Characteristics and description of the Temp cucumber variety, its yield

The Semko-Junior company does not let summer residents get bored, annually offering new varieties and hybrids of vegetables; their relatively new cucumber hybrid Temp F1 is undoubtedly of interest to amateur vegetable growers.

The author of the cucumber Temp is Yu. B. Alekseev. The hybrid has passed all tests and has been listed in the State Register since 2006. This variety of cucumbers is grown in open ground in seven regions of the Russian Federation (Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka, Central, North Caucasus, Central Black Earth, Northern, Northwestern). In greenhouse conditions, the Temp variety can be grown in any region of the country.


The hybrid is modern, therefore it meets the basic requirements of summer residents.Tolerates changeable weather well. It produces fruits even during periods of prolonged rain, which is not typical for every variety (hybrid). Description of the variety guarantees good yield.

When harvesting fruits in the gherkin phase, the yield can reach up to 15 kg per square meter of ridge. The productivity of the hybrid is 2 times lower if the pickles are removed.

Note to summer residents: cucumber fruits measuring from 6 to 8 cm are classified as gherkins; specimens measuring from 3 to 5 cm in length are called pickles.

Cucumber Temp is an indeterminate plant. The lashes do not stop growing until the growth point is removed. The number of leaves and shoots on the bushes is average. Work on plant formation is minimal. It is recommended to plant 3 plants per meter. When growing a bush in one stem, compact planting with an interval of 30 cm is permissible. It should be noted that the fruits ripen early. Pickles begin to be collected on the 38th day, greens and gherkins a little later (40 - 45 days).

The plant has bunch-type fruiting; 2 to 5 small cucumbers are tied in a node. With a diameter of 4 cm, the length of the greens reaches approximately 10 cm. The average greens weigh about 80 g. The flesh is crisp, tasty, without bitterness and voids. The skin is tender, finely lumpy. The spikes are white.

Characteristics and description of the Temp cucumber variety, its yield

For preparations (canned vegetables), it is recommended to collect fruits in the pickle or gherkin phase. Fruits of this size have good marketability and taste, and the products from them are of high quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Temp - these are cucumbers that easily adapt to the vagaries of the weather; they tolerate prolonged rains well and do not reduce yields. Low susceptibility to infections (cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, TMV) is another valuable quality of the hybrid.

Summer residents from the southern regions of the Russian Federation will like the hybrid because it is resistant to heat. Fruits can set at a temperature of +50 °C. The only condition is the presence of abundant and frequent watering. Characteristics of taste are the main advantage of the variety.

cucumber leaves

Features of care

Summer residents can grow a hybrid in two ways:

  • seeds (dry, sprouted) into the ground;
  • seedlings.

Minimal knowledge of agricultural technology allows you to grow viable seedlings and get early cucumbers from your garden. Seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse from mid-April, in open ground later. The earth should warm up (15 °C), and stable warm weather should set in.

cucumbers temp

Seedlings are grown without picking; the seeds are sown directly in containers with a diameter of 7 cm and a volume of 400 ml. Pick cucumbers No need for tempo. The age of seedlings for transplanting into a greenhouse or into the ground is 25 days, height is 25–30 cm. The seedling must be strong and bright green. Healthy, not overexposed seedlings adapt faster to a permanent location.


By analyzing reviews from summer residents on forums, you can assess the need to purchase hybrid seeds from Semko-Junior for the new planting season. Almost all reviews about it are positive, which guarantees a good result when planting.
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