Description and characteristics of the cherry plum variety Kuban Comet, planting and care

Cherry plum is the name given to wild plums, which have long been used to make sauces, syrups, and jams. But the unpretentiousness of the plant and its prolific fertility led breeders to research varieties and hybrids of the crop that can delight gardeners and have a pleasant taste. This is how the Kuban Comet cherry plum variety appeared, and then others that became widespread in the southern regions of Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

History of the launch of the Kuban comet

The breeding of the cherry plum variety was carried out at the Crimean experimental station from the Vavilov Research Institute. Biologists crossed the Skoroplodnaya and Pionerka plums, obtaining a hybrid with high fruiting qualities, resistance to difficult climatic and weather conditions, and early ripening. At the end of the last century, cherry plum was included in the list of crops zoned in the North-Western region, as well as the Central Black Earth, North Caucasus.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the cherry plum variety include the fact that this early crop:

  • bears fruit consistently;
  • tolerates low temperatures well;
  • famous for its harvests of large fruits weighing 10-40 kilograms;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • used for cultivation by farmers.

They also note that the advantages of choosing a hybrid are that plums have an excellent taste, can hang ripe on the branches for a long time and do not spoil.

The disadvantage of the hybrid is that it is partially self-fertile, so pollinators must be planted nearby. The seeds inside the fruit are difficult to separate from the pulp, which many people also do not like.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Characteristics of the tree and fruits

When choosing a cherry plum variety, the description of the tree and fruit and their characteristics play an important role. Before planting a crop, allocate a place for it in the garden, the size of which depends on the width of the crown.The quality of the fruit is also important. In addition to high yields, I want to get a crop with plums that are tasty, juicy, and have a universal purpose.

Crown size

The weak-growing plum tree has a spreading crown, but with sparse, short branches. It resembles a ball in shape, but sometimes it forms a bush crown. Over time, the crown becomes slightly flattened, growing in diameter up to 4-5 meters.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Leaves with a slightly wavy surface appear on the branches from the buds. They are round, green, glossy on top. Branches of the 2nd order of gray color are located horizontally in relation to the trunk.

Trunk height

The tree trunk is covered with gray bark, as are the young shoots. An adult cherry plum reaches a height of 2.8 to 3 meters.

Branching of the root system

In plum culture, the roots have 5 main processes. When planted, they should reach a length of 25-30 centimeters. The depth of the roots is not high, this is taken into account when planting, without deepening the root collar. Loosening and digging of the root circle is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots of the plant.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

In order for a tree to bear fruit successfully, it must be resistant to the climate of the growing region. The culture withstands dry seasons. It may not freeze at temperatures of 20 degrees below zero.

Immunity to diseases and pests

Stone fruit culture is characterized by resistance to major fungal diseases. But infection with gray or fruit rot is possible with humid summers and poor care. Good illumination of the crown and regular thinning of it saves from diseases and pests.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Reproduction of cherry plum

The most common methods for propagating cherry plum:

  1. A bone. In the fall, large fruits are selected, the pit is removed, washed and dried.Then the planting material is placed in the grooves at a distance of several centimeters from each other. Draw grooves and cover the seeds with soil and peat on top. It is necessary to protect the seeds from rodents. In the spring, shoots will appear, they are looked after, and a year later they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  2. Cuttings. They are prepared in the spring, before sap flow begins. Select straight shoots 1-2 meters long, cutting cuttings 10-15 centimeters long. The material is stored at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, and then planted in a greenhouse in wet sand. After a month, the seedlings can be transplanted.
  3. Vaccination. A sprout from a seed is used for the rootstock, and a cutting is used as the scion. The rootstock can be cherry, plum, or apricot. It is best to use budding for grafting.

cherry plum Kuban comet

The work of propagating cherry plum requires horticultural skills and knowledge.

Peculiarities of flowering and fruiting of a tree

Although pollination occurs on the plum tree independently, it is better to plant pollinators of the Red Ball and Seyanets varieties next to the Kuban Comet. Flowers appear on the hybrid in the last ten days of April. They are white and hairless. The fruits set quickly and abundantly and reach technical maturity in July. In the first summer they get up to 10 kilograms of berries, and after 3-4 years with good care - up to 40 kilograms.

Taste and use of fruits

The variety's fruits have distinctive features such as:

  • large weight of 40 grams of each berry;
  • changes in color as it matures from yellow-red to burgundy;
  • juicy pulp, yellowish, fibrous;
  • sweet and sour taste, reminiscent of apricot.

cherry plum Kuban comet

You can’t pick fruits from the tree right away. They do not spoil, but become tastier. The berries are consumed fresh, stored in the refrigerator for 20-25 days. Compotes, jams, and sauces made from cherry plums are excellent.

Landing technology

Even a novice gardener can grow Kuban Comet cherry plum. Planting must be done correctly, observing agrotechnical standards. After all, at this time the foundation of culture is laid.

Optimal timing

The timing of planting must be chosen taking into account that the plant has time to adapt to conditions that are comfortable for it. It takes 2-2.5 months to strengthen the plum. You can plant the crop in the spring, then it will get stronger over the summer. Autumn planting is carried out in temperate climates in September-October.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Appropriate place

For the hybrid, areas that are illuminated by the sun and protected from the cold wind are suitable. The soil needs neutral acidity. Swampy places with saline soils are dangerous for the plant. It is necessary for the tree to have enough nutrients, moisture and air to develop.

Preparation of planting material

Select varietal cherry plum seedlings without rot or damage. Carefully inspect the root system. When it dries, the roots are dipped into water or a mash of clay and manure. If the seedling has a closed root system, then it is watered before planting and then carefully pulled out of the pot, trying not to damage the clods of earth on the roots.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Landing algorithm

The pits for planting cherry plums are prepared in advance, deepening them by 40 centimeters. Crushed stone is laid at the bottom. Then the fertile layer removed during digging is mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers and a third of the hole is filled with it. A peg is stuck into the center of the hole, and a seedling with straightened roots is placed next to it.

Holding the plum seedling with one hand so that the root collar is 5 centimeters above the soil level, sprinkle it with soil. Having compacted the tree trunk circle, water it abundantly and mulch it. It is necessary to shorten the side branches of the cherry plum seedling to the growth point, and the top of the central shoot by 5-7 centimeters.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Cultivation care

To create a fruit tree with a powerful root system, you need to properly care for the seedling. This includes soil care and the formation of the plant crown.


Cherry plum is unable to tolerate prolonged drought; this can have a negative impact on the branched root system located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, the young tree is watered every month, spending up to 40 liters of water per cherry plum. For an adult fruit-bearing hybrid, cherry plums increase consumption by 10 liters. It is imperative to irrigate the tree a month before harvesting. In August, they begin to reduce the frequency of watering to reduce the formation of new growth.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Foliar and root fertilizer

The young cherry plum will receive nutrition when planting and then when digging up the mulch. But fertilizers are applied annually, both root and foliar. They include all the elements necessary for the development of cherry plum. You need humus, bird droppings, and urea. Start feeding in the spring and continue throughout the growing season. It is especially important to feed after flowering to allow the plant to bear fruit.

Crown formation

A cup-shaped crown is suitable for the cherry plum variety. This will make the tree look decorative. Limiting the growth of cherry plum will help regulate fruiting. Cherry plum Kuban comet grows actively up to 5 years of life, so it is necessary to thin out and shorten the shoots. For the southern regions, the autumn procedure is suitable. Summer pruning of cherry plum is needed in order to restore normal fruiting and remove shoots that will not bear fruit. In spring, a crown is formed in regions with cold winters.

cherry plum Kuban comet

Tree trunk care

Caring for the area around the plum tree includes loosening the soil. Mulching will help retain moisture and limit the number of weeds.Peat or humus can be used as mulch. Dry straw and sawdust will also work.

Shelter for the winter

The cherry plum variety is winter-hardy, but if the temperature is below 30 degrees, then you need to cover the plum before wintering. Nonwoven materials and roofing felt are suitable for this. Whitewashing, which is done in the fall, saves cherry plums from winter and spring burns.

Diseases and pests and methods of combating them

Some fungal diseases are not dangerous for varietal cherry plum. But some of them affect cherry plum. This happens more often in damp and cool weather. You must be able to recognize a disease or pest and take the necessary measures.

Gray rot

Gray rot

With this disease, a pile of gray-white bloom covers the leaves, and brownish spots are visible on the shoots. Cherry plum fruits also become sick, rot and fall off. They begin to treat the tree in the spring by spraying it with a solution of copper sulfate. Among the drugs, “Cuprofan” is effective.

Brown spot

The danger of the disease is that it causes damage such that half the harvest is lost. The presence of fungus is determined by brown spots with a border. Black dots are visible in the middle of them. After the spots grow, the cherry plum leaves dry out. Copper-based products are used to prevent and treat the disease.

Brown spot


The main sign of cherry plum infection is red spots on the leaves. Then the irregularities grow, and a yellowish-orange coating with fungal spores appears on the underside of the leaf. Among the drugs, Baktofit will be effective. And in early spring, you can prevent the spread of the disease with a 5% urea solution.

Fruit sapwood

The vital activity of a beetle on a plum is determined by the flow of gum and the passages made in the tree trunk.Feeding on the tissues at the base of the buds, the females lay eggs, and the emerging larvae absorb the bark of the cherry plum tree, reaching the roots. It is necessary to apply insecticides twice to destroy the pest.

 Fruit sapwood

codling moth

The name of the parasite speaks for itself. The object of activity of insects and caterpillars is cherry plum fruits. Only insect control can protect against damage. It is carried out using the drugs “Bitox”, “Avant”. It is necessary to spray after 20 days, when the cherry plum fades. Repeat the procedure after 10-14 days.

Gum treatment

When abundant amber-colored resin and gum appears on the cherry plum trunk, the cause of this may be pest damage. In spring, this is a sign that the tree is freezing or getting burned. After pruning the hybrid, gum production may also begin. You can prevent it by taking care of the tree and proper care.

Gum production on cherry plum

Western gypsy moth

This pest is recognized by damage to the bark of the Kuban Comet cherry plum. The insect lays eggs inside the trunk, and then the larvae appear. At this time, the trunk is treated with a solution of “Karbofos” or “Dichlorvos”. For prevention, it is necessary to burn cut branches. If a tree is heavily infected, it is better to uproot it.

Downy silkworm

In the crown of the cherry plum tree you can find cocoons and larvae of this type of silkworm. As parasites, they eat cherry plum leaves. You can collect the larvae by hand and burn them. But processing is also required. The drug “Virin-ENZh” is considered effective against the pest. Before buds appear on the plant, use “Nitrophen”.

Hybrid varieties

Cherry plum Kuban comet is a representative of the Russian plum species. This is one of the best and popular varieties of cherry plum, which is grown in many regions of Russia and produces high yields.The Vladimir Comet variety was obtained from it. It has higher winter hardiness. In addition, this cherry plum is early-fruiting and quickly produces rich harvests. The Comet Late hybrid was obtained by pollination of the Kuban species. Plum fruits are large, with dark red skin, and have a good taste. But the plant needs pollinators.
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