Description of the Somali ostrich, reproduction and diet of the subspecies

The Somali African ostrich, known in its homeland as gorayo, is distinguished by its large size and bright plumage. Under natural conditions, hunters put the population at risk. Of consumer interest is not only poultry meat, whose weight often exceeds 150 kilograms, but also eggs. This subspecies easily adapts to captivity and becomes a common inhabitant of farms.


Gorayo is rightfully considered the tallest and most massive representative of birds.The ostrich reaches 2.5 meters in height, and the average weight ranges from 130 to 155 kilograms, sometimes reaching a record 175 kilograms. Females are heavier and larger than males.

The long neck and hips, devoid of plumage, are gray in color. The dark body plumage contrasts effectively with the grayish-white tail and wings. The body of females is covered with brown feathers. African ostriches do not have a crop or a keel, the neck is plastic, and the muscular frame of the chest is poorly developed.

The head of the Somali is small, with large eyes and a flat beak. On the top of the head, sparse hairs are visible, forming a characteristic bald patch.

Ostriches cannot fly. The undeveloped wings turn into two fingers with claws or spurs at the ends. Long, strong legs allow you to reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

Character, behavior and lifestyle

Ostriches live in families, which during the resting period include a male and a group of 4-5 females. During the mating season, the male also accepts other females in the territory he controls, entering into a fight with competitors.

In nature, ostrich families easily change their place of residence, moving together with zebras and antelopes. Its growth allows the bird to notice an approaching predator at a great distance, signaling danger with a characteristic cry.

Peak physical activity occurs during twilight hours. At night and in the midday heat, the birds rest. Short periods of deep sleep are spent lying down with your neck extended. Most of the rest is a period of dozing, when the bird sits with its head raised and its eyes closed.

Natural habitats

The habitat of ostriches is steadily narrowing. The Somali subspecies is distributed in Somalia, southern Ethiopia, and northeastern Kenya.Somalis are found in savannas and deserts, but, if possible, ostrich families choose flat areas richer in vegetation. Moving to new territories to live, birds settle near bodies of water.

Somali ostrich

Natural enemies of ostriches

Adults are distinguished by speed, strength and are capable of showing aggression in case of danger. Lions, cheetahs, and leopards become a threat to the ostrich family. A healthy mature ostrich is rarely attacked by predators. With one kick, the birds can lay a lion on the shoulder blades. The most common prey items are ostrich eggs and recently hatched offspring. Jackals, hyenas, and vultures hunt for eggs.

During the breeding period, birds are especially vulnerable and are ready to protect the clutch and chicks by any means. If the ostrich senses danger to the brood, without hesitation, it will go on the attack.

What do they eat?

The basis of the diet of Somali ostriches is plant and animal food. In their natural habitat, birds eat:

  • green parts, fruits, rhizomes of trees, shrubs, plants;
  • insects;
  • lizards and small rodents;
  • leftovers from the prey of predatory animals.

Each inhabitant of an ostrich farm will need about 3.5 kilograms of feed daily. Somali ostriches do not have teeth, so gravel and small pebbles become an integral part of the diet.

Birds need water. Natural endurance allows ostriches to survive for a long time without drinking in the presence of plant food. Drinkers are placed in the bird aviary.

Reproduction and offspring

By the age of three, ostriches reach sexual maturity. The male controls a territory of several kilometers, into which he does not allow other males, but welcomes females.In the presence of a competitor, the ostrich makes a characteristic sound, reminiscent of a deep growl, after which it attacks the opponent. The winner holds the territory and mates with the females present there, forming a pair with one. Females lay eggs in a common nest, which they build in a depression in the ground. Males take part in incubating the offspring, replacing the female on the nest at night.

Ostrich eggs reach up to 21 centimeters in length and 13 centimeters in width. The weight of such an egg is 1.5-2 kilograms. After 45-50 days, 10 to 12 chicks hatch, pushing off with their limbs and hitting the shell with the back of their heads. In newborn ostrich chicks, whose average weight is 1-1.2 kilograms, you can notice a hematoma on the head formed as a result of the blow.

Somali ostrich

Population and species status

Breeding Somali ostriches in artificial conditions makes it possible to preserve the population, the number of which in nature continues to decline.

In addition to the goal of preserving the subspecies, farmers keep birds to obtain:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • skin;
  • pen.

Ostriches are considered to be long-livers. In a favorable environment, some individuals live up to 80 years. Birds are distinguished by their endurance and good health.

Ostrich farms are widespread today. Birds are able to adapt to the cool climate of temperate latitudes. Artificial breeding of ostriches minimizes the risk of population extinction.
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