Which honey is better and healthier - dark or light varieties, their differences

Which type of honey is better - dark or light: many consumers think about this difficult question. Needless to say, no one will give a definite answer, because each of the varieties of bee products is useful in its own way. But you should select a treat taking into account the purposes for which it will be used in the future. It is no secret that honey is a component of apitherapy and is very popular in folk medicine.

Popular black varieties

In fact, there are not very many dark honey varieties. They appear on the market towards the end of the honey collection season in apiaries. The product got its name because of its characteristic deep dark color.

The best varieties of bee products:

  1. Honeydew. It is formed when there is practically no precipitation and there are too few flowers in the meadows, so bees are forced to process semi-dry plants.
  2. Heather honey. The product is characterized by specific but pleasant taste qualities, combined with a refined aroma.
  3. Coniferous. Very useful for diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels, as well as infectious pathologies.
  4. Chestnut. It has a bitter aftertaste, but it disappears when the product is slightly heated.
  5. Buckwheat. With its help, many diseases are treated, but it is especially useful for arthritis, rheumatism, and radiculitis.

There are also types of dark honey such as meadow and chicory honey. The first one has a not very pleasant taste, but an excellent aroma. The second is characterized by wide demand in folk medicine due to its antimicrobial properties.

honey varieties


Known varieties of light honeys

Light honey is more popular than dark honey. In addition, it is better suited for oral use, while the previously discussed type of product is preferable for external use. The most popular light-colored honey varieties:

  1. Acacia. In liquid form, the color of the substance is transparent. When honey crystals form, the mass acquires a whitish or slightly yellowish tint.
  2. Clover. Colorless, transparent, but has high taste. It, like acacia, is not unreasonably considered one of the best light honey species.
  3. Lime.It is considered almost a representative of the premium class. The high rating is due to almost ideal organoleptic characteristics.
  4. Sweet-footed. It is obtained from bees that collected nectar from flowers called sweetcaps.
  5. Cucumber. It is obtained from the nectar that bees collect from the golden yellow flowers of cucumber.
  6. Resedovy. Bees make it from nectar collected from a flower called mignonette. It has excellent organoleptic characteristics, exquisite taste and pleasant aroma.

Phacelia and orange light honey are also in demand.

The difference between light varieties and dark ones

While it is easy to visually notice the difference between two types of beekeeping products, it is impossible to say unequivocally which product is healthier. Each of them has its own positive and negative qualities. The differences between these types of bee products are described in more detail in the table:

Comparison criterion Light varieties Dark varieties
1 Color White or transparent. During crystallization, the product may acquire a yellowish or golden hue. Dark, rich. May vary from brown to black. Coniferous products often turn greenish when crystallized.
2 Taste Refined, rich, sweet, with a light to intense floral aftertaste. Tart, sharp, sometimes with a bitter aftertaste. Chestnut honey may lose its bitterness after heating; this is usually not the case for other types of dark honey.
3 Energy value Relatively low, so the product can be consumed in small quantities for weight loss. Higher compared to “white” varieties.
4 Use in folk medicine Used for oral administration or in the preparation of therapeutic and prophylactic natural preparations. It is used mainly externally. The exception is buckwheat and pine honey types.

You can consider the differences between the compared honey varieties for a long time. But you already know the main distinguishing qualities of each of them.

product jars

What type of bee product is best to use?

Each type of honey is valuable in its own way. Also, both varieties have their own special beneficial properties, in addition to general positive effects. And all thanks to certain differences in composition, so the scope of application for these types of bee products may also vary.

For outdoor use

Dark honey is more suitable for treating wounds, scratches, bruises, as well as for combating inflammatory dermatological pathologies. It promotes:

  • eliminating the inflammatory process;
  • relieving pain, swelling;
  • accelerating the healing of skin lesions;
  • warming up tissues, which is especially valuable for problems with the health of muscles, ligaments, and joints.
But light varieties of bee products are also often used, which, in general, is understandable. In the absence of the opportunity to purchase dark honey varieties, you can use its light types.

bee preparations

For domestic consumption

Certain varieties of dark honey and all varieties of light bee products may be suitable for internal consumption. Among delicacies with a rich color for oral administration, it is better to give preference to pine, buckwheat, and chestnut.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases

Light varieties of honey are more suitable for this purpose. It is on their use that most traditional medicine recipes are based, the main task of which is to combat diseases of the internal organs.In addition, special drugs of a kind of alternative preventive (preventive) medicine are being prepared.

Note. Dark honey is suitable for the treatment and prevention of skin, joint, bone or muscle pathologies.

For cosmetic purposes

For skin care, there is no equal to dark honey. Even light varieties do not contain the same concentration of vitamins and minerals valued in cosmetology. The main ones are tocopherol, retinol, B vitamins (in particular, pantothenic acid) and ascorbic acid. No less important are minerals such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, which are present in abundance in dark types of honey.

But, if it is not possible to use this type of product, you can take light varieties.

In the fight against extra pounds

If you are overweight, it is better to avoid consuming dark honey varieties and give preference to light varieties of beekeeping products. And the reason for this is the energy value of each of these types of sweets.

Thus, light honey varieties usually have a calorie content that ranges from 300 to 380 kilocalories. But the dark types of the product are more nutritious, so they have an energy value reaching 415 calories or more.


For pregnant women, any of the varieties of bee products under consideration will be equally useful. After all, the benefits of the delicacy largely depend not on the color of the sweet mass, but on its composition. Therefore, you can consume both dark and light honey little by little. It is allowed to alternate them, but the expectant mother should not be allergic to the product!

For children

Children will prefer light honey varieties. The reason for this is a more refined, sweet and soft taste.But for respiratory diseases or bronchial asthma, give preference to a coniferous product.

As you can see, it is very difficult to say unequivocally which honey is better - dark or light. Each type of bee product has its own beneficial properties and differences in vitamin and mineral composition. Therefore, it’s good if you have two jars of sweet delicacies in your house, and you will decide which one and when to use depending on the situation.

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