Description of the daikon variety Sasha, its characteristics, cultivation and care
Gardeners are increasingly occupying the beds with daikon Sasha. This Japanese radish attracts with its taste and yield.
Description of the pink radish variety, beneficial and harmful properties
The peculiarity of pink radish is that it is quite large in size. Mass of one
When and how to sow oilseed radish as green manure
To obtain a good harvest, the soil requires constant fertilizing and fertilizers. Experienced gardeners prefer
Description of the daikon variety Dubinushka, features of cultivation and care
One of the varieties of Japanese radish, Daikon Dubinushka, was bred by specialists in the selection and seed production of vegetable crops
How and when to plant, grow and care for radishes in open ground
The widespread cultivation of such an ancient crop as radish is justified by its positive characteristics and benefits. Long-lasting root vegetables
When and how to plant and grow daikon in open ground in the Moscow region
Growing daikon in open ground in the Moscow region requires compliance with certain timing recommendations.
Review of the best daikon varieties for open ground and winter storage
Vegetable growers love Japanese radish and grow it in their gardens all over the world. Breeders bred
When to remove radishes from the garden for storage for the winter
Growing a crop is half the battle; you also need to preserve it in order to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Description of the daikon variety Raspberry nectar, recommendations for cultivation and care
Daikon Raspberry nectar f1 is an incredibly sweet radish of Japanese selection. Every year this root vegetable
Description of watermelon radish, beneficial properties and harm
Gardeners surprise neighbors and friends with watermelon radishes. This is an unusual root vegetable. It combines sweet taste
Description of the Red Mit radish variety, cultivation characteristics and yield
The common radish has many varieties. Of these, the Red Meat radish stands out for a number of features,
Description of the Loba radish variety and cultivation techniques
One of the most common root vegetables, which is widely used in Russia, is the Loba radish. AND


