Oven-dried eggplants for the winter are an exquisite Italian delicacy. They are served with rice
When preparing zucchini for the winter, it is worth studying recipes for canning cabbage, peppers and carrots.
Eating persimmon is an excellent opportunity to boost your immunity and mood in winter, and combining it with other
The oriental fruit pomegranate is a real storehouse of nutrients and microelements. Its systematic use
Various recipes for winter vegetable dishes in tomato juice are a great way to diversify
For the winter, green tomatoes are prepared in a tomato so that at any time
Pressed eggplants with garlic for the winter are an original dish that everyone will love
There are many recipes for cucumber sauce for the winter. Among the simplest and most delicious: classic
We will talk about a homemade vegetable appetizer from Bulgarian cuisine, captivating with its sweetish taste and salad
Recipes for preparing eggplants with champignons for the winter are striking in their variety, but they are all based
Lecho is considered a popular preparation all over the world. One of the types of this dish is lecho
When the cellar was filled with jars of tomatoes, pickled, salted and mashed into ketchup with olives,