Description and characteristics of tenebrose quail, diet and breeding

Tenebrose quails are very popular among farmers. These birds are distinguished by high meat productivity and produce delicious eggs. To raise birds successfully, they require careful care. It is important to monitor temperature and humidity parameters. Compliance with the rules of feeding birds is of great importance. It is also worth engaging in the prevention of pathologies.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Tenebrose is a new German breed that was developed from the Moscow black quail. These birds belong to the meat category.They are a source of tasty meat and are excellent for breeding.

Birds are characterized by lush feathers. They have a strong and dense physique with well-developed muscles. The skeleton is considered strong and at the same time light. The birds have well-developed wings and short, strong legs.

Birds are characterized by fairly dark meat, which makes them not very attractive. At the same time, the product has high taste qualities.

Pros and cons of the Tenebrose breed

Advantages and disadvantages
high meat productivity;
ease of cultivation;
dietary properties of meat;
strong immunity.
the need to maintain temperature;
the need for careful selection of individuals for breeding;
the need to keep the bird without food before feeding.

Maintenance, nutrition, care

These birds need to maintain a fairly high temperature. At temperatures below +15 degrees they stop laying eggs. It is recommended to keep birds in cages rather than in aviaries. For 1 male and 4 females, a cage measuring 30x30 centimeters and a height of 25-30 centimeters is sufficient. It is recommended to fix the feeders outside. This will help avoid raking the feed. Drinkers are attached depending on the design of the cage - outside or inside.

Birds have a timid nature, so it is important to avoid loud sounds or careless movements. To prevent problems from occurring, cages should be installed in a quiet and peaceful place.

It is important to ensure that there are no drafts in the room. In winter it is worth providing heating, and in summer - ventilation. The optimal temperature should be +18-22 degrees. In this case, humidity levels should be 50-70%.Quails do not tolerate dry air or high humidity. If the room is too dry, it is recommended to place containers of water near the cages and constantly perform wet cleaning.

Quails need enough natural light. However, it should not be too bright. It is important to ensure that the birds are not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise they will start pecking at each other.

Daylight hours should be at least 17 hours. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to use sources of artificial lighting. If you provide quails with 24-hour lighting, they will produce a lot of eggs. However, there is a risk of increased feed costs and rapid wear and tear of the body.

tenebrose quail

Meat breed quails require proper nutrition, which contributes to rapid weight gain. The food must contain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals. Birds should definitely be given greens. The diet of birds should contain the following products:

  • 30% wheat;
  • 15% crown;
  • 15% fishmeal;
  • 25% corn;
  • 5% crushed shells;
  • 5% pearl barley.

It is recommended to give vitamins to birds every day. It is also permissible to use chopped carrots, cabbage, and greens.

Subtleties of breeding

Quails do not hatch eggs on their own. Therefore, for their breeding it is necessary to use special incubators. To achieve fertilization of eggs, a maximum of 3-4 females should be placed with each male.

For breeding, it is worth using vigorous birds that do not show signs of exhaustion or obesity. Feathers in the cloaca area should be clean.

Inspecting the beak of quails is of no small importance. It should be dry and even.A sign of a good bird is a neat appearance without dirt. For breeding, it is worth using females aged 3-8 months. Males should be 3-6 months old.

To hatch chicks, it is permissible to use simple manual incubators or more complex automatic models. For laying, it is recommended to use eggs that were collected a maximum of a week ago. After laying the eggs, the chicks appear after 17 days. They should be placed in a brooder.

Possible diseases

Quail diseases can be infectious or non-infectious. The second category of pathologies is due to incorrect content. If the diet is violated, there is a risk of developing vitamin deficiency, improper formation of the eggshell, and prolapse of the oviduct with the egg. To avoid the development of pathologies, it is worth monitoring the absence of drafts and temperature. Young birds require a temperature of +22-24 degrees. For older quails, +16-17 degrees is enough.

If bird landing standards are violated, there is excessive lighting or exposure to direct sunlight, there is a risk of pecking or cannibalism. There is also a high risk of alopecia. It is characterized by profuse feather loss.

The main signs of pathologies include general weakness, passivity, excessive drowsiness of birds, and loss of appetite. In such a situation, it is worth moving the bird to quarantine. It is also recommended to remove birds that have been damaged or suffered due to pecking.

Tenebrose quail are distinguished by high meat productivity. To achieve success in their cultivation, it is important to provide birds with careful care. A balanced diet and disease prevention are of great importance.
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