Description of the Emerald Necklace currant variety, its planting and cultivation

Green-fruited currants are not found in Russian gardens as often as other varieties, but they have interesting characteristics. Let's consider the description and main characteristics of the Emerald Necklace currant, its advantages and disadvantages, features of cultivation and care. How to protect plants from diseases, when and how to harvest berries and store them.

Description and characteristics of the Emerald Necklace variety

The variety of green-fruited currant was bred in the 30s of the 20th century by Siberian breeders as a variety of black. The emerald necklace is considered one of the best achievements of Russian selection. The fruits of the bush are large, greenish, sweet and sour. They ripen in the mid-late period. The plant forms a spreading but low-growing bush. It is cold-resistant, resistant to diseases and pests.

Main pros and cons

Advantages and disadvantages
original fruit color;
good taste;
cold resistance;
disease resistance.

Disadvantages of the variety: it is not in great demand among gardeners, so it can be difficult to find seedlings.

Nuances of cultivation

The currant variety Emerald Necklace is not demanding in terms of growing conditions, so it is also suitable for beginner gardeners.

In order for plants to develop well and bear fruit, they need to choose a suitable place and prepare the seedlings for planting.

Where to plant

Currants are planted in a sunny place or in partial shade, but not in the shade, where the plants produce little ovary. It can be planted next to buildings, but not quite close to them. The site must be flat or located on a hill. The place where currants will grow must be protected from strong or cold winds.

currant emerald necklace

Landing dates

Currants, like other fruit bushes, are planted in spring or autumn. The main conditions are that it should be moderately warm, the soil should not be dry, but not damp. It is necessary to plant seedlings when they are dormant, that is, when the buds have not yet blossomed or all the leaves have already fallen. In this condition, plants take root better.

Preparation of planting material

It is recommended to buy 2-year-old seedlings for planting, with a strong root system, at least 20 cm long. The shoots of the bushes should be mature, 30-40 cm long. A day before placing in the garden, seedlings are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulant to speed up root formation and engraftment. Shoots are pruned to 4-5 buds each.

Landing rules

First you need to prepare the soil: dig it up, level it. Then dig planting holes at a certain distance, add humus, ash and, if the soil is acidic, lime to bring the acidity to neutral. Planting pattern: 1 m between bushes and 1.5 m between rows. The depth of the planting holes should be at least 0.5 m, width - 0.7 m.

The planting process is simple: you need to lower the roots of the seedlings into the hole, straighten them in different directions, fill the voids up to the root collar and compact the soil. Water each hole with 1-2 buckets of water. Cover the soil with mulch to prevent it from drying out.

Care Tips

The set of works for caring for the Emerald Necklace currant is standard. Plants require watering, fertilizing, pruning, protection from diseases, and shelter for the winter.


Water newly planted bushes frequently so that they can take root. The soil should be constantly moist during the first 2 months after planting. Then you can water once every 1-2 weeks, depending on soil moisture.

Plants require especially a lot of moisture during the fruiting period, when the berries fill and ripen.


Fertilizer is applied starting from the next season after planting, 3 times a year. Fertilize with organic matter or mineral mixtures in early spring, before flowering and after setting berries. If feeding is not enough, the berries will become smaller and lose their characteristic taste.

green currant


Pruning is carried out in the fall, during harvesting in the garden, or in the spring, before buds bloom on the bushes. They cut out all the extra shoots, all those that bear fruit, those damaged by pests and diseases, and those that are frostbitten in the spring. They form a neat bush with 5-6 of the largest and strongest shoots.

Preparing for winter

After pruning, the tree trunk circles are covered with mulching material. You can use straw, hay, sawdust, shavings, leaves and tree bark, cones, and pine needles. In cold regions, you need to cover the stems with agrofibre.

Diseases and pests of crops

The Emerald Necklace variety is considered disease resistant. But, despite this, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with fungicides before the spread of fungal diseases. This will allow you to avoid wasting time and money on treatment.

Preventive treatments will also help against pest damage. To prevent insect infestation, bushes are sprayed with insecticide solutions. If the pests have managed to harm the currants, the drugs are used in a therapeutic dose.

Cleaning and storage

The berries of the Emerald Necklace variety ripen in the mid-late period. Ripe ones are suitable for fresh consumption, transportation, processing and storage. They make excellent sweet home-canned foods. They have a characteristic currant taste, but not such a distinct smell as black currants.

Store berries in the refrigerator or cellar, in small plastic containers or bags. Important storage conditions are low temperature, darkness and dry air.

Currants of the Emerald Necklace variety are distinguished by the unusual, light green color of the fruit.In other respects, its characteristics are similar to its parent, the chokeberry variety. It also resists diseases well, is cold-resistant, unpretentious, always produces large berries, and is comparable in content of vitamins and nutrients to aronia.
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