Caviar from milk mushrooms for the winter is one of the most nutritious and tasty winter preparations. With this dish you can not only make the family menu more varied, but also decorate your table with an unusual snack. Mushroom caviar from milk mushrooms is often used when making pizza or creating a side dish for dishes.
It is quite difficult to make mushroom caviar on your own. Therefore, before preserving, you should familiarize yourself with how to prepare caviar from milk mushrooms.
Classic recipe
There are various recipes for creating such a snack.However, the classic one is most popular among housewives. To do this you will need the following ingredients:
- 4 kg of mushrooms;
- 15 ml vinegar;
- 200 ml oil;
- greenery;
- 80 g salt;
- 800 ml water;
- three heads of onion and garlic.
Caviar is prepared from salted milk mushrooms in several stages. First you need to prepare the milk mushrooms. They are carefully washed and cleaned. Then they should be placed in a small saucepan, filled with water and salt and pepper.
The pan is placed on the gas stove to allow the water to boil. The milk mushrooms must be cooked for 40 minutes. After this, the mushrooms are removed with a slotted spoon and passed through a meat grinder.
Once you've finished with the mushrooms, you can move on to other ingredients. First you need to peel and chop the onion and garlic. Then they are fried in a frying pan and also passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is mixed with mushrooms, poured with vinegar and placed in jars for twisting. After this, they are placed in a pan of water, boiled for 40-50 minutes and rolled up with lids. Salted ground milk mushrooms in jars should not be stored in a damp place. Therefore, it is not recommended to store them in a cellar or basement.
With celery
Other cooking recipes may differ from the classic recipe in the ingredients used. Some people add celery to the roll, which will make its taste richer. To prepare the dish you will need:
- kilogram of milk mushrooms;
- 200 g onion;
- 400 ml water;
- 10 ml vinegar;
- 50 g garlic;
- 250 ml oil;
- 100 g salt;
- a bunch of celery.
To begin with, the white milk mushrooms are placed in a bowl of water and soaked there for two hours. After soaking, they are washed from dirt and cut in half. Sliced mushrooms are placed in a dry pan and covered with salt.After half an hour, you will need to fill it with water and put it on the gas stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and marinate the milk mushrooms for 30 minutes.
While cooking the mushrooms, you can start preparing the remaining ingredients. Onions and garlic are washed, finely chopped and fried in a frying pan. After this, they, together with the boiled mushrooms, are twisted in a meat grinder and transferred to a cauldron. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered for about an hour. The finished caviar is distributed into jars and covered with lids.
With tomatoes
To make the dish unique, you can add some tomatoes to it. To prepare mushroom caviar with tomatoes you will need the following ingredients:
- kilogram of milk mushrooms;
- 300 ml oil;
- 400 g tomatoes;
- 200 g onion;
- 80 g salt.
First you need to start cleaning the mushrooms. To make them easier to clean, mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water. Once you're done cleaning, you can start cooking. All mushrooms are poured into a pan with water and cooked for 20 minutes. Then they are washed, passed through a meat grinder and fried in a frying pan.
After frying the mushrooms, you can move on to the onions and tomatoes. They need to be washed and cut into small circles. After this, they are added to the pan for further frying. Roasted tomatoes are mixed with mushrooms and sprinkled with pepper and salt.
Hot caviar is placed in jars and sterilized. To do this, the entire container is placed in a large container with hot water and heated over low heat for about half an hour. The caviar is then stored at room temperature for two days and re-sterilized. Only after this the salting is rolled up.
With tomato paste
When rolling mushroom caviar, tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste. For this you will need:
- one and a half kilograms of milk mushrooms;
- 20 ml vinegar;
- 100 ml oil;
- 70 g salt;
- 80 g tomato paste;
- two heads of garlic;
- coriander.
The milk mushrooms are soaked in water for several hours, cleaned and cut into small pieces. After this, they are poured into a pan and cooked for 20 minutes. After boiling the mushrooms, remove them using a colander, chop them or pass them through a meat grinder. Then oil is poured onto the surface of the frying pan and heated thoroughly. Chopped milk mushrooms are placed in a frying pan and fried over low heat. It is recommended to fry the mushrooms for 2-3 hours so that all excess liquid has time to evaporate.
In a second frying pan, chopped tomato is fried with spices and garlic. After frying, it is added to the caviar, mixed and fried for another 10 minutes. Then the resulting mixture is distributed into pre-prepared jars and filled with vinegar. All jars should be sealed with lids, turned over and left to cool under a towel.
Rolling caviar from milk mushrooms yourself is not so easy. To do this, you need to study the most popular recipes to choose the most suitable one.