How many years does black currant live in one place, fruiting dates

Black currant is a perennial shrub. Its fruits are valued due to their high content of vitamin C. Therefore, they are often used in medicinal and dietary menus. The height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 meters, forms well and quickly bears fruit. Knowing how many years black currants will live, you will reap a good harvest every year.

When does currant begin to bear fruit?

Currants begin to grow in early spring. The shrub has mixed buds.After the formation of the shoot, flower tassels appear, which are located along the length of the branch. The branches of the previous year produce more fruit. Branches older than four years bear less harvest - the berries are small and fall off easily. That is, the most productive branches are two-year-old and three-year-old. Old branches are cut off as they have no value.

Currants begin to bloom after gooseberries - first red, then black. The bush blooms for ten days. It is pollinated by bees, so good harvests are collected near apiaries. After flowering it quickly sets. The berries ripen first at the base, and then on the branch.

Harvesting is carried out annually, its size depends on the characteristics of care. It begins to bear fruit next year. At first, the shrub produces a small harvest, but with good care the volume increases. Currants produce the greatest harvest in the fourth year. You can improve your harvest through proper pruning.

How long does a currant live?

The lifespan of currants depends on several factors: place and time of planting, soil, pruning and care, variety. Like gooseberries, currants are perennial crops.

berries on a branch


The maximum yield of black currant begins after 5-6 years of growth. After this it gradually decreases. After 8 years, the bushes need to be rejuvenated. After 12-14 years, the bush must be uprooted and a replacement prepared.


The lifespan of red currants is slightly longer. It grows and bears fruit for 16-18 years. After this, the bushes are removed.

plate of fruit

How many years can you grow one crop in one place?

The duration of crop growth depends on several factors:

  • Susceptibility to secretions from own roots accumulated in the ground.
  • Depending on the growth of currants - alone or with other crops. In the second case, the root exudates are processed by another crop and do not remain in the soil.
  • Diseases and pests in the soil.

Currants grow in one place for no more than 15 years.

How to extend the life of a plant?

Despite the unpretentiousness of currants, the yield decreases over time. To prolong the life of the crop, it is necessary to rejuvenate it. This is a procedure for removing old and low-yielding branches. Rejuvenation is carried out in autumn or spring. When pruning, do not forget that the bulk of the harvest ripens on two- and three-year-old branches.

fruit bush

Stages of rejuvenation in spring:

  • The procedure must be carried out on a warm day, when the earth warms up to 5 degrees.
  • Removing dry, broken and diseased branches.
  • Pruning incorrectly growing branches (deep into the bush), which do not allow young shoots to develop.
  • Removing old branches and zero shoots.
  • Leave strong branches and shoots for 3-4 years.

The age of the branches can be determined by looking at the bark. On old ones it is dark, and on young ones it is light brown or grayish. In addition, the old branches are covered with moss.

In autumn, rejuvenation occurs after the leaves have fallen, but before the first frost appears. The stages are similar to the spring ones.

bunches on the bush

Some useful tips for rejuvenation:

  • work only within the allotted time;
  • the instrument must be sharpened and disinfected;
  • It is not permissible to leave stumps after removed branches. In the center of the bush it is difficult to cut the branch evenly with the ground, so leave the cutting no more than 2 centimeters from the ground.
  • the cut site is treated with a garden varnish, which is prepared independently or purchased in a specialized store.

After the rejuvenation procedure, the currants need time to get stronger, so the harvest will appear only next year.It is not recommended to rejuvenate the culture more than three times. An old bush cannot be revived using this method. With proper rejuvenation, the shrub will bring a big harvest next year.

Why might currants stop bearing fruit?

There are a number of factors associated with the fact that a plant has ceased to produce a good harvest. Firstly, this is the old age of the bush. With proper and proper care, seedlings bear fruit for up to ten years. If the bush grows in one place for a long time, it stops blooming. Most likely, rejuvenation has not been carried out for a long time. Currant fruits appear on branches that have not reached the age of 4 years.

drying out on a branch

Over time, the crop stops bearing fruit. In this case, you need to uproot the bush and plant a new one. You can try to save the plant by rejuvenating and fertilizing. Perhaps next year the currants will bring a good harvest again.

Secondly, the climate is not suitable. Perhaps the crop was exposed to frost in the spring. Because of this, the young buds died, and the bush does not bear berries. To avoid such consequences, it is not recommended to plant blackcurrants on the south side. Also keep the soil moist, so provide extra water during dry times.

stricken with disease

Thirdly, the lack of pollinators. Many varieties of currants are self-pollinating, but sometimes there are those that require additional pollination for a good harvest.

Another factor of poor fruiting is the disease - terry. The disease can be detected during the flowering period. In affected flowers, the petals are narrowed and the pistils grow greatly. As a result, the flower cluster resembles a thin branch covered with yellow scales instead of berries. Due to disease, currant leaves lose their aroma.Such bushes need to be urgently uprooted and burned, since it is impossible to get rid of the disease. Because of it, from 20 to 100% of the harvest is lost.

flowering without pollination

The most common cause of unsuccessful fruiting is pests. Insects eat pistils on flowers and ovaries on berries, and sometimes infect the entire currant bush. Biological methods will help in pest control. In advanced cases, chemicals are used.

Very dense bushes also affect poor harvests. This is due to the fact that the bush will give up nutrients to maintain foliage, and not to harvest fruits. Therefore, it is recommended to prune bad branches once a year.

green bush

The highest quality varieties

To achieve a good harvest and long fruiting, select blackcurrant bushes based on the region where they will be grown. The most common varieties:

  1. Pearl. An early ripening variety with sweet berries. The variety is resistant to frost and dry weather, and also does not require care.
  2. Sofievskaya. An early variety with large, oblong-shaped fruits, with shiny and strong skin. After ripening, the berries sit firmly on the branches and do not fall off.
  3. Anniversary Digging. Saplings with medium spreading bushes. The fruits ripen at the same time and are stored for a long time. The variety is popular among summer residents.
  4. Pygmy. This variety belongs to the dessert variety. It has sugary large berries. It is not popular among summer residents as it requires special care. It is resistant to diseases and temperature changes.
  5. The beauty of Lvov. The variety belongs to the late variety. It has medium-sized bushes, with thick and straight shoots. The fruits are medium in size, with a sweet and sour taste. Mainly consumed fresh.
  6. Vigorous.Late variety, with heavy dark brown fruits. It tolerates temperature changes quite well, but requires additional care and pollination.
  7. Lazy person. A crop with an average ripening period. It has large dark brown fruits. Brings a small harvest, which is increased by additional pollination.
  8. Mermaid. The plant has sweet berries with thin skin. It tolerates frost and disease well and is not susceptible to pests. The main difference of the variety is the long-term storage of berries.
  9. Gift of Smolyaninova. A shrub with huge wrinkled leaves and large fruits weighing 3-5 grams. From one bush you can get two kilograms of harvest.

Currants are considered a rewarding crop, which, with the right care, will live for a long time and will delight you with good yields.
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