Description of mountain pine variety Mugus, tree height, planting and care rules

Mountain pine Mugus is an ornamental shrub that originates from the Balkans and Eastern Alps. In botany, the culture is called Pinus Mugo Mughus. This crop is very popular among owners of summer cottages. This is due to its high decorative properties and low maintenance requirements. The tree is often used in landscape design as a tapeworm or in combination with other plants.

What does a tree look like?

Mugus pine is a coniferous evergreen shrub that is compact in size and therefore classified as a dwarf crop. This plant reaches a maximum of 2-3 meters in height. However, sometimes larger crops are found that grow up to 10 meters. The diameter of their crown is 3-4 meters.

Mugus pine is characterized by slow development. Over the course of a year, the plant grows by 10 centimeters in height and 12 centimeters in width. The shrub is characterized by a spreading crown. Its shoots spread along the ground, after which they rise upward. Due to this, it is possible to obtain a spherical plant.

The Mugus variety is distinguished by thick and tough needles. The needles are slightly twisted and form bundles of 2 pieces. They are characterized by a dark green color and reach a length of 3-4 centimeters. Their lifespan is 3-5 years.

The plant is very impressively complemented by cones. They are yellow-brown in color and point upward. As a rule, fruits appear only at 6-8 years. Their length reaches 3-6 centimeters. In addition, Mugus pine is characterized by a taproot, well-branched root system.

Growth area

The Pinus Mugo Mughus culture was developed in 1779. Today the shrub has become widespread in the mountains of Southern Europe. It is found in most cases in France and Greece. At the same time, Mugus pine mainly grows in high mountain areas.

In Russia, the crop is grown in different regions - in the central zone, in the north and in the south. The plant develops normally in Siberia and the Urals. The average lifespan of a culture is 1000 years.

Mountain pine Mugus

Correct fit

Pinus Mugo Mugus pine requires compliance with planting rules. It is best to do this in the spring.Thanks to this, the crop will be able to take root and put down new roots before the onset of cold weather. If possible, avoid planting in hot weather.

Mugus grows well in clayey, sandy, loamy soil. Pine can be planted in acidic and alkaline soil. It is important that the soil is well drained. Most of the pine roots are located near the soil surface.

Although the plant can tolerate partial shade, it is best planted in well-lit areas. When grown in the south, partial shade is more suitable for the crop.

To plant a pine tree, you need to dig a large hole. It should be twice the size of the root ball. If necessary, the excavated soil should be mixed with sand or fine gravel. It is also permissible to use peat moss for this purpose.

To plant a pine tree, it is recommended to remove the seedling from the container, carefully loosen the root system and place the bush in the hole. After which it can be sprinkled with the prepared substrate and compacted. Then the plant should be watered thoroughly. Since the shrub has a shallow root system, the tree trunk circle needs to be mulched.

Mountain Mugus pine blossoms

Conditions for germination and care

According to the description, immediately after planting the crop, it needs to be provided with systematic watering. This will speed up its adaptation to new conditions. During the first 3 months, the soil must be moistened every week. Subsequently, this can be done at intervals of 15 days. Shrubs older than 1 year require watering only when the soil dries to a depth of 50-60 millimeters.

In summer, the crop responds well to sprinkling. Thanks to this procedure, mountain pine will look more attractive. In addition, this procedure will help avoid damage to the crop by parasites.

When growing Mugus pine, it is important to take into account that it is characterized by a superficial location of the roots. To avoid their damage, the tree trunk circle needs to be loosened by a maximum of 50 millimeters. After completing the procedure, the bush must be hilled up and sprinkled with sawdust mulch.

Pine needs to be fed only after it reaches three years of age. As fertilizers, it is worth using substances that strengthen the bush’s immunity. In spring it is recommended to use nitrogen products. In summer and autumn, pine is in greater need of phosphorus fertilizers. To increase the effectiveness of the fertilizer, the bush must be watered after its application.

Also, the Mugus pine perfectly accepts foliar feeding. They should be carried out several times during the season. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the Epin-Extra solution.

In early spring, it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning. This requires removing all branches affected by frost or disease. It is also necessary to get rid of dry stems that are directed inside the crown and cause it to thicken.

Mountain pine Mugus photo

In order for a young plant to survive winter normally, it needs to be insulated. Before the onset of frost, the tree trunk circle should be sprinkled with a layer of mulch or peat. After that, the branches need to be bent to the center and the bush tightly wrapped with burlap. To avoid damage to the trunk by rodents, it is recommended to wrap it in film. Older plants are able to winter normally under a layer of snow.

Pest Control

Mountain Mugus pine often suffers from attacks by aphids, scale insects and spider mites. To kill insects, it is recommended to use specialized means. The most effective substances include Decis, Fundazol, Actellik.

If the rules of care are not followed, the pine tree may suffer from dangerous pathologies. As rust develops, the needles become covered with orange-yellow spores. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of crop destruction. Fungicidal drugs help cope with pathology.

Also in the summer, the crop may suffer from brown schutte. In this case, there is a risk of yellowing of the needles. With the arrival of autumn, the needles become covered with black dots. To eliminate the pathology, you need to remove the affected shoots and spray the tree with a vitriol solution.

How to propagate a tree

It is permissible to propagate a culture in different ways. But gardeners most often do this using seeds or cuttings. To obtain the required result from vaccination, the procedure must be carried out by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a high probability of death of the sprouts. That’s why summer residents rarely use this method.

Mountain pine Mugus blooms photo

Growing pine by seed is used much more often. Before planting, the seed material must be stratified. To do this, place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and keep it there for 30 days. After this period, it is recommended to place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, after which planting can begin.

To do this, you need to take a container and fill it with a substrate with the addition of peat. It is recommended to plant seeds in the soil at intervals of 5 centimeters. After that, you need to cover the container with a film with holes and wait for the leaves to form. It takes 2 years for the seeds of this crop to ripen.

To carry out cuttings in the spring, it is necessary to perform sanitary pruning of the pine tree. During this procedure, cuttings can be taken. Ready planting material should be planted in a peat-sand mixture.After that, the soil needs to be watered, and covering material should be placed on top. Then you need to water the plants, ventilate and remove weeds. It is permissible to plant cuttings in open soil after 1.5-2 years.

Useful properties of wood

Mountain Mugus pine is characterized by branched and well-developed roots. Thanks to this, it can easily withstand wind and drafts. This allows the bush to be used to protect the soil from erosion. In addition, this crop is often planted on embankment slopes.

Mountain pine Mugus

Application in landscape design

Pine of this variety is characterized by high decorative qualities. Therefore, shrubs are often used in landscape design. It is recommended to use it for creating group compositions. Mugus pine can be an excellent basis for a hedge. This crop is also often placed along alleys and borders.

However, the plant is rarely used as a tapeworm. Most often, landscape designers combine this crop with other conifers. Mugus pine looks great with firs and junipers. A composition of trees of different sizes will perfectly complement any garden plot.

Mugus pine goes well with other ornamental plants. It can be placed near roses, hydrangeas and cereal perennials. This mountain culture is even used to decorate small spaces. It looks very impressive near the front entrance to the house.

Mountain Mugus pine is a fairly common ornamental plant that fits well into a variety of landscape compositions. In order for the shrub to always remain attractive, it needs to be properly cared for. To do this, it is recommended to regularly moisten the soil, loosen it, and carry out sanitary pruning.Timely pest control is of no small importance.
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