Description of the Black Sea pelengas, where it is found and what this fish eats

The Black Sea pelengas is a common fish that belongs to the Mullet family. These individuals can live in salt and fresh water. They are characterized by low-calorie meat, which consists of 20% easily digestible proteins. It contains many vitamins and minerals. In addition, the product contains omega-3 fatty acids. They are natural antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Description of the fish

The Black Sea pelengas is characterized by an elongated body that looks like a torpedo.It has practically no bulges at the top and bottom. The fish is characterized by a pointed nose. The fins and tail are medium in size. The body is covered with large shiny scales, which are pinkish in color. Closer to the back, its edges become darker. The upper jaw of individuals protrudes beyond the lower. The weight of adult fish reaches 1 kilogram. With a large amount of food in the reservoir, they can weigh 12 kilograms.

Thanks to the efforts of ichthyologists, these representatives of the Mullet family came from the Sea of ​​Japan to other basins. Today, pelengas are found in the Azov and Black Seas. They are found in the Kerch Strait and in the Kuban rivers.

Depending on their distribution area, the following types of bearings are distinguished:

  • Far Eastern;
  • Kuban;
  • Azov.

Adults that are caught in different places differ in weight. With the arrival of autumn, flocks of pelengas move from salty to fresh water bodies. In rivers they live in holes and depressions. In the spring, individuals migrate back to salty sea water.

This fish feeds in brackish waters - off the coast of seas and in river mouths. Maximum bearing activity is observed from dawn to 10 am. After which a period of silence begins. This fish comes out to hunt after sunset. In turbulent weather, the pelengas moves closer to the bottom and falls into a state of stupor. In the calm, the flocks begin to move again.

The main diet of the pelengas is considered to be the Nereis worm. At the bottom he looks for algae and the remains of dead fish. In addition to silt, the diet of such individuals may include gobies and sprat.

Comparison with mullet

Pelengas are found in the same reservoirs as mullet. Therefore, it is important to understand their differences. The main feature of representatives of this family is the absence of a midline on the sides.If we talk about the differences between these individuals, it should be noted that the pelengas are characterized by larger scales and an orange cornea of ​​the eyes. Moreover, the mullet usually has blue eyes. There is also a difference in size. Pelengas are usually larger than their relatives. At the same time, mullet has a more delicate taste.

Black Sea bearing

About pelengas meat

Black Sea and Azov pelengas are a valuable food product. This fish has tender and juicy meat, which has a pleasant milky tint. It is characterized by a sweetish taste. Therefore, fish is often used in cooking. Pelengas meat has no bones, which is why it is often included in children's diets.

Calorie content

Pelengas consists of 20% protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. In summer, fish meat contains a lot of fat. Their content reaches 8%. In summer, the proportion of fatty acids reaches 32%, while in winter this figure does not exceed 17.

There is a lot of retinol in pelengas meat. This product is also rich in vitamins. Among the minerals it contains phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. According to its chemical composition, pelengas is a natural antioxidant. This product has a beneficial effect on brain function. In addition, it has a good effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. A person who regularly eats pelengas may not be afraid of hypertension, atherosclerosis and cancer.

If we talk about the calorie content of this fish, it is worth noting that it is considered a dietary product. There are only 85 kilocalories in 100 grams of fish fillet.

Black Sea bearing photo

Beneficial features

Pelengas lives in salt and fresh water and brings great benefits to the body. With regular use of this product, the following effects can be achieved:

  1. Prevent diseases that are associated with disorders of the immune system and the formation of malignant tumors.
  2. Get rid of excess weight. This fish has lean meat, which is low in calories, so it can be safely included in the diet.
  3. Reduce the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood, restore metabolism and stabilize blood pressure. This effect is achieved due to the presence of omega acids in the composition. These components help avoid the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Strengthen the immune system and restore health after serious illnesses or surgical interventions. The protein part of fish includes important amino acids, which make the product very nutritious. Therefore, it should be used by children, athletes and people with weakened immune systems.
  5. Improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and teeth. This is due to the saturation of the body with minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
  6. Normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is due to the high iodine content. Therefore, the product is recommended for use by people with diseases of this organ.
  7. Normalize the functioning of the digestive system and reduce blood glucose levels.
  8. Remove excess fluid from the body. This is due to the fact that the product contains a lot of potassium. In addition, it helps get rid of swelling and saturate cells with oxygen.
  9. Normalize the water-alkaline balance in the body, strengthen bones and tooth enamel. Such properties of bearings are due to the high phosphorus content.

The benefit of this fish for women is to increase the body's resistance to stress. This allows you to get rid of depression and improve your mood. The iron contained in the product helps prevent anemia.Iodine, which is part of pelengas, stabilizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and replenishes the lack of hormones. Since the product is a natural antioxidant, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, fish helps women eliminate PMS symptoms.

Bearing light is also useful for men. Systematic consumption of this fish helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Due to the presence of fatty acids and minerals in the product, it helps to avoid the development of heart pathologies. In addition, fish fillet can solve the problem of high blood pressure and saturate the body with amino acids, which are needed for muscle development.

Black Sea bearing

Since fish contains many fatty acids and microelements, it is beneficial during pregnancy. This product helps ensure proper development of the fetus. In addition, fish allows you to avoid the occurrence of vitamin deficiency and anemia. With its help, it is possible to strengthen the body's defenses.

In addition, pelengas helps to cope with the problem of hair loss and deterioration in the appearance of skin in a pregnant woman. However, when consuming this product, it is important to consider that it can accumulate toxic substances. In minimal quantities they do not pose a threat to women's health, but can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, before eating this fish, you should consult your doctor. During lactation, the product should not be consumed until the child is 10 months old.

Due to the high content of minerals and fatty acids, pelengas is very useful for children. However, it is recommended to introduce this product into a child’s diet closer to the age of one year. The size of the first serving should not exceed 10 grams.If we talk about fish soup based on pelengas, this dish should not be given to children under 3 years of age. The broth may contain dangerous substances that pose a threat to the child's body. In addition, the intestines of a small child cannot digest such a fatty product. Before introducing fish into your baby’s diet, you should consult your doctor.

Since pelengas is considered a low-calorie product, dishes based on it can be used for weight loss. In addition, seafood contains many valuable substances, amino acids and vitamins that activate the process of losing weight. This is achieved by normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract. Such dishes help to replenish vitamin deficiencies in the diet of a person on a diet.

Black Sea bearing


Pelengas looks like a completely safe product that has virtually no contraindications. Only those people who suffer from individual intolerance to seafood should avoid it. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor before using this product.

How to store meat

Pelengas can be Don, Black Sea, Azov. Regardless of the type of fish, it must be stored correctly. A carcass cleaned of entrails and scales can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. In this case, salt is required as a preservative. Fish must be kept in an airtight container.

In the freezer, pelengas can retain its properties for up to six months. However, it is not necessary to clean it of scales. Moreover, it helps protect the fibers from destruction. After cooking, such fish turns out tender and juicy. After heat treatment, the product should be eaten within 2 hours. If you put the dish in the refrigerator, it will remain fresh for 2 days.

To ensure that fish does not cause harm to health, when choosing it you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. To buy a fresh product, it is recommended to give preference to live fish. After which it must be properly frozen or cooked within 2 hours.
  2. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the gills. They should have a bright or dark red hue.
  3. You should definitely smell the fish. If it has too strong a smell, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  4. Pay attention to the eyes of the fish. They must be clear and transparent. If the pelengas has cloudy eyes, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  5. The appearance of the scales is of no small importance. It should be smooth and shiny.
  6. When buying fish, you can touch it with your finger. The fresh product does not have a hole in this place.
  7. When cutting up a stale carcass, the meat itself separates from the bones. It is better not to eat such fish.

Black Sea pelengas fishing

It is worth noting that river fish may be covered with a small amount of mucus. This is a completely normal sign. However, it should not be on a seafood product.

Preparing to cook

Many people are interested in the specifics of preparing sea fish for cooking. To prevent the scales from scattering in different directions during cleaning, the carcass can be doused with boiling water on both sides. In this case, it is important not to pour the liquid very quickly, but also not to linger in a specific place. The fact is that pelengas has delicate skin that can peel off quickly. It is best to pour boiling water over the fish in the sink.

Also, pelengas carcasses can be placed in a container with water and cleaned with your hands or a knife. In this case, the scales will remain in the dish. If you cannot remove the black film inside the fish, you can pour hot water over it.However, you should not use boiling water. Then you need to take a knife or a hard washcloth and remove the film. After completing these steps, all that remains is to cut the cleaned fish.

Cooking recipes

The most popular method of preparing river or sea pelengas is frying. For this dish you will need the following:

  • prepared fish steaks;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt.

To cook fish, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Cut up the carcass. In this case, you need to remove moisture and films with a paper towel.
  2. Cut the fish into pieces 4 centimeters thick.
  3. Mix flour with salt.
  4. Roll the fish in the mixture.
  5. Fry in heated vegetable oil.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the dish for another 2 minutes.

Black Sea pelengas cook

An excellent option would be to prepare pelengas in a slow cooker. To do this you will need the following:

  • pelengas carcass;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • pepper;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil.

To get a tasty and healthy dish, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare fillet pieces.
  2. Mix flour with salt and pepper.
  3. Pour lemon juice over the fish and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. Heat oil in a slow cooker.
  5. Set the frying or baking mode.
  6. Cook the fish for 20 minutes, then turn it over to the other side and leave for the same time.

You can cook marinated steaks on the grill. To do this you will need the following:

  • pelengas steaks;
  • Orange juice;
  • fresh ginger;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • herbs;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil.

To cook fish, you need to do the following:

  1. To prepare the sauce, mix orange juice with oil, spices and herbs.
  2. Add chopped ginger and minced garlic.
  3. Pour the sauce over the fish and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.
  4. Remove the pelengas from the marinade and fry on the grill for 8 minutes on each side.

Fish can be baked in the oven. Thanks to this, you will be able to get a tasty and healthy dish. To do this, it is recommended to take the following products:

  • 900 grams of fish;
  • 200 milliliters of cream;
  • 300 grams of fresh champignons;
  • spices.

To prepare the dish, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Marinate the product in a mixture of pepper, salt and fish spices and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Wash the mushrooms and prepare foil envelopes.
  3. Put 50 grams of mushrooms in each of them and salt them a little.
  4. Place pieces of fish on top and pour 1 tablespoon of cream.
  5. Wrap the envelopes tightly and place in a baking dish. This amount of ingredients should make 6 envelopes.
  6. Place the pieces in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for half an hour.

Black Sea bearing

Interesting Facts

Pelengas is considered a rather interesting fish, with many interesting facts associated with it:

  1. When moving in search of food, pelengas often jump out of the water. If the flock sees a boat or boat, it will change direction to move as far away from danger as possible.
  2. Adults are so active and strong that during commercial fishing they can jump over a net into the sea.
  3. Pelengas quickly adapts to new conditions. During the first few years after settling in the Black and Azov Seas, only single individuals weighing up to 2 kilograms were found there. In the eighties, their population increased significantly. In the nineties, pelengas became a commercial species.
  4. The maximum amount of fat is contained in fish that was caught in late summer or early autumn.

The Black Sea pelengas is a popular fish that has a significant population. These individuals are distinguished by their valuable meat, which contains many useful components. Thanks to regular use of this product, every person can significantly improve their health.
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