Characteristics of the Major tomato variety and features of agricultural technology
The question of which tomato seedlings to plant in a greenhouse or directly in the garden bed is regularly
Description and yield of tomato variety Danko
There is an opinion that the most delicious tomatoes are heart-shaped. Once upon a time this was the only variety
Characteristics and description of the Chukhloma tomato variety, its yield
Previously, the dacha served exclusively for recreation. But today in suburban areas it is increasingly possible
Characteristics and descriptions of Monisto tomato varieties
Among the vegetable plants that produce small, tasty fruits, one can highlight the Monisto chocolate tomato. To the group
Characteristics and description of the Linda tomato variety
Tomato Linda f1 is optimal for people who do not have the time or desire to exercise
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Aleshka F1 and nuances of agricultural technology
Every vegetable grower has his own favorite varieties of tomatoes, let's talk about the tomato Alyoshka - not
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Andreevsky Surprise
Vegetable plants such as the Andreevsky Surprise tomato are grown thanks to the resulting fruits - large, tasty,
Characteristics and description of the Betta tomato variety
If the choice of summer residents falls on the Betta tomato, then there is no doubt - in June
Characteristics and description of the Caramel tomato variety, features of agricultural technology
Caramel tomatoes are perfect for storing for the winter. The most popular tomato among summer residents is Caramel.
Description and characteristics of the Leopold tomato variety
Early ripening tomato varieties are always valued by vegetable growers. If you really want to eat it at the beginning of summer
Characteristics and description of the Betalux tomato variety
Today, most housewives are trying to purchase Betalux tomatoes. This is due to the fact that
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Golden Fleece
The Golden Fleece tomato was bred by our Russian breeders and entered into the State Register of Russia.


