Characteristics and descriptions of Monisto tomato varieties

Among the vegetable plants that produce small, tasty fruits, one can highlight the Monisto chocolate tomato. The cluster variety group includes tomatoes that bear pink, yellow, and greenish tomatoes. They all belong to indeterminate species and reach a height of 180-190 centimeters. In regions with temperate climates, vegetable plants are grown in greenhouse conditions.

Benefits of colorful tomatoes

Everyone knows about the benefits of red and pink tomatoes. They help in the treatment and prevention of:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • osteoporosis;
  • senile dementia;
  • ophthalmological pathologies;
  • oncological diseases.

Red fruits contain active substances that elevate mood and stimulate important processes in the human body.

And yellow tomatoes are useful for those who may have allergic reactions to red foods. They contain a high content of lycopene, which restores the composition of the blood and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Characteristics of chocolate varieties contain such qualities of tomatoes as protection against the development of cancer cells, strengthening the immune system during flu and cold epidemics.

The description of the benefits of greenish tomatoes includes their property:

  • relieve fatigue;
  • stimulate muscle growth;
  • reduce the risk of fractures;
  • prevent muscle atrophy.

By growing varietal varieties of Monisto, a person will improve his health and make himself invulnerable to diseases.

tomato in plastic

Features of the Monisto tomato variety

The tomatoes that bear fruit from the Monisto amber tomato have a small mass - from twenty to thirty grams. They look like plums, fragrant, sweet. The pink ones have slightly larger fruits, weighing forty or fifty grams. But they differ in their sugar pulp. Due to their increased content of iodine, chromium, and vitamins, they help the body better absorb calcium and normalize kidney function.

The Monisto emerald tomato has an unusual fruit color – emerald-chocolate. The small, oval-shaped fruits, weighing up to thirty grams, have many benefits. They are like dessert, have a great taste, and also an amazing aroma.

green flower bed

Chocolate varieties have appeared recently. They bear fruit abundantly and produce small tomatoes weighing 25-53 grams. But Monisto surprises with its harvest: up to three to four kilograms of cherry-type fruits are harvested from one square meter.And all because thirty tomatoes can be collected on one brush.

Growing Requirements

It is known that the yield of tomatoes depends on proper cultivation and care of the vegetable plant.

Tomato seeds are planted 60-65 days before transplanting into the greenhouse. Before obtaining strong shoots, it is necessary to disinfect the seed material and soak it in a growth stimulator. The soil also needs a disinfection procedure. This is the only way to protect the plant from diseases. Place containers with seedlings in a warm place, well lit. Properly organized watering and fertilizing will allow you to get powerful bushes of tomato seedlings at the end of April and May.

monisto pink

The Monisto rosea tomato and its varieties are planted in the greenhouse in early May, placing three or four plants per square meter. It is important to follow the care requirements indeterminate tomatoes:

  1. Water moderately as the top layer of soil dries.
  2. Fertilizing is organized every two weeks, adding organic substances in the form of mullein, minerals - in the form of superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate. You can add a little wood ash to each hole before planting.
  3. Two weeks after planting, treat the tomato bushes with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Tall tomatoes need a garter, which is repeated three times a season as the bushes grow.
  5. Indeterminates are usually formed into one or two stems, removing the remaining stepsons by breaking them off.
  6. At the end of July, the top of the main stem of the tomatoes is pinched, leaving two or three leaves above the top cluster.

variety of tomato

Reviews about growing the Monisto variety of tomatoes are only positive: they are undemanding in care. It is necessary to carry out pinching so that the yields from one bush are larger. The description of the variety includes the excellent taste of cherry tomatoes, their decorative properties, and versatility of use.

Vegetable growers' opinion

Small red tomatoes have been known for a long time, but Monisto will give clusters of yellow, chocolate, and greenish fruits. If you plant all the varieties of the group, you can prepare an assortment of multi-colored whole tomatoes for the winter. Tomato fruits can decorate any summer salad.

Reviews of the variety indicate that tomatoes are not susceptible to diseases and are rarely attacked by pests. Those tomatoes that are placed in greenhouse conditions are especially high-yielding. It is important for them to choose the optimal temperature and lighting conditions. With good care, tomatoes from the Monisto group will begin to bear fruit two weeks earlier than those planted in open ground.

ripe vegetables
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