TOP 10 recipes for how to pickle barnyard mushrooms at home for the winter

How to deliciously cook and pickle barnyard mushrooms for the winter - to answer the question you will need knowledge of several theoretical points and instructions for preparing healthy pickles.

Mushrooms are highly dangerous plants, so it is important to take simple operations responsibly.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

First of all, let's look at the negative aspects of eating pickled mushrooms:

  • It is not recommended to eat such food after 6 pm, but this applies to any dishes;
  • when making marinades, vinegar is used, which does not add pleasant moments to people with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Svinushki are conditionally edible mushrooms; they, like everyone else, accumulate heavy metals and other substances dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect value near industrial facilities and roads or buy at spontaneous markets.

appearance of pig mushrooms

Milk mushrooms have more beneficial properties:

  • the product contains a full set of multivitamins;
  • health-promoting metals, macro- and microelements;
  • In terms of protein content, they are ahead of even chicken eggs, but let us remind you that it is plant-based;

  • in pickled mushrooms, especially those processed thermally, the content of nutrients is reduced; dried mushrooms are more useful, but they do not have such a refined taste;
  • the amino acids contained help normalize digestion and the breakdown of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on heart function;
  • the low caloric content of barns will allow them to be used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • Eating food from valuev supports the body’s immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.

fat and thin pig

How to properly prepare mushrooms

It’s easy to prepare mushrooms at home and on the go:

  • It is better to collect young small mushrooms with caps that have not opened, without signs of rot or damage to the caps.
  • Valui must be subjected to lengthy water procedures to remove the bitter milky juice from the pulp.
  • A small weight must be placed on top so that the pigs are completely submerged in the water. The task of the first soaking of mushrooms is to wash off the sticky base from the caps and forest debris.

  • It is recommended to add salt to the water, so all the worms will crawl out of the mushrooms 100%.Duration of 1 soaking is 10-12 hours.
  • The liquid is drained into the sewer, a pan half filled with water is placed next to it, and the cleaned and washed milk mushrooms will be placed here. The debris is cleaned off with a brush, and the leg is trimmed with a knife and areas with rot or damaged plates are removed.
  • After washing all the mushrooms, put pressure in the pan and soak the milk mushrooms for 2 days, changing the water up to 4 times daily.

After completing a full washing cycle and removing the bitterness, you can begin to marinate the barns for the winter.

mushroom washing process

Recipes for preparing pigs for the winter

For this method of preparation, it is important to prepare a high-quality marinade. Let us examine in more detail the process of preparing 2 compositions of canning liquid.

Quick marinade recipe

The recipe for high-speed marinade preparation will help you cook quickly and tasty:

  • for every kilogram of milk mushrooms, use 400-500 milliliters of water and up to 20 grams of coarse salt;
  • pour water into a pan, add salt, 10-20 grams of sugar and bring to a boil over high heat;
  • Having thoroughly mixed the brine, filter it through several layers of gauze, put the pan on the fire and add up to 6 grams of citric acid, 5-6 pieces of allspice. It is recommended to add cloves, cinnamon and other spices, but this is purely individual;
  • the water has boiled, the marinade is poured into jars with mushrooms and the process of preparing milk mushrooms for the winter continues.

Universal marinade

To deliciously marinate different types of mushrooms, knowledge of a special recipe will come in handy.

The cooking process is similar to the quick method. The difference is that the mushrooms are boiled in this marinade for 20-30 minutes, then the milk mushrooms and spices are placed in jars and completely filled with marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 80-100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of table salt;
  • A 100-gram shot glass of 9% vinegar and a full range of herbs and spices to taste.

process of preparing fungus pigs

Pigs with garlic and pepper

To prepare a spicy cold appetizer with a delicious garlic smell, perform the following list of works:

  • 1 kilogram of cows is boiled in several waters for 10-15 minutes, and after each boiling it is cooled under running water. This way it is possible to shorten the cooking time and quickly remove bitterness;
  • after the last blanching, the milk mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and the excess water is allowed to drain;
  • prepare a universal marinade for 2 liters of water;
  • Add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic to the fungi and mix;
  • At the bottom of each jar put 1 dill umbrella, peppercorns and mushrooms with garlic. Fill the jars completely and tightly with milk mushrooms and pour hot marinade over them. All that remains is to seal the containers tightly and leave them until they cool completely.

The classic method of salting for the winter

For the classic recipe for the cold method of salting pigs, you will need to perform several simple operations:

  • it is necessary to salt in wooden barrels, enamel or glass containers, which before starting work are thoroughly washed with mustard powder and scalded with boiling water or sterilized;
  • For every 1 kilogram of mushrooms add 40 grams of coarse salt. The milk mushrooms and salt are thoroughly mixed;
  • The bottom of the barrel is filled with part of a set of spices and herbs. For every kilogram of pigs, use 5-6 peas of allspice, several large umbrellas of dill with seeds, but without stems. The bottom is additionally covered with several whole horseradish leaves;

appearance of marinated pigs

  • Soaked mushrooms with salt are laid in layers, topped with a layer of spices. This way they reach almost to the top, the last row is covered with black currant leaves.Place a gauze napkin on top and place a weight so that the pigs are completely hidden under a layer of juice;
  • Once every 2-3 days, rinse and scald the napkin with boiling water, remove the foam and, if necessary, add salted water.

Pickles are stored in the basement at a temperature of maximum 15-18 0 or in the refrigerator.

Valui marinated with vinegar essence

Vinegar essence can be used in the preparation of any pickled milk mushroom recipe, but you will need to calculate the proportion and add not 50 milligrams, but 1 teaspoon. Here is one recipe for preparing mushrooms with a crispy crust using the essence:

  • 2 kilograms of cowsheds are placed in salted water and boiled for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Particular attention is paid to removing foam;
  • put the milk mushrooms in a colander, drain the old brine, pour in clean water, add mushrooms, add 150 grams of salt, allspice - 10 pieces of peas, 5-7 bay leaves and 2 tablespoons of essence;
  • bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat to low, stirring constantly, simmer the walui for 25-30 minutes.

cooking pigs

After extinguishing the fire, the mushrooms are allowed to cool directly in the marinade; Having placed it in jars, cover it with nylon lids and put it in the basement or refrigerator. If you plan to roll valui in jars, they are immediately laid out and rolled in sterilized containers.

Canned barnyards in jars

Preserving pigs requires several stages:

  • to prepare a mushroom salad with vegetables, boil the soaked barnacles in salted water for 40 minutes, cool under running water and place in a colander to drain excess moisture;

pigs in a jar

  • mushrooms are cut into medium-sized pieces so as not to chase milk mushrooms around the plate;
  • Place the chopped pigs in a frying pan and lightly fry without oil until the juice evaporates;
  • 1 kilogram of tomatoes, sweet peppers, 500 grams of onions and 700 grams of carrots, cut into small pieces;

  • Stew tomatoes in hot oil for 5 minutes, add a layer of onion, chopped milk mushrooms and bell pepper. Stirring constantly, simmer vegetables and mushrooms for 5-7 minutes;
  • Add carrots, 50 grams of salt, 70 grams of sugar to the salad, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the salad over low heat for 45-50 minutes. Pour a 100-gram glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • Place the vegetable salad with mushrooms in sterilized jars and seal them with lids.

pigs in jars

Storage rules

Let us remind you that barnyard mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms. Family safety depends 50% on collecting and preparing food. The remaining 50% is allocated to compliance with storage rules.

If the pickled valui is rolled up with airtight lids in glass jars, it is easy to ensure safe storage conditions. It is enough to put the pickles in the pantry or even under the bed. The main thing is that this place should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and the storage areas should not be in close proximity to heating appliances and household appliances.

At the first signs of swelling of the jars, you can still digest the contents, add an increased percentage of vinegar and roll up the lids again, or use such pickles first. If a jar “explodes”, such a cap must be thrown away; eating such products is prohibited.

It is more difficult to organize storage of salted or fermented pigs in barrels or other containers that are not hermetically sealed with lids.Such pickles must be constantly monitored for mold and rot, gauze pads must be constantly changed or scalded, and a layer of juice must be added.

If the first spots of mold appear, completely remove the top row of mushrooms and pour 150-200 grams of sunflower oil or vodka into the container - this will avoid further spread of rot.

Important! The maximum shelf life of homemade mushroom preparations is 9 months. Opened large jars of pickled pigs are stored only in the refrigerator for 7-8 days from the moment of opening.

pig mushrooms in a jar


It is not difficult to prepare pickled barns for the winter. Collecting such milk mushrooms is easy; just find a few friendly families of young fungi, and the collection plan will be completed. Cooking recipes and preparatory work will not cause difficulties for novice housewives. A minimum set of simple tasks will allow you to quickly and efficiently prepare delicious valui for the whole winter.
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