How to properly salt white mushrooms in cold and hot ways

When properly prepared, mushrooms are an excellent addition to any table. If you don’t know how to pickle white mushrooms for the winter, then there are several popular and not very complicated methods for such preparation, which go well with various dishes.

Hot salting

Whitefish can be salted hot. For this purpose, only mushroom caps are used, the stems are removed. Salted whites must be fresh, without kinks or worms.

The mushroom should be moderately ripe. The harvest prepared for pickling must be thoroughly cleared of grass and debris, washed with running or boiled water, and the caps must be separated from the stems.

If the caps are large, it is advisable to cut them into 2 or 4 parts - this way the white caps are prepared and stored better and faster.

To prepare whites using the hot method, you will need the following elements:

  • deep aluminum pan;
  • prepared mushrooms;
  • oppression;
  • salt;
  • spices - black currant leaves, bay leaf, dill or parsley, basil, cilantro, cumin, garlic cloves, etc.;
  • glass container.

The jar must be sterilized. Pre-cleaned and prepared mushrooms are placed in a saucepan and filled with cold water so that all are covered with water. To make the pickling tasty, add a small amount of salt and seasoning to the water. The contents of the pan are simmered over low heat for 30 - 40 minutes. After this time, the mushrooms must be rinsed in a colander with cool water.

whites with dill

Place the white mushrooms in a sterilized container and cover with salt (50 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms). Additionally, cloves of garlic and chopped dill are used as seasoning. The whites must stand under oppression for a week, after which the pickles will be ready for use.

Salt white mushrooms, just like salt the volushki, can be done in different ways. There is another popular recipe for hot pickling. The prepared harvest must be placed in an aluminum pan, pour in 0.5 cups of water, add 2 tablespoons of salt, and bring the entire contents to a boil.

The main thing is to thoroughly stir the contents of the pan before boiling, as everything can burn or stick together. Boiling time ranges from 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the amount of product.

After the mushrooms have boiled, you need to remove the foam, transfer them to another container to cool quickly, and add spices.Then they are transferred to jars, filled with hot marinade and closed with a tight lid. The marinade is made at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Additionally, you can use bay leaf, ground black pepper, currant leaf and garlic. After 1.5 months, you can delight yourself and your guests with pickled whites.

Cold method of salting whitefish

Recipes for preparing white mushrooms also involve a cold method of pickling mushrooms. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

ready-made whites

  • thoroughly cleaned and washed mushroom caps (10 kg);
  • salt (400 g);
  • garlic (2-3 heads);
  • dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black pepper (peas).

If whites are prepared for the winter in jars in a cold way, then their soaking time should be at least 1.5 - 2 days. The water should be changed several times a day. Otherwise, the prepared mushrooms may become very bitter.

To prepare mushrooms using this method, the spices are first prepared. The garlic cloves are divided into several parts, the dill is finely chopped.

If you use dill seeds, you should first crush them together with black pepper in a mortar - this way they will release all their taste and aroma. Spices are mixed with a tablespoon of salt.

A mixture of spices is laid out at the bottom of the glass container, followed by a series of thoroughly cleaned and washed whites. For the best pickling mushrooms they must be laid with their caps down. After the first row of mushrooms, there is again a row of spices and white mushrooms are placed in the second row. And so on until the very top of the container. The last row must be covered with gauze and placed under pressure. Cold-cooked whites can be served within a month.

Belyanki with garlic and dill

Whitefish, like white salmon, can be salted for the winter. Various spices are used to complement the taste. Salted whites are a unique dish, as you can choose your own spices and seasonings to suit your taste.

The crop must be carefully selected, cleaned and washed. When washing mushrooms, the water must be changed several times. After completing this process, you need to fill the entire mass with cold water and leave to soak for 24 hours, changing the water 2-3 times. You can use the whole mushroom, not just the caps. It is necessary to place them in the jar with the caps facing down, since in this position the salt and spices will be absorbed much better.

cut whites

A layer of salt and a bay leaf are laid out at the bottom of a pre-prepared container. Additionally, you can use peeled and chopped horseradish leaf, which will give a unique aroma and add a sharp taste to the mushrooms. When laying out the white mushrooms, it is important that there is practically no distance left between the mushrooms, since during the cooking process the entire mass will settle.

When everything is in the container, you need to lay a layer of salt and spices on top. The oppression is installed, the workpiece is removed for a month in a dark and cool place. The maximum storage period does not exceed 5 months.

Preparing mushrooms

Before pickling or salting white mushrooms, it is necessary to carry out a thorough process of preparing the product, since the quality and taste of the finished pickling depends on this.

conservation of whitefish


  1. White mushrooms, like champignons, must be well cleaned even from small forest debris.
  2. If there are wormy or rotten specimens, they must be immediately removed from the total mass.
  3. The period of soaking the whites depends on what method of further preparation will be used, on average - from 1.5 to 3 days. The water should be changed every 6 hours.
  4. After soaking, it is recommended to cook the whites for 20–30 minutes in lightly salted water.
  5. If mushrooms are cooked hot, it is necessary to carefully remove the foam that forms during the cooking process.

If you decide to marinate or pickle mushrooms, you need to pay maximum attention to this process. Such preparations require compliance with all steps of the marinating or salting process and further storage of the preparation. Only carefully prepared crops can be salted.

Only if you follow all the recommendations and requirements for preparing mushrooms, the final product will turn out to be truly tasty and healthy and will perfectly complement any table. Do not forget that such pickles have a maximum shelf life of 6 months.
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