Description and treatment of eggplant diseases, their pests and methods of controlling them

Eggplants are inherently amazing vegetables. They combine not only taste and universal qualities, but also a number of useful components that are so necessary for human health. However, in order to get these fruits on their plot, every gardener will have to make a lot of effort. The fact is that there are a large number of eggplant diseases that negatively affect their yield. What kind of diseases these are, for what reasons they arise and how to deal with them will be described in detail in this article.

Why do eggplants get sick?

South Asia is considered the birthplace of eggplants. This region experiences perpetual summer with bright sunshine and intense rainfall. In this regard, this crop is very demanding of heat and requires certain growing conditions. To get a high yield of eggplants in Russia, summer residents will have to put a lot of effort into agricultural technology and create the most approximate conditions that would correspond to the South Asian climate. If these requirements are not met, the plants' immunity decreases, which contributes to the development of various diseases, which affect the quality and quantity of fruits.

As a rule, eggplants suffer from diseases and pests for the following reasons:

  • lack of light;
  • water shortage;
  • watering with cold water;
  • insufficient air circulation;
  • incorrectly chosen growing method;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil.

If you provide timely care for the plants and suppress the source of diseases, eggplants will be able to regain their strength and bring a decent harvest.

Seedling diseases

There are several types of diseases that can cause harm to eggplants still in the stage of their development, that is, seedlings. Moreover, the culprits of their occurrence, in addition to improper care, are contaminated soil or untreated seed material. The occurrence of diseases can be determined by the plants themselves. At the initial stage of infection, the leaves of the seedlings begin to turn yellow.At later stages of infection, the roots of plants wither, which leads to their death. To avoid these negative consequences, when growing eggplants, it is important to carry out pre-planting preparation of soil and seeds.

seedling diseases

Processing of seed material:

  1. Eggplant seeds are disinfected for 20 minutes. in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. After disinfection, the seeds are washed with cold water.
  3. To remove essential oils, planting material is doused with boiling water.
  4. The seeds are soaked for a day in any nutrient solution for eggplants.

After the specified time has passed, the seed material is washed well again in running water and placed on a damp substrate for germination.

In order to disinfect the soil, it will be enough to warm it up at a temperature of +100 degrees, and wash the pots with soap and pour over boiling water.

seedling diseases

The above manipulations will serve as good prophylaxis in preventing the development of diseases. If mistakes are made, the seedlings may develop the following diseases.

Curling leaves

A pathology such as leaf curling in seedlings can occur for several reasons. The most common ways to do this are:

  • light deficiency;
  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • lack of mineral fertilizers;
  • temperature difference;
  • damage by pests.

You can determine what the problem is with leaf curling yourself. To do this, you need to unfold the sheet and pay attention to its inner side. If eggs, cobwebs or other signs of insects are observed on it, immediate action must be taken.

leaf curling

In pest control, experts recommend abandoning chemicals and using folk remedies. One of the most effective methods is a soap solution.To do this, it will be enough to dilute part of the soap bar in water and treat the leaves of the seedlings with the resulting liquid. If no traces of insects were found, then the plants will need to create optimal growth conditions. That is, eliminate shading and drafts, reduce the amount of watering and feed with mineral fertilizers.


Black leg is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies for eggplant seedlings. This disease is expressed in the darkening and depletion of the plant stem, which over time acquires a grayish coating and withers. As a rule, the causes of blackleg are contaminated soil or an excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

eggplant seedlings

To cope with this disease, seedlings must be watered with “Fitosporin” at the root. Calculation of the drug is 100 ml per 10 liters of water. Or use 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Yellowness of leaves

A typical pathology in eggplant seedlings is yellowness of the leaves.

This problem mainly appears due to the following reasons:

  • lack of moisture;
  • watering with cold water;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • increased soil acidity.

plant disease

To avoid yellowing of the foliage, seedlings need to be fed with mineral fertilizers. In this case, you need to ensure that the soil is moist and loose, but not acidic.

Black spot

Black spot, like blackleg, is a rather dangerous disease for eggplants. The pathology is expressed in small dark specks on the leaves of the plant.

The main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • planting density;
  • excess moisture;
  • unsuitable soil.

Black spot

It is possible to cure seedlings from black spotting only at the initial stage of its development. To do this, it is recommended to spray young plants twice with organic fungicides with an interval of 3-4 days.More affected seedlings must be completely removed and the soil disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is characterized by a white coating on plant leaves. At first glance, such a defect seems harmless. In fact, powdery mildew can lead to partial wilting of foliage or complete death of seedlings. This pathology occurs, as a rule, due to increased air humidity or due to a sharp change in temperature.

Powdery mildew

In the fight against powdery mildew, it is necessary to treat the seedlings with microbiological preparations 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days, and sprinkle the soil with ash. It is also recommended that young seedlings be protected from drafts and reduce watering.

Dangerous diseases and treatment methods

After the plants are planted in open ground, they will also require special attention from gardeners. The fact is that the growth of nightshade crops in the same place contributes to the oxidation of the soil and the accumulation of fungal and viral diseases in it.

ripe eggplants

In greenhouse structures or small greenhouses, due to the lack of regular ventilation, a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, in mini-rooms, reduced lighting and high air humidity negatively affect the immune system of eggplants. Let's look at the most dangerous diseases of these plants and methods of treating them.


Phomopsis is a heat-loving fungus that is the causative agent of dry rot of eggplants. The disease is expressed in the form of round light spots with concentric zones on the foliage, stems and fruits of plants. The disease develops at an air temperature of about +20 degrees and humidity of 60-90%.

Frequent rains and excess nitrogen in the soil also contribute to this pathology.

Methods to combat Phomopsis:

  1. Pre-sowing seed treatment.
  2. Spraying bushes with fungicides.
  3. Removing infected plants from the territory.

Phomopsis on eggplant

It is also worth observing timely agricultural practices, such as watering, crop rotation, weeding and loosening.

Late blight

Late blight is one of the most common diseases that eggplants are exposed to when grown in greenhouse conditions. The first symptoms of pathology are brown spots on the trunk and leaves of plants. Then a whitish coating is observed on the underside of the tops. Over time, the plants dry out and the fruits begin to deteriorate with solid rot.

There are several ways to treat eggplants for late blight. However, according to experienced gardeners, the following folk method is considered the most effective:

  1. Pour 200 g of chopped garlic into 3 liters of water.
  2. Leave the garlic solution for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  3. After this time, dilute the infusion with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Late blight on eggplant

It is recommended to spray all plants with the resulting liquid and sprinkle the soil with wood ash.

Alternaria (gray rot)

Alternaria blight is dangerous for eggplants both in open and closed ground. First of all, these diseases affect the lower fruits, which receive water when irrigating the soil. In addition, there is a possibility of infection during a long period of ripening of eggplants.

Alternaria blight symptoms are characterized by gray or brown spots on the leaves. There are cases when the eggplants themselves are affected by this disease.

Alternaria on eggplant

Alternaria blight is treated with contact fungicides. Spraying is carried out with a spray bottle so that the solution hits the undersides of the leaves.

Sclerotinia (white rot)

Sclerotinia is a fungal disease that spreads in the soil.The most common causes of this disease are fogs, prolonged rains, and dense plantings.

Initially, the disease damages only the root system, then the fungus makes its way inside the plant.

Dark spots begin to appear on the stems and leaves of the vegetable, and the fruit itself acquires a softened structure. Over time, eggplants become slimy with white spots.

Treatment of sclerotinia is carried out in the following order:

  1. Damaged parts of eggplants are removed.
  2. The cut areas are treated with wood ash.
  3. Plants are fed with complex fertilizers.

Sclerotinia (white rot)

Then it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse well and warm it until the dampness disappears.


This fungal disease from the genus Hyphomycetales is transmitted through spores during soil irrigation, work equipment or wind. In the initial stage of infection with cercosporiosis, eggplants appear white spots with small veins on the leaves, stem and stalks. In later stages, the foliage of the plants dies off completely, the fruits acquire an unmarketable appearance and lose their taste.

Cercosporiosis on eggplant

Treatment of cercosporiosis involves the use of Bordeaux mixture or another fungicide. Complex mineral fertilizers will also help increase the resistance of eggplants to this fungal disease.


Phytoplasmosis is a viral disease that is dangerous for eggplants when grown in open ground. However, there are cases when this disease harms plants in greenhouse buildings. When eggplants are infected with stolbur, the bush becomes deformed. The leaves become smaller and acquire a white or purple tint. The plant stem becomes woody, the inflorescences change their color and regular shape.

Phytoplasmosis on eggplant

This disease is usually treated with insecticides.Processing of eggplants is carried out 2 times with an interval of 13-16 days. In this case, all heavily affected bushes must be removed and the ground disinfected.

Pests, their signs and control options

Very often, eggplants suffer not only from various diseases, but also from pests. If plants are not protected in a timely manner and control measures are not taken, gardeners will not receive a good harvest.


These gastropods actively eat both bushes and eggplant fruits. Their active reproduction is facilitated by frequent rains and dense plantings. These pests can be identified by large holes on plants and by the mucus they leave behind as they move.

Methods to combat slugs:

  1. Remove weeds in a timely manner.
  2. Regularly ventilate greenhouse structures.
  3. Sprinkle paths and paths with coarse salt or sand.
  4. Mulch the soil with spruce needles.
  5. While loosening the soil, sprinkle with black or red pepper.

Slugs on eggplant

In cases where the above methods do not give a positive result, you can use metaldehyde. To do this, use this powder at the rate of 3 g per 1 sq. It is recommended to sprinkle the paths between the rows.

Cruciferous flea beetle

Insects such as cruciferous flea beetles can lead an active lifestyle in almost all areas of the garden plot. However, they do not tolerate shaded and damp places well. These small black insects attack eggplant leaves. In a short period of time, cruciferous flea beetles can destroy all the greenery of a bush, leaving only veins. At the same time, not only adult insects are dangerous for eggplants, but also their larvae. For their development, small individuals actively eat plant roots, which leads to their death.

Cruciferous flea beetle

In the fight against cruciferous flea beetles, dandelion or garlic infusion is used.To ensure that the liquid adheres well to the plants, it is recommended to add shavings of laundry soap to it.


In our country there are several species of aphids that feed on eggplant juices. Their color can vary, from dark black to bright red. But despite this, the methods of dealing with them are identical.

Methods for exterminating insects at home:

  1. Dissolve soap shavings in water. The resulting solution is applied to plants 2 times with an interval of 1 week.
  2. Mix table salt and soda in a 1:1 ratio. Add water and laundry soap to the resulting mass. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto the eggplants once every 3 days until the insects disappear completely.

Aphids on eggplants

Among professional products, gardeners advise using biological products that do not contain harmful chemical components.


Insects such as whiteflies cause significant damage to eggplants. Firstly, they absorb large amounts of plant sap. Secondly, whiteflies produce dangerous mildew, which contributes to the development of sooty fungus.

Insects are easy to spot. As a rule, the midges themselves and their larvae are found on the back side of the leaves.

Whitefly on eggplant

If whiteflies have not yet had time to lay larvae, a soap solution made from tar soap is used to combat them. If you have children, it is recommended to use drugs that contain avermectins.

Colorado beetle

Colorado beetles are quite voracious pests. In 1 month, one female eats more than 4 g of greenery, the larva eats about 1 g. Moreover, in one season, each female lays about 700 eggs. Therefore, if pests are not eliminated in time, gardeners will be left without eggplants.

In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, insecticides such as Imidacloprid and Pencicuron are considered the most effective.

The following methods are used without chemicals:

  1. Collecting beetles and larvae by hand.
  2. Dusting plants with wood ash.
  3. Spraying with soap solution.

Colorado beetle

You can also use repellent plants that repel Colorado potato beetles with their scent. Among them, the most effective are: marigold, calendula and celery.

Spider mite

Spider mites are considered the smallest pests for eggplants. Their size does not exceed 0.5 mm. But despite this, they cause great harm to both the plants themselves and their fruits.

The presence of spider mites on eggplants will be indicated by the following signs:

  • white spots on leaves;
  • drying of the tops;
  • A cobweb forms under the bushes.

If you immediately start fighting when you detect a spider mite, you will be able to do without chemicals.

Spider mite

To kill insects you will need:

  1. Increase humidity.
  2. Remove all damaged plant parts.
  3. Rip off all existing cobwebs.

For a quick effect, plants can be sprayed with ammonia diluted in water.


The mole cricket is an underground insect that is difficult to see. The presence of this pest can only be determined by looking at the burrows and trenches made in the ground. The insect feeds exclusively on the roots and above-ground parts of eggplants.

You can get rid of mole crickets in the following ways:

  1. Place eggshell and vegetable oil baits on the area.
  2. Fill insect holes with a solution of 150 ml of kerosene and 10 liters of water.

pest Medvedka

The destruction of pests also involves the use of a highly toxic drug - Phenaxin.Its granules are poured into places where there are large concentrations of insects.

Prevention measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of disease, it is recommended to carry out preventive work in advance.

A set of measures to prevent the development of diseases:

  1. Processing of seed material.
  2. Disinfection of soil and greenhouses.
  3. Ventilation of greenhouse structures.
  4. Timely watering.
  5. Remove weeds when they first appear.
  6. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers.
  7. Pest control.
  8. Loosening the soil.

Also, eggplants cannot be planted in one place every year. The best predecessors for them are: peas, beans, cucumbers, cabbage.

As you can see, when growing eggplants, they require special attention and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. Without proper care, they are susceptible to various diseases and insect attacks. But if you make an effort, then every gardener will definitely get the desired result of a yield of tasty and healthy fruits.
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