How to properly store tobacco at home, containers and expiration date

Tobacco that was grown and dried with your own hands is significantly superior to the purchased product in terms of smell and taste. In production environments, raw materials are often exposed to chemicals to avoid product spoilage. This has a bad effect on the taste and smell of tobacco and causes health problems. A homemade product is considered to be of higher quality. However, many people have a question about how best to store tobacco at home.

How to properly store tobacco at home

It is important to store tobacco leaves properly. When choosing a place for this, it is worth considering the expected storage time.

It is also recommended to focus on the following features:

  • air humidity – 15-30%;
  • temperature – +15-20 degrees;
  • lack of natural sunlight;
  • restriction of fresh air flow;
  • lack of other dried plants nearby;
  • restricting pest access;
  • absence of contamination on surfaces that come into contact with dried raw materials.

Fermented tobacco

This type of tobacco should be stored in sheet briquettes or in cut form, placed in airtight containers. No air should enter them. In this case, the container should be in a dark and warm place. A distinctive feature of fermentation is that the process, once started, will not stop. The longer raw tobacco is stored, the more aromatic it becomes.

fermented tobacco

Unfermented after drying

Dried leaves can be preserved for a long time without cutting or moistening. In this case, it is permissible to use the following methods:

  • place whole dry leaves in cardboard boxes;
  • place the bundles under the roof in the cold - for example, put them in the attic;
  • Roll stacks of dried leaves into tubes, tie them with thread, place them in bags, remove the air from them with a vacuum cleaner and close them well.

unfermented drying

Storage containers

It is permissible to use different types of containers to store the product. This allows you to choose the most suitable option.

In glass jars

Glass has no pores and is easily disinfected. Therefore, it can be safely used for long-term storage of raw tobacco - for at least 2 months.Cigars are made from leaves, which are stored whole, and crushed raw materials are used for cigarettes.

For long-term storage, it is permissible to roll raw tobacco into ordinary jars that are intended for preservation. In this case, the containers need to be properly prepared:

  1. Before use, the jar should be washed by hand with hot soapy water.
  2. Treat the container with hot steam or place in the microwave.
  3. Wait until the last drops of moisture evaporate.
  4. Place dry tobacco in a cold, sterilized container and roll with a can opener. This can also be done with a special hot lid.

It is recommended to make an inscription on each can indicating the type of tobacco and the date of packaging. After this, the raw materials can be stored.

tobacco in a jar

In wooden containers

To store pipe tobacco, you should use special wooden boxes - humidors. They are equipped with a humidifier and help maintain optimal humidity parameters in the storage. Such products are made from cedar. They vary in size and can hold 110, 220 or 450 grams of tobacco. The product can be stored in humidors for several months. It is important to keep boxes of raw materials in a dark and cool place.

However, some experts do not recommend storing tobacco in a cigar humidor. The fact is that cedar is able to absorb dampness. Therefore, it draws out moisture and the smell of the tobacco mixture. In addition, the box itself can be filled with the aroma of pipe tobacco. In this case, it cannot be used in the future for storing cigars.

In addition, cedar wood can impart its scent to pipe tobacco. In addition, a humidor can make raw materials too wet. At the same time, its humidity should not exceed 10-14%.

dried product

In tin boxes

For long-term storage, it is recommended to use sealed tin cans. They should be kept in a dark and dry place with a constant temperature. At the same time, connoisseurs note that this storage method is ideal for English and natural tobacco. At the same time, aromatic varieties may lose their properties and taste. You can keep tobacco cuts in tin containers for at least 1 year.

iron box

Features of storing hookah tobacco

Hookah tobacco has certain storage features. It is recommended to consider the following:

  1. Ensure the container is completely sealed. This will help avoid moisture evaporation and loss of aroma.
  2. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to keep raw tobacco in a dark place, away from light.
  3. Do not store raw materials at high temperatures. The optimal parameters are +10 degrees.

It is recommended to keep tobacco mixture for hookah in vacuum bags. Plastic food containers are also suitable for this. Homemade tobacco can be kept in such containers for a long period of time, especially when stored in the refrigerator.

Storing rolling tobacco and pipes

Cut tobacco that you plan to use for pipes or roll-your-own cigarettes is best carried with you. A cigarette case is suitable for this purpose.

Best before date

If storage conditions are met, whole dried leaves can be stored for 5 years. When cut, the raw material retains its properties for no more than 2 years. After fermentation, tobacco should be stored for 1 year. Tobacco seeds retain their characteristics for up to 15 years.

Consequences of improper storage

Spoiled raw tobacco loses its taste and aroma.It also contains toxic substances that can seriously harm your health. If storage rules are violated, there is a risk of the following problems:

  • formation of mold and rot;
  • crumbling;
  • diaper rash of leaves;
  • infestation by harmful insects;
  • oxidation of chemical elements.
To reduce the likelihood of damage to raw materials, it must be checked. It is recommended to do this at intervals of 6 months. If signs of rot, mold or pest infestation appear, the tobacco must be thrown away. The overdried mixture can be moistened. To do this, you need to spray it with water from a spray bottle. The moistened tobacco must be dried in a dryer and stored again.

The following signs indicate damage to raw materials:

  1. Unnatural color. Raw materials can be covered with a black or light coating. Dark or light spots often form on it.
  2. The appearance of pests. Bugs, larvae, worms, midges, and weevils can accumulate in the tobacco mixture.
  3. Bad smell. It may be putrid or moldy.
  4. Unnatural taste. A cloying bitterness appears in the raw material.
  5. Loss of elasticity of foliage, crumbling to dust with slight pressure.
  6. Formation of wet crumbs at the bottom of the container. It occurs if the foliage is damaged or damaged by harmful insects.

Identifying unwanted chemical processes in raw materials is a little more difficult. Any atypical aromas or, conversely, complete loss of odor during storage are considered indirect signs of oxidation and deterioration of the substance.

How to store seeds

The main requirement for storing seeds is the preservation of their germination. If the recommendations are followed, the grains will retain their viability for 15 years.

It is important to adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Choose an airtight container that does not allow moisture, sunlight and pests to pass through. To do this, you should use bags with a plastic lock. They must be stored in a box or bag that does not allow light to pass through.
  2. Every six months, seed material must be inspected for mold or pest attacks. It is recommended to throw away spoiled seeds.
  3. Temperature and humidity conditions are similar to those for storing tobacco leaves.
  4. The seeds are toxic, so they must be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Experienced gardeners who grow plants recommend keeping seed material in the freezer. This helps preserve its viability for a long time. At the same time, before germination, the grains need to rest from freezing. To do this, they will have to be removed from the freezer 1.5-3 months in advance. This helps to awaken the embryos.

Storing tobacco at home has many features. To increase the shelf life of raw materials, it is important to choose the right container and ensure optimal temperature and humidity parameters.
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