Few people know what kind of fish this is - mullet, however, it is one of the most common species in Russia and other European countries. Mullet is a valuable fish for industrial fishing and for those who like to relax with a fishing rod, due to its excellent taste and meatiness. Mullet also contains many vitamins and microelements, which makes it beneficial for human health.
general description
In the Mediterranean, mullet is now not as popular as dorado and tuna meat, but it still holds its position in taste and nutritional value. In fact, its meat is more tender than other species and is sold at an affordable price.However, due to the difficulty of removing meat from the bones, dressed mullet carcasses are rarely sold as they require too much effort to clean. There are up to 100 types of mullet, the most popular are mullet and white mullet.
Mullet is caught in both the Black Sea and Caspian waters. This catch is then frozen and delivered to stores. When the fish reaches the market, it is thawed to a standard temperature and offered for purchase. Despite the temperature changes, the quality and taste of the meat will not be affected; If you choose a reliable supplier, there will be no risk of contracting parasites or diseases.
Mullet is an incredibly lively fish that usually swims with a group. On average, its size can vary from 38 to 89 cm, and its weight can reach 6.9 kg. Her body is elongated and arrow-shaped, slightly flattened near her head, which looks like a sharp arrow. The scales are large, bluish-gray in color with softer silver scales on the belly and burgundy vertical stripes without a lateral line on the sides. The mullet has wide, fatty eyelids that cover the eyes right down to the pupils and protect them from damage.
The mullet's mouth is small, with thin lips and a pointed edge for catching prey. Its distinct fin with a clear indentation stands out. This fish feeds on soil, worms, tiny mollusks, crustaceans and sea plants. She is very prolific and can lay more than 7,000 eggs. Spawning occurs from May to September, regardless of the aquatic environment (coastal or open water).
The life cycle of a mullet fish includes several stages, from eggs to adults.
- Eggs: Mullet eggs can be laid in open waters or in river mouths.The eggs develop into larvae over several days or weeks.
- Larva: The mullet larva swims in the upper layers of the water, feeding on zooplankton and other small food. The larva goes through several stages of development before becoming a young fish.
- Juvenile: After several stages of development, the larva becomes a juvenile that lives in deep water and feeds on larger fish and other invertebrates.
- Adult: When the juvenile reaches sexual maturity, it becomes an adult fish and begins migrating to estuaries or the sea to mate and lay eggs.
- Death: At the end of the life cycle, the adult may die of old age or as a result of being hunted by predators.
The mullet's life cycle can vary depending on habitat conditions and other factors such as diet and the presence of predators. In general, mullet fish can live up to 15 years, but most individuals usually live around 7-8 years.
History of the mullet
Mullet fish can be caught almost anywhere in the world. Most of all, she loves to be found in tropical and subtropical regions, where there is a sandy bottom and abundant vegetation.
Since ancient times, mullet has been one of the key dietary products. Not only the Romans, but also the Egyptians enjoyed eating this fish from the abundant Nile River. Fishermen regularly used this resource and returned home with a bountiful catch. In Hawaii and the Philippines, local leaders valued mullet so much that they ordered their people to build special ponds to have a constant supply of this fish for themselves.
Today, fishermen, chefs, merchants, seafood experts and ordinary people are still hungry for mullet meat. These fish are bred in captivity, caught in the wild, canned, frozen and distributed for sale. Nutritionists are unanimous: Anyone who enjoys eating fish should consider adding mullet to their diet as part of their regular diet.
Composition of fish
Black Sea mullet meat is a good source of protein and many other nutrients. Here are some, based on USDA data, per 100 grams of fresh, skinless mullet:
- Calories: 125 kcal.
- Proteins: 20.08 g.
- Fat: 4.76 g (including saturated fatty acids - 1.126 g, monounsaturated fatty acids - 1.411 g, polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.414 g).
- Cholesterol: 65 mg.
- Sodium: 71 mg.
- Potassium: 335 mg.
- Calcium: 23 mg.
- Iron: 0.9 mg.
- Magnesium: 31 mg.
- Phosphorus: 230 mg.
- Zinc: 0.7 mg.
- Vitamin A: 60 IU.
- Vitamin E: 0.4 mg.
- Vitamin K: 0.2 mcg.
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.047 mg.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.158 mg.
- Vitamin B3 (niacin): 3.852 mg.
- Vitamin B6: 0.26 mg.
- Vitamin B12: 3.12 mcg.
Please note that nutrient content may vary depending on how the fish is prepared and its freshness.
Beneficial features
The delicate mullet fish not only takes your thoughts to the Caspian waters, but also provides the body with a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. This seafood contains all the basic elements necessary for human growth and development: fats, proteins, as well as micro- and macroelements. Vitamins are also present in this fish.
Eating mullet can have a positive effect on the strength of blood vessels.Its presence makes them more elastic and helps to avoid many medical problems. A heart attack or stroke is caused by a blockage in an artery that restricts regular blood flow, leading to dysfunction in other areas. Frequent consumption of mullet can cleanse the arteries and prevent the formation or retention of blood clots, as well as lower blood pressure levels. The legends about those who eat a lot of it and rarely suffer from health problems are true, so it is worth including this product in your diet when planning your meals. Doctors advise eating fish once or even twice a week.
Mullet is healthy in any form, but most of the nutrients are retained if it is boiled, baked without oil (or with a minimum amount of it) or steamed. It is especially beneficial for older adults and young children, as their bodies require a lot of nutrients to stay healthy and repair any damage.
Mullet can be consumed as part of a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner due to its low calorie content. Regular consumption of fish can help maintain muscle mass rather than converting protein into fat, while improving overall health and aiding digestion and various systems such as the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.
You should not feast on Azov mullet if a person is intolerant to its meat or any of its components, as there have been cases of severe allergic reactions.
Be sure to check the freshness of the fish and cook it properly. It is extremely important to protect yourself by ensuring a thorough cooking process.Eating stale fish can lead to food poisoning, as well as other long-term serious health effects caused by parasites found in some types of seafood.
Mullet is a fish with tender meat, which is considered a premium variety for food. Its bones are of impressive size, not too small for easy cleaning. It can be prepared in different ways - soups, baking with spices, cutlets and much more. You can usually find smoked or canned mullet in stores (in oil or tomato sauce), but they can also be available dried and salted.
Mullet can be fried in hot oil until it forms a crisp coating of breadcrumbs. It is an ideal ingredient for casseroles with porcini mushrooms. It can also be smoked or cooked over an open fire. With so many cooking methods available, this versatile fish is hard to mess up and pairs well with a variety of other ingredients.
Recommendations for choosing a mullet
Buy fish that has been frozen immediately after being caught. The blast freezing process will preserve the highest quality of the product. Inspect the package for markings indicating when and how it was frozen. If you are dealing directly with the supplier, ask for documents confirming the date of catch and freshness.
The greatest benefits come from eating fish caught in the Caspian/Black Sea in spring or late autumn.Meat has the greatest nutritional value for only two days, since after that the nutritional value decreases. If the merchant manages to sell all of his product during this time and the consumer eats it immediately, he will receive only benefits and improved health.
No one wants to consume a product that causes disgust by its appearance. Choose fish whose carcass is not damaged, with smooth and shiny scales, of regular shape and size. The scales should fit tightly to the fish’s body, sparkle in the sunlight and have an attractive silvery sheen. Discoloration, unevenness and wounds are not acceptable. Avoid buying a defective fish carcass and look for a more reliable seller.
When buying a mullet, pay attention to its eyeballs - they should be convex and clear with a visible black pupil. If the fish is not fresh, its eyes will look cloudy, swollen and glassy. To test freshness, apply light pressure to the body and observe how quickly it regains its shape. If the dent remains and does not straighten out, this is a sign that the product is expired.
Mullet fish is a commercially important fish species that is caught in various regions of the world, including the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic and others. There are several methods of catching mullet fish that are used by fishermen:
- Net fishing: This is the most common method of catching mullet. Mullet nets can come in many sizes and shapes, but the most common are round nets (called "circle nets") and hook nets. Fishermen lay a net in the water and wait for the fish to fall into it.
- Line fishing: This is a method of catching mullet using a fishing rod.Fishermen use fishing rods of varying lengths and strengths, as well as a variety of baits (live or artificial) to attract fish to the fishing rod.
- Trawling: This is a method of catching mullet using a special vessel that pulls a net a long distance from the shore. The fish are caught in the net and then transferred to the ship.
- Sturgeon Bait Fishing: This is a fishing method in which a cut piece of sturgeon is threaded onto a hook to attract mullet.
Depending on the region and conditions, fishermen may use different fishing methods. In any case, it is important to follow the rules and laws governing fishing in order to preserve fish stocks and maintain a stable ecosystem of water bodies.