

The best seeds for the new year

All avid summer residents want to know which varieties of cucumbers are the most productive for open ground in 2018. First of all, you need to consider popular varieties that have good reviews from year to year.

The most productive variety is Connie. These vegetables have very strong immunity, they bear fruit for a long time and produce a bountiful harvest.

for the new year

Zador f1 is known for the fact that it is self-pollinating, high-yielding, tolerates cold well, and practically does not get sick. These cucumbers can be picked into small gherkins and salted in jars.

Very tasty salad crops that are suitable for growing outside greenhouses are Masha, Zozulya, German F1, Aprilsky, Cascade. They have all the characteristics for growing outside greenhouses. If you provide them with all the conditions for normal growth, they will bear fruit in open areas.

salad crops

One of the strong varieties that can resist spotting, fungal infections, and powdery mildew is Balagan. Due to their small size, they can be salted in jars. This early-ripening hybrid is also suitable for salads.

It is important to remember that to select cucumber varieties for open ground, positive reviews and a good reputation are necessary. Cucumbers for open ground must be resistant to conditions without a greenhouse. You can consult with sellers in stores, or better yet, read reviews on the Internet.

resist spotting
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