Today, most housewives are trying to purchase Betalux tomatoes. This is due to the fact that it produces large fruits and is not picky in care. This and much more makes it irreplaceable. Betalux of Polish selection, bred for outdoor cultivation, has all the qualities necessary for this.
- Low height, which means it does not require installation of supports or tying.
- Ripens early, approximately 50% of the crop ripens in the first twenty days.
This allows you to have time to collect them before late blight appears.
- the fruits are not large;
- have a round shape;
- Red color;
- thin-skinned.
Up to two kilograms of fruit are removed from plants grown in open ground.Suitable for fresh eating and for making home canned food. It does not need to be pinched, just remove the lower stalks when planting seedlings.
Growing from seedlings
In order for Betalux tomato seedlings to emerge on time, the owner plants them two months before planting them in the ground. It is better to use purchased soil for seedlings, as it does not require any preparation. Seeds are sown in special dishes or in adapted boxes, watered and covered with transparent lids or film. These containers should be placed in a well-lit place, usually on a windowsill. Additional artificial lighting will not hurt either. With the appearance of real leaves, you can start diving into cups.
Landing in the ground
The beds need to be prepared in the fall; superphosphate and potassium, as well as humus and ash, are added during digging. In the spring, loosen again by adding nitrogen fertilizers. Two days before planting, you need to water the soil with copper sulfate. 5–6 plants are placed per square meter. After watering, cover the soil around with mulch so that the soil does not dry out and a soil crust does not form. You can mulch with sawdust mixed with humus, straw, and mown grass, but only if there are no seeds in it, otherwise weeds will grow.
Seedless cultivation
Betalux tomatoes are ideal for growing without seedlings in open ground. In order for the earth to begin to warm up, you need to prepare a warm bed in advance. It is better to place manure on the bottom, which Betalux tomatoes do not like, but not completely rotted plant residues. The layer of soil on top should be about twenty centimeters.
Before sowing Betalux tomatoes, water the soil with a warm solution of light pink potassium permanganate.The holes are made in a checkerboard pattern, five seeds are laid out in each, sprinkled with earth one and a half centimeters and watered with warm water. Each hole needs to be covered with a cut plastic bottle, covering material should be placed on them, arcs should be installed on the bed and covered with film on top.
Under such shelter, both heat and moisture are well preserved, so Betalux tomatoes do not need to be opened until shoots emerge. The film is removed depending on the weather. Excess plants in the holes need to be pulled out and replanted.
Advantages of seedless cultivation:
- There is no need to grow seedlings at home or buy who knows what on the market.
- There is no need to harden the plants, they will do it themselves.
- They will not be injured or sick from the transplant.
- You can then collect your seeds from these plants.
- There is no need to bother with transplanting seedlings, carrying heavy boxes from home, or shading them after planting.
Agricultural technology
- Watering and loosening
It is enough to water a tomato variety like Betalux four times a season: when planting, a week after planting, and two more times in July. If the weather is hot, you will have to water more, no more than once a week, but generously. This should be done in the evening, the water should be settled and warm. Water at the roots, not on the leaves. Betalux tomatoes need to be hilled during their growth, this will increase the root system and saturate the roots with oxygen. After each watering, loosening is necessary to break up the soil crust.
- Top dressing
If enough fertilizer has already been applied before planting, then you can only add an infusion of manure and ash, or a herbal infusion with the addition of the same ash, several times. You can prepare banana dressing. Banana peels need to be baked and ground.Sprinkle this “flour” around the roots.
It is recommended to do the first feeding three weeks after planting in the ground, the second when color begins to appear on the second cluster, and the third when flowers appear on the third cluster.
The Betalux tomato variety is a self-pollinating crop, especially if grown in open ground. But it is still worth attracting insects for pollination, because at low temperatures there may be problems with pollination. To do this, you need to plant, for example, basil and coriander between the bushes. These herbs will help improve the taste of Betalux tomatoes. In addition, the bushes sometimes need to be shaken.
With minimal adherence to agricultural technology, you can get a decent yield from Betalux tomatoes, from 1 square meter more than a bucket, reviews about this variety confirm this. The variety was awarded the highest score by gardeners for its love of life and the pleasure derived from its use.