Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Miracle of the Earth, its yield and cultivation

Tomatoes are popular among most people. Today there are a huge number of different types of tomatoes, which have been pleasing vegetable growers with stable high yields for a long time. One of these varieties is the Miracle of the Earth tomato. Quite often it is grown in countries such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.


The characteristics and description of the variety will help novice vegetable growers become familiar with its distinctive features.

This variety from Sibsad belongs to indeterminate plants that do not stop growing even during fruiting. Therefore, during its cultivation, it is necessary to take care of gartering the bushes so that they do not break. Miracle of the Earth tomatoes are an early variety that ripen three months after the first shoots appear.

The main advantage of these tomatoes is their large fruits. Sometimes their weight can reach 700-800 g. If you properly care for the bushes, then fruits weighing about 1 kg appear on the lower branches. Tomatoes, like those of the Moneymaker variety, have a heart-shaped and slightly elongated shape. They are covered with thin skin of bright pink color.

The advantages of this tomato include its taste, thanks to which it is used not only to create fresh salads or tomato juice, but also for canning.

appearance of tomato miracle of the earth

Tomato has other positive qualities:

  • the fruits do not crack over time;
  • tolerate sudden weather changes well;
  • productivity;
  • possibility of long-term storage;
  • resistance to most diseases and parasites.

Planting seedlings

It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings two months before planting in open ground. In the southern regions of the country, this should be done at the end of February or early March. In the central and northern regions - at the end of March or beginning of April. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant seeds in a Siberian garden in winter.

Seed preparation

When using packaged seeds from popular manufacturers, pre-sowing treatment is not necessary. This should only be done if the planting material was purchased in bulk or collected independently. Such seeds can be infected with fungal, viral or bacterial diseases. To disinfect them you need to use special solutions:

  • Fitosporin.When using this drug, the solution can be prepared as follows: add 5 drops of Fitosporin to 500 ml of water, after which the mixture is thoroughly mixed. If a powder preparation is used, then half a teaspoon of the preparation is consumed per 100 ml of water.
  • Potassium permanganate. During processing, the seeds are wrapped in gauze and placed in a container with a 1% solution. They need to be soaked for 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to leave seeds in potassium permanganate for several hours, as this will reduce their germination.

tomato bushes miracle of the earth

Soil preparation

The soil can also be contaminated, so you need to treat it before planting. There are several most popular methods of soil disinfection:

  • Heating in the oven. The earth warms up for about 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 degrees.
  • Heat treatment with boiling water. The soil is placed in a container with drainage holes and filled with hot water several times.
  • Treatment with potassium permanganate. The soil is watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

The above methods of soil preparation can be used separately or combined with each other.

Sowing seeds

First you need to fill the pots with prepared moist soil. After this, small grooves are made in the ground for the seeds. The distance between them should be about 3-5 cm. If you plant seeds less frequently, the seedlings can be grown longer in seedling containers.

Features of cultivation

Containers with seeds should be covered with glass, which will provide a stable microclimate with an optimal level of humidity. Growing seedlings is carried out in a room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Therefore, pots with seedlings can be stored on a sunny windowsill or near a radiator.

It is necessary to check the soil moisture daily. If it is dry, it needs to be watered or sprayed. In case of high humidity, the glass can be removed to dry the soil.

Planting seedlings

Residents of the southern regions can plant the Ukrainian Miracle of the Earth in open ground in mid-April. In the northern and central regions this should be done at the end of May.

Site selection

Tomatoes love light very much and therefore they need to be planted in well-lit places, protected from strong winds. It is not recommended to grow tomatoes in low areas, as the plant does not like wet soil. The optimal soil moisture level is 6-6.7.

tomato miracle of the earth on the plot

Site preparation

Before planting seedlings, the area must be dug up and treated with fertilizers. To do this, you can use a solution prepared from 5 liters of water, a tablespoon of copper and vitriol. No more than 2 liters of mixture are consumed per square meter. If the soil contains too much clay, then mineral or organic fertilizers can be added to it.


It is better to plant seedlings on cloudy days or in the evening, since young seedlings do not immediately tolerate sunlight normally. The bushes need to be planted in such a way that they do not interfere with each other’s normal growth. On average, the distance between them should be 40-60 cm. The rows should also not be placed too close, so a small opening about 30 cm wide is made between them.

Having lowered the seedling into the hole, its roots must be covered with earth, and a little manure or compost should be scattered around the stem. After this, each bush should be watered.


Ukrainian Miracle of the Earth, like other varieties of tomatoes, needs proper care.


Growing tomatoes should be accompanied by regular watering. The bushes need to be watered several times a week. To better absorb the liquid into the soil, you can use the drip irrigation method. One young bush consumes a liter of water, and an adult one – 2-3 liters.


Quite often, tomato bushes break due to strong winds. To prevent this from happening, they need to be tied up. To do this, a peg 60-70 cm high is installed near each bush, to which the tomatoes will be tied.

tomato care wonder of the earth

Top dressing

Study feeding tomatoes possible a few weeks after planting the seedlings. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers are used: superphosphate, mullein, potassium salt, saltpeter.


Any person who has not planted it before can grow the Miracle of the Earth tomato variety. To do this, just familiarize yourself with the recommendations for planting tomatoes and the features of caring for them.
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