Description of the paddlefish fish, what it eats and where it lives, lifestyle and breeding

Paddlefish is a practically unknown sturgeon fish in our country, but in the rest of the world it is a valuable commercial species. Paddlefish fish is valued for its high taste and culinary properties; many recipes for its preparation have been invented, and its tender meat without small bones is considered a delicacy. Paddlefish caviar is as valuable and expensive as that of other sturgeon species. However, this fish cannot be caught everywhere and not always; anglers should be aware of the restrictions.

What kind of fish is this

Like all sturgeon fish, the paddlefish is distinguished by its large size and high nutritional value, which is why it has become an object of fishing. The species is ancient; the ancestors of this freshwater fish existed in the reservoirs of our planet more than 100 million years ago. However, incessant fishing in recent decades has led to the decline of the species. It so happened that in a relatively short time man almost destroyed the ancient species.

Moreover, the reason for the population decline was not only fishing on an industrial scale, but also the blocking of river channels with dams and hydroelectric power plants. Because of this, fish do not reach their usual spawning areas. Today, the paddlefish is included in the International Red Book as a rapidly declining species; industrial fishing in natural waters is prohibited. Paddlefish are raised for sale in special fish farms. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed the species as "vulnerable".

What biological classification the frogfish has is indicated in the table.

Class Ray-finned
squad Sturgeon
family Paddlefish
genus Paddlefish
view Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula)

Her appearance

The fish is large and can grow to enormous sizes in its natural environment. An adult reaches 2 m in length and can weigh up to 80-90 kg. But usually the individuals bred in fish farms are slightly smaller, their usual weight is 50-70 kg. But in general, the paddlefish is larger than other sturgeon species.

The external feature of the paddlenose sturgeon is the strongly elongated and paddle-shaped front part of the head, which is how the species got its name. The shape of an elongated fish stigma resembles the beak of a platypus, only longer. The length of the stigma is almost 1/3 of the body length.

There are no scales on the body of the paddlefish, which further increases the commercial value of the species. The paddlefish's oral cavity is large, with two short antennae visible next to it.


There is only one caudal fin. It is shifted to the back of the back, almost parallel to the anal fin in the vertical axis. The caudal fin has a heterocercal shape, that is, its upper part is noticeably larger than the lower.

The paddlefish is almost entirely dark gray. Only the belly is lighter. However, in some individuals the belly color does not differ from the main one.

Where does the paddlefish live?

The natural habitat of the paddlenose sturgeon covers the rivers of southern and southeastern North America, flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. This is mainly the Mississippi and its tributaries. But the fish is also found in the Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio rivers.

The paddlefish tries to stay in the depths, away from the river banks. The fish with a flat snout swims in the water column at an average depth of 3 m, but in spring and summer it stays near the water surface. During the flood period, paddlefish migrate along the riverbed to adjacent lakes, where they wait out the period of rising water. When the water subsides, they return to their usual habitat.

Is there fish in Russia

The paddlefish's habitat does not cover the waters of Russia; it has never lived in its natural environment here. But breeding paddlefish also requires specific climatic conditions, which almost the entire territory of Russia does not meet. Therefore, appropriate fish farms in the form of artificially constructed ponds and lakes are available only in the central and southern regions of Russia, in particular in Voronezh and Krasnodar. Also for breeding sturgeon fish with long nose The territory of Ukraine is suitable, there are also fish farms there.

We started breeding paddlefish in the 1970s, when live specimens of commercial fish were brought to the USSR from the USA specifically for this purpose.

Paddlefish photo

Reproduction and spawning

American paddlefish spawn in the spring. The exact period is determined by the specific body of water; in Mississippi this is, for example, the last days of April and the beginning of May. It is noteworthy that paddlefish do not spawn annually, but every 4-7 years, and this is an additional factor in the population decline.

The fish gather in large schools, covering the river bed up to 300 km in length. Spawning can also occur in lakes; in this case, the fish gather in areas of water with a shallow rocky bottom up to 6 m deep. The water temperature at the spawning site should be approximately +15°C.

Females become able to reproduce from 12-14 years of age. At this age, individuals reach 1.5 m in length. One female lays several tens of thousands of eggs.


The paddlefish is the only sturgeon species that is not a predator. The paddlefish's diet is based on plant and animal plankton, which the large fish absorbs with its long snout. The diet also includes small worms and larvae, algae. The fish swims with their jaws open in search of food. Edible microorganisms themselves swim into the oral cavity with streams of water, which is then filtered through the gills.

Life cycle

The life expectancy of the paddlefish is long - 15-18 years. But some individuals live longer if the environmental conditions are favorable and there are enough food sources. Cases have been recorded of paddlefish reaching up to 40 years of age. As fish age, they become larger and larger.

Paddlefish photo

A duck-snout fish lives and feeds alone almost all the time. Sometimes small flocks are observed.Only in the spring, during the flood period, do representatives of the species unite for spawning.

Are there any enemies?

The paddlefish, being a harmless species, itself becomes a victim of many representatives of terrestrial and freshwater fauna. The main enemy of the paddlenose sturgeon is the lamprey parasite. These are jawless fish that stick to the body of sturgeon, thereby seriously harming its body. There are other parasitic organisms that can disrupt the life of the paddlefish, but the fish most often suffer from lampreys.

When a paddlefish rises to the water surface, it can be grabbed by birds of prey and mammalian predators. Oddly enough, algae also pose a danger to young and small paddlefish. More precisely, extensive algae thickets, entangled in which young paddlefish cannot escape, and eventually die.

Fish farming

In the United States, paddlefish are practically not bred or caught on an industrial scale, despite the commercial value of the species. The largest percentage of fish are caught in farms on the Osage River, a tributary of the Missouri, and in the adjacent Lake of the Ozarks. Private fishing in fish-breeding reservoirs is paid.

Breeding paddlefish is not difficult, since the fish is not capricious and does not require special conditions or careful care. To breed a commercial species, a reservoir of 70 hectares is enough, the depth of which must be at least 1.5 m. The water temperature in the reservoir should be +22-24°C - this is the optimal value for the comfortable life of the fish. The water should be well aerated. Paddlefish loves when the bottom is muddy and abounds in underwater vegetation.


Over 3 years of life, under good conditions and high-quality feeding, the fish gains up to 5 kg in weight.A hectare of fish-breeding pond yields up to 100 kg of live weight.

Keeping in an aquarium

Aquarium maintenance is a problematic undertaking. Since an adult reaches 2 m, the aquarium must be huge. It should also be taken into account that the fish in the tank should swim freely and not be in cramped conditions. Therefore, an aquarium for one individual must have a capacity of at least 300 liters. Plus, you need to install a high-quality filtration and aeration system, otherwise the fish will get sick and develop poorly.

Another difficulty in keeping an aquarium is the feeding habits. The paddlenose sturgeon will not eat regular food for aquarium fish, just as it will not eat food for other sturgeon species. Only live planktonic crustaceans are suitable for feeding paddlefish.

Fishing Features

In winter, paddlefish are not caught simply because large fish will not pass through a hole in the ice. In addition, representatives of the species do not demonstrate activity during the winter months. In spring, fishing is prohibited due to spawning. If during this period a fisherman is caught with such a catch, he will receive a large fine and confiscation of fishing equipment. But summer is the season for paddlefish fishing.

In commercial quantities, paddlefish in the United States are caught using large nets 3 km long and 10 m wide. Sometimes wire gear with hooks and sinkers, and gill nets are used.

In Russia, paddlenose sturgeon can be caught in the reservoirs of fish farms. You'll have to pay, but the bite will definitely be excellent. Although it is not often possible to catch a large individual, mostly medium-sized specimens are caught. American fishermen are luckier in this regard; in US water bodies they often manage to catch an individual up to 2 m long.

Paddlefish photo

To catch paddlenose sturgeon, a feeder is used - deep tackle. Any bait is suitable; anglers usually use a worm. It is desirable that the bait be light, rising in the water above the bottom surface. It is possible to use scented bait. Since the paddlefish likes to fuss and look for food in muddy water, it is recommended to make bait that will appear from a distance as a plankton accumulation. To do this, you need to mix crushed bran, breadcrumbs, corn flour and powdered baby food.

Since the fish is large and heavy, the tackle must be durable and include the following parts:

  • carp fishing rod with large dough;
  • carp leash with size 2 hook;
  • a 6000 inertia-free type power coil with combined front and rear friction brakes;
  • a short Shock Leader made from 0.6mm monofilament;
  • cord with a maximum breaking load of 40 kg;
  • sinker 60-100 g;
  • large bead made of silicone.
You should not use swivels and carbines, because of which the strength and reliability of the gear will significantly decrease.

When assembling the tackle, the Shock Leader is tied to the fishing line, first a sinker is put on it, then a bead. Next, the leash is attached. The length of this element must be at least 50 cm so that the nozzle does not press against the bottom of the reservoir.

When fishing, the fishing rod must be placed on a stand and equipped with an electronic device that provides bite signals.


Cooking fish

The calorie content of a paddlefish is determined by age. The older the fish, the higher the calorie content. Here's how many calories are contained in 100 g of paddlefish meat of different ages:

  • 2-year-old fish weighing 1 kg - 94 kcal;
  • 3-year-old weighing 2.5 kg - 102 kcal;
  • 10 year old weighing 18 kg - 152 kcal.

The palatability of paddlenose sturgeon is excellent, the taste is rich, the fillet is tender. There are many cooking recipes; fish turns out equally tasty when frying, baking in the oven, boiling, salting, smoking. The main thing is to choose fresh, recently caught fish. Freshness is indicated by clear eyes, a pinkish color of the fillet and gills, and a clean body surface.

Here is a simple recipe for paddlefish fish soup. To prepare, take:

  • fish weighing 6 kg;
  • 2 medium-sized onions;
  • 3 medium sized carrots;
  • salt, bay leaf, seasonings according to taste preferences.

Prepare the fish soup like this:

  1. Clean the fish, remove the internal organs and fins, cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Place a pot of water on the stove and wait until it starts to boil.
  3. Place a bay leaf into boiling water and add salt.
  4. Cut the carrots and onions into strips and add them to the pan.
  5. After 20 minutes, place the fish pieces into the water. Place the head with the stigma too.
  6. Add seasonings.
  7. Continue cooking for about another half hour until the fish is cooked through. Remove the foam that forms during cooking with a spoon.

Paddlefish photo

Interesting Facts

Since the paddlefish is peaceful, it is often grown together with carp.

The color of paddlenose sturgeon caviar changes depending on the age of the female that threw it. The most valuable caviar from young individuals is dark gray in color.

Paddlefish fillet is a rich source of omega-3 acids, vitamins and minerals. Given its chemical composition, the product supports the health of the vascular system, improves the functioning of the endocrine and digestive systems, and also normalizes metabolism, therefore it is recommended for the diet.

Until a few years ago, there were two species of paddlefish in the world - American and Chinese.The second had a limited habitat; it was caught only in the Yangtze River basin. In 2003, zoologists announced that the Chinese paddlefish had disappeared from the face of the earth. The reason was the same irrepressible fishing. In China, paddlefish were actively used in cooking; the Chinese caught over 20 tons of this fish per year, which destroyed the population.
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