It is difficult to imagine a complete diet without greens. It contains a huge amount of useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Parsley is one of the most accessible varieties of greens that grows in almost every garden. Despite the ease of cultivation, the crop is often susceptible to diseases that can deprive, if not all, then a significant part of the harvest. To prevent this from happening, let's look at the types of parsley diseases and how to combat them.
Parsley diseases
Growing parsley in their garden, gardeners should pay special attention to disease prevention. The fact is that this culture is susceptible to many diseases: fungal, non-infectious, bacterial and others.
They lead to rotting of root crops and sharply reduce plant growth and the amount of greenery. And some of them completely deprive the harvest. This is the main reason why gardeners carry out preventive protective measures. If the disease has already affected the crop, measures should be taken urgently.
Powdery mildew
This is the most common crop disease, manifested by a characteristic whitish coating over the entire surface of plants. Gradually, the plaque darkens, and along with it, the leaves and stems deteriorate. The greens become tough and crumble easily with the slightest movement.
The disease spreads quickly with sudden changes in temperature, persistent heat and the appearance of dew. Powdery mildew pathogens persist on weeds and plant debris.
It is expressed by a reddish tint to the entire surface of parsley leaves. The disease usually leads to the formation of flower stalks in the first year of plant life. Such seeds usually do not take root or are significantly delayed in development.
Septoria or white spot of parsley
Characteristic whitish spots affect the leaves of the crop on both sides. The disease manifests itself both on adult plants and on small seedlings. Lesions in the form of spots can be observed over the entire surface of parsley: on leaves, stems, petioles.
From the second half of summer, irregularly shaped spots form on the lower leaves of parsley, which gradually change their brown color to dirty white. At the edges of the spots only characteristic dark brown edges remain. Gradually, the disease moves to the upper leaves of the greenery.If you look closely, you can see elongated brown spots on the petioles and stems of plants.
Initially, yellow-brown spots form on the underside of the leaves. Gradually, the pathological process covers the entire above-ground part of the plants. Small brown spots form on the petioles, leaves and stems, the diameter of which varies within 0.7 cm. The spots can be scattered or grouped. The disease usually appears in June.
Parsley rust is a fungal disease that can develop over several generations over the course of the summer. Closer to autumn, the disease tends to appear as solid dark brown spots.
Affected leaves turn yellow, dry out, and lose beneficial microelements and taste.
This disease is also called brown, dry rot. Closer to the base of the stems and in places where the foliage branches, elongated, purple spots and dark stripes form. In parallel, this process may be accompanied by the release of an adhesive mass. Gradually, the affected areas dry out and become covered with a fungal coating.
The disease manifests itself in the early stages of umbrella development. Affects all parts of the plant. A characteristic white coating forms on the leaves. Affected roots stop growing, causing the plant to become corrugated and small. During and after flowering, the baskets and leaves become covered with pale or dark green spots.
If the disease affects large plants, the manifestation of the disease begins with the upper leaves. Areas near the main veins turn yellow. Gradually, a white coating appears on the underside of the leaves, resembling cotton wool in consistency.The disease leads to thinning of plants, as a result of which up to 30% of the harvest can be lost.
Fighting parsley diseases
It is easier to prevent any disease than to save a plant from death. This requires proper care of the crop: timely feeding, fertilizing, weed control, loosening the soil. But what to do if the pests have already attacked? In this case, you should begin an active fight.
You can fight powdery mildew with colloidal or ground sulfur. Using a cotton pad, apply it to the leaves and stems of plants. If the disease continues to spread, the greens are treated with mullein infusion. Plants affected by the disease are uprooted and thrown away from the garden plot.
Note! To reduce the likelihood of disease, it is important to alternate the cultivation of parsley with tomatoes, legumes and beets.
If parsley is grown in a greenhouse, for the prevention of diseases it is important to maintain the temperature regime (not lower than 20 degrees at night, and not lower than 24 degrees during the day).
It is important to know that many diseases are transmitted by seeds. Therefore, in a comprehensive fight against them, it is important to adhere to the following measures:
- carry out foliar spraying using a 0.04% borax solution;
- fertilize areas for crops with potassium and phosphorus agents;
- destroy all remnants of plants and weeds after harvesting;
- sow parsley in well-drained and aerated soil;
- carry out timely thinning of plants; This method will reduce the likelihood of powdery mildew.
It is very important to disinfect seeds before sowing. They are soaked for 20 minutes in water whose temperature is not higher than 20 degrees. Then cool in cold water and dry.