To increase honey yield, it is important to choose the right breed of bees, taking into account the adaptability of insects to the natural conditions of the area. Thanks to the Apis Buckfast pedigree system, it is easy to select bee lines with the required performance characteristics. The system also reflects information about breeding programs and selection data, which is important when keeping bees for commercial purposes.
History of creation
Beekeeper breeders manage to breed promising breeds by selecting promising queen bees.The monk-beekeeper of Buckfast Abbey managed to develop a new breed by crossing the genomes of several species and subspecies (Greek, Anatolian, English, Macedonian, Egyptian).
The work process was carried out in three directions:
- beneficial qualities of insects (productivity, ability to swarm, volume of food consumed when raising offspring, egg production, immunity);
- working skills (the ability to look for bribes, the ability to defend themselves, early spring start, feed consumption during wintering);
- behavioral characteristics (hive hygiene, peacefulness).
When evaluating buckfast, you need to take into account the climatic conditions in which the bees were bred - the humid climate of the British Isles. In such natural conditions, insects of this breed can live and develop comfortably.
Basic characteristics of bees
Buckfast is a breed that is a hybrid of several species of bees. Therefore, the exterior shows signs of the Italian breed: a yellow-brown shade of a moderately shaggy abdomen, an average length of an elongated body. Biological features:
- resistance to diseases (acarapidosis, nosematosis, ascopherosis);
- maintaining flight activity under adverse weather conditions (rain, fog, wind);
- endurance;
- quick foundation adjustment;
- an acute sense of smell, thanks to which insects quickly find new honey plants;
- maintaining hive hygiene, keeping the base clean;
- quickly switch from the worst honey plants to the best.
Features of use
Keeping and caring for bees has some nuances that need to be taken into account. To ensure a comfortable existence for insects, large hives are set up, since bees form large families.Population growth occurs constantly, which must be taken into account when choosing the size of the structure.
It is not recommended to restrain the growth of colonies, as this may cause a decrease in insect productivity.
During the summer season, the apiary requires minimal care. Main work: expanding the hive space, pumping out honey. Since bees are painfully tolerant of negative temperatures, when keeping insects it is important to consider careful insulation of the hives.
Bees rationally use the hive space when filling magazines and extensions. The queen bee settles in the nesting part, compactly placing the brood on the lower tiers of the hive. Laying occurs throughout the year. During the day, the queen lays about 2 thousand eggs.
Advantages and disadvantages
When choosing a breed, the advantages and disadvantages of bees are always taken into account. Positive qualities of buckfast:
- bees do not leave empty cells on the honeycombs - almost all of them are filled with honey or brood;
- high fertility of queens;
- since buckfast individuals are non-aggressive, when inspecting families, you do not need to use a smoker and protective nets;
- strong nepotism - adults are responsible for raising brood;
- high performance. Insects, if necessary, fly long distances and easily switch from one honey-bearing plant to another;
- strong immune system.
The disadvantages of the breed are few, but you need to be aware of them. To obtain a high honey yield, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of the purity of the breed, which is an expensive requirement. Since insects do not tolerate frosty weather well, it is not recommended to breed bees in northern regions. Even if the hives are well insulated, the possibility of death of individuals remains.
Difficulty of breeding
Ensuring the genetic purity of a breed is not easy. Because it must be taken into account that buckfast is a hybrid that inherits the characteristics of many species. And if drones from local populations and not a purebred queen take part in the crossing, then the characteristics of the offspring will be difficult to predict. Therefore, to replace the uterus, it is advisable to purchase a new individual from nurseries in Germany.
All lines of the selection breed of Buckfast bees exhibit high working qualities, are distinguished by peaceful behavior and excellent productivity. Individuals also have strong immunity.