Guinea fowl
Breeding guinea fowl is becoming increasingly popular. And there are reasons for this. Guinea fowl meat is close to game in taste, and is valuable for its content of B vitamins. The bird is unpretentious, survives well in cold climates, and is resistant to diseases. As for eggs, despite their smaller size compared to chicken eggs, they are much tastier. And do not cause allergic reactions.
And those who are interested in this variety will learn about the existing breeds of guinea fowl, the diet required for them, maintenance rules, diseases and much more if they turn to the thematic section.
Anyone can breed such an exotic bird as a guinea fowl. She is unpretentious and easy to feed
Poultry is susceptible to various diseases, most of which are caused by inadequate care, improper diet and
Poultry need to have their wings trimmed periodically to help them move less, gain weight better, and
Among all poultry, the guinea fowl of the Zagorsk white-breasted breed stands out. Representatives of the “royal (Tsar’s) chicken” are known
Guinea fowl differ in body composition and appearance from other types of poultry. Despite
An important component of keeping guinea fowl is a warm, spacious enclosure, made according to all the rules. Bird accommodation
Guinea fowl are relatives of chickens and turkeys. They are not yet very common in poultry farms,
Guinea fowl are considered promising birds for home keeping. They have tasty meat, eggs, which are healthier
Guinea fowl have not yet taken the main place in poultry farming. In Russia the predominant
Guinea fowl can be called relatives of chickens, quails and turkeys, so we can assume that their diet
For poultry breeders, quality characteristics are important. Such a species as broiler guinea fowl deserves
Guinea fowl are one of the types of poultry that are bred for meat. To those who are engaged