Peach trees are always associated with the southern sun and sea. But thanks to breeders, frost-resistant varieties of fruit crops have been developed, and the Champion peach is one of them. A variety of fruit crop was bred by Soviet breeders in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the early 80s of the last century. In 1991, the variety was included in the Register of Fruit Crops with a recommendation for cultivation in various climatic zones.
Description and characteristics of the variety
Early peach of the Champion variety is capable of self-pollination and does not require additional neighbors with the same flowering time.
- The trees are characterized by rapid growth and development, reaching the 4-meter mark by the 4th year.
- The crown is round in shape, powerful and spreading, with dense leaf cover.
- Leaf blades characteristic of a fruit crop.
- The culture blooms in mid-to-late May. Bright pink flowers in the shape of large cups bloom on the trees.
- Fruiting begins in the 3rd year of tree growth and development.
- The variety is resistant to sudden temperature changes and frosts. When at rest, it can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees. The buds are not subject to freezing down to -8 degrees, the blossoming flowers can withstand temperatures not lower than 0 degrees. Even if plants suffer from low temperatures, they quickly return to normal in the spring.
- In southern latitudes, fruit ripening occurs at the end of July, in the middle zone - in mid-August.
- The variety is characterized by high productivity. With proper care, one plant produces up to 60 kg of ripe, juicy and healthy fruit per season.
- The fruits are large, with an average weight of 140 to 170 g, round in shape, covered on top with bright orange skin with a red or pink blush and a small amount of fibers.
- Under the protective skin there is juicy, aromatic and sweet pulp, bright yellow.
- The seed is large and difficult to separate from the pulp.
Important! The presence of a large number of red shoots indicates the high frost resistance of the plant.
Pros and cons of the Champion peach
Before planting a Champion peach, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with all the pros and cons of the fruit crop.
- stable fruiting, early fruit ripening;
- excellent yield and taste characteristics;
- universal purpose of fruits;
- natural immunity to most fungal and viral diseases;
- are rarely attacked by harmful insects;
- excellent resistance to weather and climatic conditions.
Disadvantages include the trees' tendency to overload, fall off of ripened fruits and have a short shelf life.
Important! Champion peach is demanding when it comes to watering and does not tolerate strong winds.
Features of cultivation and care
The timing of planting peach seedlings depends on the climatic conditions of the cultivation region. In southern latitudes, planting activities are carried out in the fall, after harvesting. In temperate climates, the planting of peach trees is postponed to spring. Choose a sunny site, protected from drafts and northern winds.
The preparation of the site for planting seedlings is carried out in advance:
- the soil in the selected area is dug up, mixed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, loosened, and thoroughly moistened;
- then dig planting holes, up to 60-70 cm deep and wide;
- the distance between holes is maintained within 2-2.5 m, between rows - up to 4 m;
- one day before planting, the seedlings are placed in a container with settled water heated in the sun, and the rhizomes are treated with antifungal drugs;
- On the day of planting, the plants are placed in the holes, carefully distributing the roots, covered with fertile soil on top, and, if necessary, tied to support pegs.
The planting work is completed by abundant watering of the seedlings.
Advice! To provide the plants with moisture and protect the roots from overheating, the tree trunk circle is mulched with humus, straw or wet sawdust.
Feed the fruit tree 2-3 times during the growing season:
- In spring, organic matter is added to the soil;
- During flowering and fruiting, plants need mineral supplements based on potassium and phosphorus.
The last feeding of peach is carried out in the fall, while preparing the trees for winter rest. Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring and autumn, removing all broken, damaged and dried branches.
Important! The tree is prone to rapid growth, so excess and weak shoots are removed in the fall.
Protection from diseases and pests
Thanks to its natural immunity, the fruit crop of this variety is rarely affected by diseases or attacked by harmful insects. To avoid troubles, plants are treated with fungicides and insecticides in the spring, weeds are promptly removed and fertilizing is applied.
Harvest and storage
Harvesting occurs when the peaches are soft. The fruits are carefully separated from the branches and placed in prepared boxes or containers. To provide peaches with longer storage and safe transportation, the fruits are harvested 5-7 days before full ripening.
Champion is perfect for fresh consumption, making juices, nectars, desserts and various winter preparations.