What are the best varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse?

To make work easier and invest a minimum of effort, early varieties of tomatoes are often chosen for a polycarbonate greenhouse. These tomatoes have early ripening boundaries.

The main thing is to choose a variety that combines not only early ripening, but also pleases with the number of harvested crops. Another condition is persistent resistance to disease.

Important criteria

Vegetable growers, especially beginners, are concerned about which varieties of tomatoes are suitable for growing in a greenhouse. Several conditions to consider before choosing any variety for the greenhouse:

  1. When choosing tomato seeds for a greenhouse, first of all, you need to take into account the plant’s ability to resist diseases. In polycarbonate rooms, fungal and viral diseases often develop and quickly spread, which can be difficult to get rid of.
  2. It is important to monitor the humidity of the climate, ventilate the room in a timely manner, avoiding sudden changes in temperature.
  3. It is better to choose self-pollinating plants, since the access of insects to the greenhouse is limited.
  4. An important criterion in choosing tomatoes under greenhouse conditions is the time required for the formation and ripening of the fruit. There are tomatoes that ripen early, and there are those that will have to wait a long time for ripening (about 125 days).

Productive varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses, often grown by experienced gardeners.

The best seeds come from tomatoes such as Scarlet Sails. The bushes of the plant stretch upward very much, the stem must be tied up. The fruits are bright red in color, oblong in shape and weigh about 300 g. To increase productivity, it is recommended to form one stem.

tomato scarlet sails

Grandma's Secret has one strong stem and not much foliage. Not susceptible to fungal and viral diseases. The reddish-burgundy fruits are very large and can weigh about 650 g.

grandma's secret tomato

The giant requires an average period of time for final ripeness and grows in height up to 180 cm. The fruits are light crimson in color, rounded and elongated, and have a fleshy, sweet base inside. The plant needs to be provided with access to light and heat.

giant tomato

Bull's heart allows you to harvest up to 12 kg of crop from one bush, but you need to wait about 125 days. The stem is powerful, with spreading branches. It stretches to a height of up to two meters. The downside is susceptibility to disease. The shape of red tomatoes resembles a heart. Weight can reach 650 g.

ox heart tomato in the garden

Early species

The best varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse, which begin to form fruits, have all the necessary positive qualities.

The compact bush Alpha will delight you with its super-early ripening period. The height of the strong stem reaches 55 cm. It adapts well to the conditions of a greenhouse without heating. The color of the fruit is reddish-orange, the pulp is medium dense, with a small number of grains inside. The fruits have time to ripen before the widespread spread of diseases.

alpha tomato bush

Early varieties of tomatoes are represented by the Dina variety. Due to their high carotene content, tomatoes are considered the healthiest. The height of an individual stem is about 75 cm, exhibits high resistance to disease, but is susceptible to rotting, so you need to be careful with watering. The rounded fruits have a bright orange color. The weight of each vegetable can reach 100 g.

appearance of tomato

The Druzhok variety will not take much time and effort during cultivation. The fruits begin to ripen simultaneously and in large quantities. Despite the fact that the height of the stem is approximately 70 cm, it must be secured to a support. The roundish-flat fruits of a red hue reach a weight of 110 g. The interior is fleshy and dense.

tomato friend

Often the choice stops at seeds of the Don Juan variety. It begins to ripen after 105 days. It can grow up to 70 cm. The elongated shape of the fruit is raspberry-yellow in color and has a small spout at the end. The vegetable weighs approximately 90 g and is well stored due to its thick skin.

tomato don juan

Mikado pink can stretch up to 2.3 meters. Therefore, one cannot do without vertical support, removing excess shoots and forming a stem. The fruits can be collected early. Each individual plant produces 7-9 large fruits weighing more than 300 g.The dense consistency allows the vegetable to be stored for a long time.

Mikado pink tomato

Bullfinch has miniature bushes no higher than 40 cm in height, which feel great in greenhouses. The fruits begin to form very early and weigh about 130 g. They can withstand cold air temperatures. Show high resistance to diseases. The bright red fruits are covered with a thin but durable skin that protects them from cracking.

bullfinch tomato

Hybrid varieties

Hybrids are created by crossing different varieties to produce tomatoes with desired characteristics. The best hybrid tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse.

According to reviews from vegetable growers, Blagovest F1, one of the best varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses, has a lot of positive aspects.

It stretches up to two meters. It is imperative to build a support for gartering not only the stem, but also the branched brushes, and you cannot do without forming a bush. Mandatory application of fertilizers. The yield will please you with a large number of vegetables and is not susceptible to disease. Reddish-pink, smooth fruits can weigh about 145 g.

Blagovest F1

Ilyich F1 ripens early and pleases with a good, rich harvest. The stem reaches a height of 1.5 meters. The reddish-orange fruits weigh approximately 145 g and have a slightly ribbed surface. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste.

Ilyich F1 tomato

Tomato varieties for a polycarbonate greenhouse, bred through crossing, are rightfully headed by Samara F1. It is characterized by high yield and density of tomatoes. The height of an individual plant exceeds 2 meters. Do not forget about tying the stem to the constructed support. Resistance to many diseases is noted. The fruits are in the form of a round ball, shiny red in color. Fruit weight is approximately 90 g.

Samara f1

Hurricane F1 has early fruiting boundaries. The bush can reach a height of 2 meters. Requires careful care, which includes tying the stem and removing side branches. The rounded fruits have a distinct red color and can be stored for a long time.

Hurricane F1 tomato in a greenhouse

For planting, you can choose Junior F1 tomatoes. The bushes will bear fruit in 82 days, so they belong to the super early subspecies. They can grow up to 60 cm in height. Another positive side is increased resistance to disease. Ripe fruits weighing 95 g have a bright, red color.

tomato Junior F1

Harsh conditions

The northern regions do not have sufficient sunlight, heat and fertile land. Therefore, on the site of many vegetable growers you can find the presence of polycarbonate greenhouses. But you should still choose tomato seeds that are ideal for Siberia.

Yamal does not require the expenditure of effort and time, and is unpretentious to weather conditions and soil properties. The compact bush, only 45 cm high, has a strong stem and is resistant to diseases. Fruit ripening time is short and is approximately 92 days. The rich red fruits have a slightly ribbed surface. Fruits for a long time, the fruits of the first harvest can weigh 100 g, subsequently the weight is reduced to 70 g.

Yamal tomato

Ural F1 produces fruits 115 days after sowing the seeds. It has high resistance to major tomato diseases. The height of the plant is about 1.8 meters. The fruits are red with a fleshy interior and weigh about 300 g.

Ural F1 tomato

Vegetable growers have the best opinion about the Beautiful Lady F1 tomatoes. They begin to form fruits after 93 days. The bushes reach high sizes and are resistant to many viral and fungal diseases.The ripe fruit is colored bright red and weighs about 140 g.

tomato Lovely lady F1

Kostroma F1 will give vegetable growers a large number of red fruits weighing 100 g. It is not susceptible to most tomato diseases, and bears fruit even with sudden changes in temperature and in any humidity. It is imperative to attach it to a vertical support and form one stem.

tomato seeds Kostroma F1

Titanic F1, despite the fact that it reaches a height of only 55 cm, pleases with large fruits weighing about 140 g. It has high immunity to many diseases and can be kept without moisture for a long time.

tomato titanic

The pride of Siberia is distinguished by its high yield and increased resistance to disease. Large, ripe red tomatoes can weigh 800 g. They definitely need support and timely watering.

Pride of Siberia tomato

The best varieties are complemented by Winter cherry. The height of the bushes with a strong stem is no higher than 70 cm; they develop quite well in soil without nutrients and are resistant to cold weather. The dark crimson fruits are small in size and have good keeping quality.

winter cherry tomato

Modern views

Every year, breeders develop completely new or crossed varieties of already known tomatoes. Popular new varieties of tomatoes that can be planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

The important person F1 will present the harvest after 83 days. The bushes are no higher than 40 cm; more than 25 bright red vegetables are placed on the branches, each of which can weigh 140 g. They are excellent at resisting disease and rotting.

biggie F1 tomato

Juggler F1 is a new hybrid, which is characterized by high productivity, continues to develop even in unfavorable conditions, and is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. The plant is limited to a height of 60 cm. Each formed cluster contains 10 tomatoes weighing up to 100 g.The harvested crop is stored for a long time.

tomato Juggler F1

The pink king has average fruit ripening limits, the formation of which begins after 110 days. The bushes are quite large, growing up to 1.8 meters, so they need to be tied to a constructed structure. The vegetables have a soft pink hue, weigh up to 300 g, the inside is fleshy and has medium density.

tomato Pink king

Tomatoes of the new generation Tyutchev begin to ripen only after 110 days. The stem will grow up to 150 cm. It exhibits high resistance to diseases and is not subject to pest invasion. The reddish oval fruits are quite weighty, about 300 g.

Tyutchev tomato

Small-fruited varieties

For the greenhouse, it is better to choose cherry tomatoes, the word translated from English means cherry. Tomatoes got their name due to their resemblance to these burgundy-red berries. The best cherry tomato varieties can be either short or tall in size.

A good variety is Sweet Cherry F1, which is distinguished by early fruit ripeness, requiring only 74 days. Each large cluster contains about 45 ball-shaped fruits, the color depends on the type. The weight of a mature vegetable is approximately 25 g. The plant resists diseases, tolerates temperature fluctuations, and bears fruit for a long time.

Sweet Cherry F1 tomato

Arctic has small bushes measuring 40 cm. The fruits are small, only 15 g, and have a rich crimson color. They can remain without moisture for a long time and tolerate temperature fluctuations.

arctic tomato

Among the varieties of cherry tomatoes for greenhouses, Raisin tomatoes are famous. They are characterized by the development of clusters with bright red fruits of small size up to 50 pieces. The bushes themselves can stretch up to 1.5 meters. Tomatoes ripen within 90 days and are resistant to major diseases.The fruits are elongated, weighing about 90 g. The harvest does not spoil for a long time when collected and on the bushes.

tomato raisin

For polycarbonate greenhouses, you can choose Bonsai tomatoes. They have a solid central trunk approximately 35 cm high. A large number of bright red tomatoes are formed on the clusters 90 days after sowing the seeds, weighing about 20 g.

tomato bonsai in a pot

Golden Bead is a tall plant, each cluster produces 20 small tomatoes weighing 15 g. Smooth, round cherry tomatoes turn bright yellow when ripe.

tomato golden bead

Butterfly is pleased with its fruits after 110 days, reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. Each brush holds about 45 pieces of vegetables. The small, oblong fruits have a red-crimson color. The pulp is fleshy and sweet.

tomato butterfly

Despite the fact that cherry tomatoes grow small, the bushes must be tied to a support.

cherry tomato

Reviews about the varieties are mostly positive. Many people have noted that over the years we have been “choosing the best tomatoes.” It is they who delight with their harvest in the greenhouse, without the development of diseases and other problems.

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