Tomato Diabolik F1 is a mid-season variety. Developed by Sakata agronomists. Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2008. The bushes are medium in height and determinate, that is, they stop growing when flowering. Suitable for planting on site and in greenhouses.
Description of the bushes
Characteristics of the bushes: powerful, many leaves, 1.2 - 1.6 m in height. Plants must be tied to pegs and the stepsons are torn off. There are 8–12 fruits in one cluster. It is better to leave 2–3 stems of the variety and tear off the rest. Medium sized greenish leaves. The inflorescence is complex.The fruits of this variety are eaten fresh, canned, and pickled.
Description of fruits
Description of tomatoes of the Diabolik variety: they have the shape of slightly elongated cream, weighing 100 - 160 g. Unripe tomatoes are light green, and ripe ones are scarlet, the shade of the flesh is dark pink. Tomatoes have 3–4 seed chambers. The fruits are quite light.
Tomatoes are salted and pickled and placed in salads. Fruit composition: dry matter in juice 5.0 - 7.2%, sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) - 3.0 - 3.9%. Tomatoes cannot be called too sweet, but they are also bland. The seeds are sold by the companies Gavrish, Agros, and Prestige.
Advantages and disadvantages
Tomato Diabolic F1 has a number of advantages:
- Tomatoes do not crack, lie well, and are easy to transport. They have dense pulp.
- A lot of fruits are collected from the bushes: regardless of weather conditions, the yield is from 1 m² to 20 kg, 256 - 296 centners per hectare are collected.
- Features of the variety are immunity to verticillium and fusarium, Phomopsis and bacterial spot.
- Tomato Diabolik F1 is not attacked by root nematodes.
Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that for planting seedlings it is recommended to choose the most well-lit place. Even slight shading leads to a decrease in the amount of yield.
Sowing seeds
Growing Diabolik tomatoes begins with sowing seeds. The seeds of the variety are sown in mid-March. Place the seeds in a gauze bag and then leave for 20 minutes. into a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse. Afterwards, you can soak the seeds in a growth stimulator. Agave juice has a remarkable effect on tomato seedlings: place the seeds in a cloth bag and dip them in a solution of aloe juice with water for 1.5 hours, then dry. Agave juice increases the germination of seeds by 25%, they germinate faster.
Pour into the boxes special soil for tomatoes, which is sold in the store. Compact the soil and water thoroughly. Make grooves every 4 - 5 cm and to a depth of 1 cm. After a day, scatter the seeds on the ground so that there is a distance of 2 cm between them. Powder with soil, cover with film, place in a warm place. When you see sprouts, remove the film and expose the plantings to the light.
When 2 true leaves appear, pick up the seedlings. Pour a little superphosphate into each glass before placing the seedling. Pinch the root a little.
Soil preparation
Do not plant seedlings in the place where potatoes, eggplants, and peppers previously grew. Plant Diabolik F1 tomatoes in the area where cabbage, onions, and cucumbers grew last year.
In autumn, spread 5 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium salt per 1 m² of soil, dig up the soil using a shovel, remove roots and weeds. In the spring, scatter 1 kg of rotted bird droppings, 1 kg of ash and 25 g of ammonium sulfate per 1 m², dig again. Drive stakes near the beds and tie wire to form trellises.
To prevent tomatoes from getting sick, water the soil a few days before planting seedlings with the following mixture: pour 30 g of 90% copper oxychloride into a 10-liter bucket of water, pour the mixture onto the area.
Landing on the site
Tomato Diabolik F1 does not tolerate return frosts, because of this, plant seedlings from May 15th. Dig holes with a diameter of 15 cm and a depth of 20 cm, making a space between them of 40 cm, and between rows - 60 cm. The day before transplanting, water the seedlings generously. Pull out the seedling with a lump of soil and place it in the hole. Cover with soil, water, shade from the sun. Mulch the ground with straw and peat.
Tomatoes do not like drought and stagnant moisture.Water the bushes in the morning at the root, trying not to get it on the leaves, otherwise the seedlings may get late blight. Use warm water that has stood for at least a day. At first, water moderately, and in summer - abundantly. Stagnation of water should not be allowed. The next day, the ground is loosened and the weeds are pulled out. Water next time when the soil dries.
First, feed after planting the seedlings, then a second time when the buds begin to appear. The third time is fed when the flowers wither and the ovaries appear, the fourth - when fruiting. The fourth feeding is done 2 weeks before harvesting the fruits.
The one who planted the variety advises feeding the seedlings with a solution of bird droppings for the first time: first pour 25 g of droppings into 0.5 liters of water, then add 5 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate, then pour the mixture into a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour this fertilizer under the root (1 liter per bush).
When buds appear, repeat fertilizing. You can replace this fertilizer by adding 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska into a ten-liter bucket of water and pour 1 liter of the mixture under each seedling.
To prevent blossom end rot in the bushes, make a solution of 1 tbsp. spoons of calcium nitrate and a ten-liter bucket of clean water. Spray the crop with this solution when it blooms. Pour 1 liter of solution onto each bush.
When the first ovaries begin to appear, make a solution with wood ash. Pour 2 liters of ash and 10 g of boric acid into a ten-liter bucket of clean water. Leave for a day for the elements to dissolve. Water at the root, pouring 1 liter per bush.
Do the fourth feeding when the fruits are full. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium humate in a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour 1 liter under the bush.Form a bush, leaving 2 - 3 stems, tear off the rest.
The hybrid is easy to care for. Reviews are good. Thus, Tatyana from Moscow writes: “I really like the Diabolic tomato variety. I have been planting bushes for 3 years. The taste is harmonious, has sweetness with some sourness, the variety is very productive. I didn’t suffer from late blight.”
Anyone who planted the Diabolik F1 tomato considers this tomato variety to be quite hardy and high-yielding, suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners.