One of the most common root vegetables, which is widely used in Russia, is the Loba radish. And this is not surprising. Despite the fact that the plant was obtained in China, it grows in all types of soil, regardless of the climatic conditions of the region. At the same time, the root vegetable is endowed with an unusually sweet-spicy taste and piquant aroma. But, unfortunately, not all gardeners know how to grow this plant. We will describe the rules of agricultural technology in this article.
Description of radish
Loba radish is an early ripening vegetable crop. The growing season from sowing seeds to harvesting is 50–70 days.It is worth considering: Loba is not a root vegetable variety. This name is used for several types of radish of Chinese origin.
The shape of Loba fruits depends on the plant variety, they can be:
- round;
- oval;
- cylindrical.
In this case, the skin of root vegetables can be white, green, purple, red. However, their tops always remain intensely green.
The average weight of one radish varies from 0.500 g. up to 1 kg. There have been cases when this figure reached 2 kg.
The taste of Loba radish resembles that of an ordinary radish. Its pulp has a piquant, sweetish-sharp taste and is suitable for fresh consumption, cooking hot dishes, pickling and salting.
Root value
A distinctive feature of Loba radish is that in addition to its attractive appearance and unusual taste, it has healing properties. When consumed fresh, root vegetables have the following positive effects:
- The growth of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced.
- Toxins and excess water are removed from the body.
- Digestion improves.
- Stones dissolve in human organs.
- Cholesterol levels are reduced.
- Immunity increases.
In addition, Loba radish does not stimulate the central nervous system. Therefore, it is suitable for older people.
All varieties of Chinese Loba radish are unpretentious crops. Root crops can grow and develop in any type of soil, temperature and light. The only thing you should pay attention to when growing radishes is the timing of sowing the seeds.
Loba is sown in two stages:
- planting seeds at the end of April;
- sowing radish from mid-June to early July.
The first option is carried out to obtain an early harvest, which will be used in the summer and autumn seasons.The second stage involves long-term storage of radishes during the winter. If you do not comply with such restrictions on planting dates, the plant will throw out the inflorescence.
Loba is a moisture-loving plant, so the place where it is grown should have high groundwater levels. In this case, the best predecessors are:
- cucumbers;
- potato;
- garlic;
- legumes;
- dill;
- onion.
Loba's worst performance was observed in cases where the plant was planted for 2 years in a row in the same place. You should not sow radishes in places where oilseeds, rapeseed and mustard previously grew.
The planting pattern is 45x10 cm, with seeds buried at 1.5–2 cm. From 3 to 5 pieces are placed in one hole. planting material.
Features of care
After planting, the Loba radish will need time for simple care. If all agricultural technology conditions are met, the likelihood of plant bolting and fruit cracking will be reduced.
So, let's look at the care requirements:
- Thinning. After 2 leaves are formed on the plants, one strong seedling is left in the hole, all the rest are removed.
- Watering. As mentioned above, Loba radish is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, to avoid bitterness and hardness of the fruits, soil irrigation should be carried out at least 2 times a week.
- Weeding. In order for the plant to receive the required amount of nutrients, weeds must be removed as they appear.
- Feeding. For good development of radish, it is recommended to add nitrogen and mineral fertilizers to the soil. The total number of feedings for the entire growing season should be at least 3 times.
By taking such care of the plant, it will be possible to achieve not only high quality yields, but also prevent the development of diseases.
Advantages and disadvantages
Loba root crop, like other vegetable crops, has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the plant, gardeners highlight the following qualities:
- precocity;
- a small amount of rare oil;
- taste and beneficial qualities of fruits;
- long-distance transportation;
- long shelf life.
Also noted are good qualities of resistance to diseases.
The disadvantages of vegetable crops include:
- requirement for frequent watering;
- weak immunity to pests.
The plant has no more significant shortcomings.
Pests and diseases
If agricultural practices are carried out correctly, Loba radish is practically not affected by diseases characteristic of cruciferous plants. But there is still a risk of disease. According to gardeners, the most common diseases that harm radishes are:
- fusarium;
- blackleg;
- bacteriosis;
- kila.
Among the pests that like to feast on plants are:
- cabbage whites;
- rapeseed bug;
- cruciferous flea beetles.
All of the above diseases and pests can destroy the crop. To prevent this, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with special preparations before sowing seeds. During an insect invasion, the plant must be sprayed with tobacco infusion or sprinkled with wood ash. Such manipulations are carried out at least 3 times, with an interval of 5–6 days.
Harvest and storage
Harvesting Loba is usually carried out 2 months after seed germination. Early sown root crops are collected selectively.Plants that are intended for winter storage are dug up all at once. In this case, harvesting should be carried out in dry, clear weather, before the onset of the first frost.
After all the root crops have been dug up, their tops are cut off. This manipulation is carried out using a knife or hatchet. In this case, the tops must be removed so that a 2 cm petiole remains.
In order for root vegetables to retain their taste and beneficial qualities for a long time, it is recommended to store them in the cellar at a temperature of +2–3 degrees, with an air humidity of 80–90%. The best solution would be to use wooden boxes.
As you can see, agricultural technology for growing Loba is not so complicated. However, it is of great importance for the growth and development of the root crop. By following the above care, every summer resident will receive an excellent harvest of tasty and healthy Chinese radish fruits.