Japanese quails stand out from other breeds due to their increased productivity. This bird is unpretentious
They post videos on the Internet and write articles about how they successfully bred quails from
Quail is a small bird with tender and flavorful meat. They reproduce well in captivity,
Keeping quails involves certain difficulties. Diseases to which they are susceptible pose a serious threat to livestock
Many quail breeds have recently been bred in Russia. For example, Estonian quails were brought into the country and
Quails are highly sensitive to violations of the diet and regime. Their bodies are especially acute
Tenebrose quails are very popular among farmers. These birds are characterized by high meat productivity
When raising egg breeds, the main attention is paid to the productivity and quality of eggs. Celadon –
Quail breeding is a promising branch of agriculture, available to private breeders. Quail eggs are more nutritious
Quails kept at home belong to different breeds. One of the varieties that
Pharaoh quails are considered an excellent option for beginners. These birds belong to the meat direction
Quails are small farm birds that are very easy to raise. Breeders have created many breeds that differ