9 DIY ways to properly ferment tobacco at home

Fresh tobacco leaves are not suitable for direct use; they are just raw materials for obtaining a future product. It will take a long time before the harvested crop can be turned into a finished product. First of all, this will require a fermentation process of smoking tobacco. This can be done in several ways, both industrially and at home.

What is fermentation

The process by which organic substances in tobacco leaves are broken down and converted into inorganic compounds and esters (volatile substances) is called fermentation. This process affects not only the appearance, but also the properties of the raw materials, technical characteristics, aroma and advantages of the smoking composition.

If you ferment tobacco leaves correctly, you can get the following results:

  1. Disappearance of the greenish tint remaining after drying.
  2. Color changes to olive and brownish-brown tones with reddish, brown and reddish undertones.
  3. The appearance of a recognizable tobacco aroma.
  4. Changes in the chemical composition of tobacco: the appearance of melanoidins and the destruction of pectins, nicotine and amino acids, the transformation of essential oils and resins.
  5. Reducing excess strength.
  6. Milder taste when smoking.
  7. Partial loss of bitterness.
  8. Improving the combustion quality of tobacco.
  9. Increase in aromatic characteristics.

After fermentation, the raw material turns into a product that needs to rest for some time, sometimes up to six months. The taste, smell and strength of the future tobacco largely depend on this.

twist the leaves

What types of tobacco is it for?

Not all types of smoking tobacco require fermentation. Plants of American and Turkish selection, as well as some folk varieties, contain little sugar, volatile essential substances, and saturated resins. Because of this, leaves of these varieties do not require fermentation to obtain high-quality tobacco. To obtain excellent properties, it is enough to dry them well. However, the raw material must still be well aged so that all the aromatic notes and flavor components are revealed in it.

There is no need to ferment the following varieties:

  1. Burley.
  2. Trapezond 92.
  3. Samsun 85.
  4. Dubeck and many others.
However, fermentation is necessary for the popular Virginia tobacco leaves because they contain about 20% dextrose and 2% nicotine. Virgin tobacco is extremely common, used in its pure form and for blending. Based on wild ancestors, numerous modern varieties have been bred, the names of which mostly reflect the different colors of the foliage: Yellow Virginia, Virginia Bright, Virginia Red, Virginia Brown, Virginia Stoved, Virginia Gold, Virginia Matured. All of them require full fermentation.

Conditions for activation of tobacco enzymes

To begin fermentation of tobacco, it is necessary to ensure the presence of two basic conditions:

  1. Temperature (50-55 degrees Celsius).
  2. Humidity (60-70%).

Such conditions can be created using different methods, in industrial and domestic conditions. The collected tobacco leaves begin to be prepared for fermentation, resorting to drying.

dry leaves

Preparation for the process

To obtain high-quality tobacco, regardless of its further use - for cigars, cigarettes, pipe tobacco, rolling papers - the collected leaves must be properly prepared. Drying is such a starting process. This is a responsible and important process from which the processing of raw materials begins before the fermentation of the product begins.

Tobacco leaves need to be dried correctly. In industrial conditions, special sheds are used for these purposes. They are made of wood, have a rectangular shape and are oriented from east to west.This provides ideal conditions for quick and high-quality drying of raw materials, regardless of what you plan to prepare from it in the future.

Leaves of the same size are tied in pairs and hung on special poles located horizontally in barns at different levels. On average, up to 50 pairs of tobacco leaves are placed on one pole. As the poles dry, they move from bottom to top because new bundles are constantly being added.

Drying tobacco on frames in the sun is also used. For this method, the foliage is strung on ropes, securing them in wooden frames exposed to direct sunlight. An important condition for success is the absence of strong winds that can break the raw materials.

The duration of the procedure depends on air humidity, its temperature, the presence and absence of wind. It can take from 20 to 45 days. An indicator of readiness is the complete drying of the central vein of the leaf.

Home Fermentation Methods

The procedure can be carried out not only with specialized means, but also with simpler methods at home. The main thing is to ensure the presence of two main points: temperature and humidity.

indoor drying

In the sun

This method is especially good for hot regions where the sun is bright and warm during harvest. The collected dry, but not crumbling, tobacco is placed in glass jars, covered with metal lids. The resulting containers are exposed to direct sunlight on an iron sheet. It will heat up in the sun and transfer heat to the jars, which will speed up the fermentation of the tobacco.

After 10 days, the raw materials must be removed from the cans and dried. You can already use it. This method also helps destroy mold and mildew spores that can damage the finished product.They simply cannot survive under the scorching rays of the sun.

tobacco on wheels

In the microwave

This method allows for quick and affordable fermentation at home. With its help, you can reduce the strength of tobacco and prepare leaves that are too wet for smoking. To do this you need the following steps:

  1. Cut the foliage into thin strips.
  2. Place it in clean glass jars and close with the same lids.
  3. Place containers in the microwave.
  4. Select the minimum temperature for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove jars from microwave.
  6. Cool containers at room temperature.

The procedure will need to be repeated 3 to 4 times.

product in the microwave

On the radiator

You can make good tobacco with your own hands even in your apartment. This will require properly working central heating radiators. Raw tobacco is cut into strips, moistened with clean water and placed in plastic bags or glass jars. They are placed on radiators or placed close to them.

Once every two to three days, the contents of the containers need to be shaken and ventilated to prevent them from becoming moldy.

battery bank

In a slow cooker

This method is closest to the fermentation of tobacco taking place in bales. The main condition is the presence of a multicooker. For it, tightly rolled leaves are placed in bags made of natural fabric, placed in layers in a slow cooker and the temperature is set to 50 degrees Celsius.

The layers need to be swapped periodically, as some of them will dry faster than others. After just a couple of hours, the raw material begins to exude a pleasant aroma of honey, and after 3-4 days the tobacco will be completely ready for use.

Attention! The steam release valve in the multicooker must be covered with foil to eliminate moisture loss during the process.

pour into the slow cooker

In the oven

There are ovens in every modern home.They can be used to ferment tobacco. To do this, you will need a three-liter glass jar and dry, but not brittle, raw tobacco. The crushed elastic leaves are placed in a container, placing it in an oven heated to 50 degrees Celsius. Maintain this temperature for 5-7 days.

The finished tobacco must be removed, dried until it reaches the level required for smoking and used for its intended purpose.

hanging in the closet

In a water bath

The process of fermentation in a water bath in a saucepan is accessible to everyone. To do this, glass jars are filled with prepared leaves and placed in a hot water bath, making sure that the water temperature does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius. The duration of the process is from 4.5 to 6 hours.

jars in a pan

In a village stove

If you still have a Russian stove in your house or dacha, you can use it to ferment homemade tobacco. To do this you need:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of natural honey in a partial glass of clean water.
  2. Sprinkle the prepared raw materials with the resulting solution.
  3. Lightly compress the pieces and place them in plastic bags.
  4. Place them on the stove, on a bed, covering them with a mattress.
  5. Light the stove.
  6. Maintain a temperature of 50-55 degrees and a humidity of 60-70 percent.
  7. Heat the stove every other day.
  8. After 7-10 days, check the condition of the workpieces.

The finished product should have a pleasant aroma and moderate humidity, that is, the sheet should bend but not break. If necessary, damp leaves can be dried a little.

home oven

Fermentation in a fermentation cabinet

To obtain a product of ideal quality, a special device is used - a fermentation cabinet.It is used in the industrial production of smoking tobacco, but if you have the desire and basic skills, you can make the cabinet yourself.

This device has a number of advantages:

  1. In the closet, tobacco does not absorb foreign odors and does not permeate the appliances and the entire room with its aroma.
  2. The transformation process proceeds evenly, regardless of the size of the planted foliage.
  3. Fermentation takes 3-6 days.
  4. The performer will require a minimum of physical effort and time.
  5. In one load you can process a large batch.

The procedure can be carried out both in an industrial and homemade cabinet. To do this, the raw materials are placed in glass bottles and sealed with lids to prevent moisture evaporation. Set the temperature to 50 degrees and wait for the process to complete. The cabinet operates continuously throughout the fermentation period. If it does not have a temperature and humidity sensor, you will have to check the condition of the tobacco from time to time and adjust the indicators. In 3-6 days the tobacco will be ready.

fermentation cabinet

Natural fermentation (aging)

Initially, tobacco leaves were not fermented, but were subjected to natural aging during storage. And these days, many lovers recognize only such a product. To obtain it, the crop is dried and stored for a period of six months to a year or more. During this period, natural processes occur in the leaves, giving them the necessary color, consistency and aroma without human intervention. The duration of the process depends on storage conditions and the type of tobacco.

Fermented tobacco processed by any of the methods must be stored in compliance with the temperature and humidity levels, then it will preserve its properties and high characteristics.

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