Description and characteristics of peach varieties Pamyati Simirenko, planting and care

The peach variety Pamyati Simirenko was developed and bred by Crimean scientist-breeders in the early 70s of the last century. The hybrid variety of the crop was obtained as a result of cross-pollination of Golden Age, Rochester, Rot Front and Art Beauty peaches. In 1987, after lengthy varietal tests, the new hybrid was included in the State Register of Fruit Crops with a recommendation for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory.

Description and characteristics of peach Memory Simirenko

The fruit tree grows and develops quickly, an adult plant reaches 3 meters.

  1. The crown of the peach hybrid is spreading, wide, and has a rounded contour.
  2. Leaf blades are characteristic of a fruit crop.
  3. The flowering period occurs at the end of April. The tree is covered with large, bowl-shaped flowers in a bright pink hue.
  4. Fruiting occurs in the 3rd year of active growth and development. Fruit ripening is early, occurring in mid-July.
  5. One mature tree produces up to 50 kg of ripe, juicy and healthy fruits.
  6. Ripe peaches are large, with an average weight of 110 to 130 g, covered with dense, fleecy skin, bright orange in color with a red or pink blush.
  7. The pulp of the fruit is soft, juicy, with a sweet taste and pleasant aroma, bright yellow in color.
  8. The plant easily tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees, heat and drought.

Important! The hybrid peach variety Pamyat Simirenko is characterized by excellent natural immunity and is rarely affected by fungi, viruses and harmful insects.

Advantages and disadvantages

To grow a peach tree in your garden plot and get a bountiful harvest of tasty and healthy fruits, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and possible disadvantages of the variety.


  • early periods of fruiting and ripening of fruits;
  • excellent taste and universal purpose of the fruit;
  • resistance to weather and climatic conditions;
  • natural immunity to most diseases and harmful insects;
  • excellent yield indicators;
  • Thanks to their thick skin, ripe fruits can easily withstand transportation and long-term storage.

The hybrid variety of fruit crop is unpretentious to growing conditions and care. Among the shortcomings, a large stone in the fruit is noted, which is not separated from the pulp.

Important! The peach variety Pamyat Simirenko is characterized by the ability to self-pollinate. The plant does not require additional pollinating neighbors.

Memory of Simirenko

Features of growing the variety

Hybrid seedlings are purchased from specialized garden centers or nurseries. For planting fruit crops, choose sunny areas that are well protected from drafts and gusty, cold winds.

Groundwater deposits are allowed at a level of 1.5-2 m from the ground surface. Peach prefers neutral, loose, fertile soils with a low acid content.

The area for planting trees is prepared in advance:

  • the earth is dug up, loosened, mixed with mineral and organic substances;
  • in the prepared area, planting holes are dug up to 60 cm deep;
  • the distance between plantings is maintained from 2 to 2.5 m, between rows - up to 3 m;
  • on the day of planting, the seedlings are placed for 3-4 hours in a container with warm, settled water, the rhizomes are treated with a manganese solution;
  • The plant is placed in the hole, carefully distributing the rhizomes, and covered with fertile soil on top.

Planting work is completed by abundantly watering the seedlings and mulching the soil with organic materials.

Important! The root collar of the peach tree plant should remain 2-3 cm above the soil surface.

Further care

The fruit tree requires timely watering and fertilizing. The amount of watering is determined based on the weather and climatic indicators of the growing region. In the southern regions, during prolonged heat and drought, trees require more frequent watering. In regions with a temperate climate, irrigation is carried out based on the amount of natural precipitation.

Fertilizing of fruit crops is carried out 2-3 times per season:

  • in spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added to the soil;
  • during the period of flowering and fruit formation, trees require fertilizing based on potassium and phosphorus;
  • Before winter rest, the fruit crop is abundantly watered and fertilized with organic and mineral substances.
Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring and autumn, removing damaged, dry and broken branches and shoots. In southern latitudes, peach does not require additional shelter for the winter. In midland conditions, plantings are covered with special material.

Diseases and pests

Peach of the Memory Simirenko variety is rarely affected by fungi, viruses, bacteria and harmful insects. For prevention in the spring, trees are sprayed with preparations based on fungicides and insecticides.

Cleaning and storage

Fruit ripening occurs in the second half of July. The fruits are carefully cut from the branches and placed in prepared boxes or containers.

Store fruits in the refrigerator or special chambers. Due to the dense peel, this variety of peach can easily withstand transportation without compromising its presentation or taste.
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