Gardeners are increasingly occupying the beds with daikon Sasha. This Japanese radish attracts with its taste and yield. It is distinguished from black by increased juiciness and lack of bitterness. Root crops grow large. From one ridge, summer residents receive a large harvest.
In Japan, scientists conducted a study of daikon. Planted on land contaminated by radiation, the root crop remained free of isotopes. Radish does not accumulate nitrates.
Sasha is a product of Russian breeders. It is suitable for growing in temperate climates. On one ridge you can grow 2 crops per season.
Characteristics and description of the variety
The Sasha variety is a godsend for gardeners. It differs from its Japanese counterparts in its ability to produce crops in almost any climate zone.
Radish was created by VNIISSOK agronomists. Named after Alexandra Agapov. Description of the variety:
- representative of the Cruciferous family;
- the root crop is round in shape, slightly elongated, with a “tail”;
- color white, with slight yellowness;
- the pulp is juicy, aromatic;
- consistency is dense, elastic;
- the taste is sweet-spicy;
- the skin is dense;
- protrudes above the soil surface by 1/3;
- radish weight from 200 to 400 g.
The root crop is easy to pull out of the ground: just pull and twist the tops a little. This is convenient: the crop is not damaged during harvesting.
The characteristics of radish resemble a list of advantages:
- The variety is early ripening: ripens 35-40 days after germination.
- It is resistant to bacteriosis.
- Does not throw out flower stalks (if agricultural practices are followed).
- Produces harvest uniformly and evenly.
- It has a pleasant taste: the bitterness is almost not felt.
- Root crops are aligned.
- The culture is cold-resistant.
- Convenient to use: the small size allows you to consume the radish whole.
- Thick skin provides excellent transportability.
Gardeners are put off by their low shelf life: after a month, root crops shrivel and lose their juiciness.
Seed selection
Gardeners should carefully select planting material. When planting in small beds, it is recommended to buy seeds from trusted producers. Their products undergo soil control. There is no need to prepare the seeds for sowing.
Some gardeners strive to use their own planting material. To do this, you should sow Sasha early: together with radishes. The radish will give the arrow. It should be tied to a peg, and the pods should be covered with gauze (to prevent premature rash).Then thresh the mature beans and keep them in a paper bag in a dry, dark place. When properly stored, seeds have a germination period of 8 years..
Such material must be prepared for planting: checked for germination, disinfected, stimulated. It takes quite a long time.
Selecting a site for planting
To place the daikon you need to choose a well-lit area. The soil should be loose, air and moisture permeable. The bed should be fertilized before planting. On poor soils, radish produces small root vegetables with coarse pulp.
Sasha does not tolerate stagnant water, but loves moist areas. The gardener is advised to think about the predecessors of radish. The best are tomatoes, onions, garlic, beans, peas. It is not recommended to plant Sasha after radishes, turnips, cabbage, and radishes.
Landing dates
Sasha's precocity allows him to be planted twice a season. It is recommended to do the first planting in the spring, after the soil has warmed to 4 degrees. The second stage occurs after daylight hours begin to decrease. Usually this is July-August.
When sowing in the same area, it is recommended to plant green manure after harvesting the first crop. White mustard grows quickly. It will restore fertility and loosen the soil. After the tops grow by 10 cm, the greens are embedded in the soil when digging.
For each area, planting dates are determined individually. The gardener must take into account:
- short daylight hours (the radish will not produce a flower stalk);
- a slight difference between day and night temperatures (you will get juicy, tender pulp).
Compliance with planting dates will provide the gardener with marketable root crops and save the plants from damage by the cruciferous flea beetle.
Rules for caring for daikon
Breeders promise high yields only if agricultural practices are followed.Gardeners are recommended to follow the advice of agronomists.
After sowing, until seedlings emerge, the gardener should keep the soil moist. This can be achieved by covering the bed with a white non-woven fabric of the lowest density. After germination of seeds, it is recommended to remove lutrasil, agrospan or spunbond.
Sasha cannot tolerate fluctuations in soil moisture: the taste of the root crop deteriorates. The pulp becomes coarser and becomes more bitter. Water thoroughly every 7-10 days. During prolonged precipitation, it is recommended to cover the plantings with film.
We should not forget about “dry” watering - loosening. After moistening, be sure to go between the rows with a hoe. This will break up the crust on the surface of the soil and allow air to penetrate to the roots.
Sasha does not tolerate shading, especially at the stage of growth of the first true leaves. The beds should first be cleared of weeds. Autumn planting of green manure plants: oats, rye gives excellent results. Their roots destroy perennial weeds. It is recommended to let the tops grow 10 cm and dig them up.
As the tops grow, you need to monitor the appearance of harmful plants. Row spacing should be free. For large areas, it is recommended to use flat cutters or weeders.
Daikon needs fertile soils. Before sowing, the ridges should be prepared: add fully ripened organic matter (humus or compost, a bucket per square meter). And after 3-5 days, supplement with a mineral complex (potassium: phosphorus) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
After the first thinning, it is recommended to water the seedlings with a solution of fermented grass (1 liter of infusion per 8 liters of water). 7 days after planting, dust with sifted stove ash.
Diseases and pests
Daikon is affected by fungi. For prevention, it is recommended to follow the growing rules. If signs of mosaic appear, the plant should be dug up and burned, and the soil should be spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Sasha is the favorite food of the cruciferous flea beetle. It is not recommended to use insecticides: the ripening period is short. Some gardeners dust their plantings with ash. Excellent results are achieved by compacting plantings of friendly crops: marigolds and onions. These plants repel pests.
Before the seeds germinate, covering the plants with lutrasil or spunbond will help protect the plants from the pest.
Harvest and storage
Radish Sasha is ready for consumption in the third week after seed germination. The upper (aboveground) part of the root crop can be used to judge its size. The plant is carefully removed from the soil and eaten. It is not recommended to keep daikon in the ground: the pulp becomes coarse, fibrous and tasteless..
A dry day is suitable for cleaning. When planting in late summer, you should not wait for frost: the taste of root crops will deteriorate.
The collected daikon is cleaned of soil, the tops and tail are cut off. Then they are put in a plastic bag and placed open in the fruit box. Sasha does not last long: 30 days.