Description of large-leaved hydrangea variety Hot Red, planting and care rules

The high decorative value of the large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red is due to the lush spherical inflorescences of red color. Due to its attractive flowering, the variety is widely used in the design of garden landscapes. Gardeners love this variety of hydrangea for its unpretentiousness, resistance to frost, and ease of propagation in various ways.

Characteristics of large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red

This is a compact but lush perennial ornamental flowering shrub, the crown of which is close to a spherical shape. The plant rarely exceeds 1 m in height. The main shoots are directed vertically, and the side branches bend in an arched manner towards the ground. The color of the shoots and leaves is light green. The foliage is large, forming a dense crown. The leaf blades are ovate with a sharp tip.

Despite its compactness, the shrub is characterized by a fairly high rate of annual growth - 15-20 cm. Hot Red hydrangea lives for 30-40 years. The variety blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowering season lasts from early July to September. However, re-blooming is possible. Buds form on shoots on which buds formed at the end of the last growing season.

Each shoot forms a spherical inflorescence, reaching 15 cm in diameter. There are many flowers on each inflorescence, they are small, 2 cm in diameter. After the flowers wither, multi-chambered seed boxes are formed in their place.

The use of Hot Red hydrangea in landscape design

Thanks to the formation of lush spherical inflorescences, which attract the eye with their red color, this variety of hydrangea gives the landscape composition an interesting visual feature: it seems that the space has become wider and freer. Therefore, Hot Red hydrangea is ideal if you need to visually enlarge the space of a small garden plot.

The second feature of the variety that makes it popular among landscape designers is the brightness of its flowering. Compositions in which deep red hydrangea flowers are contrasted with other shades are especially beautiful.Landscape ensembles in which red shrubs are combined with white or cream flowers turn out to be luxurious.

large leaf hydrangea Hot Red

In terms of territorial placement, the Hot Red shrub is almost universal. It is suitable for:

  • group shrub plantings;
  • single plantings on the lawn;
  • creating a hedge;
  • container growing.

Frost resistance of hydrangea Hot Red

The Hot Red variety is included in the category of plants that can grow in areas with climatic conditions 6b. That is, this hydrangea survives without shelter at winter temperatures down to -20°C. Some sellers of seedlings claim that the Hot Red variety can withstand frost down to -30°C, but still there is no need to take such risks. And if severe frosts are expected, the hydrangea must be covered for the winter.

When growing shrubs in the southern regions, shelter is definitely not needed. Is it possible to insulate the root system by covering the tree trunk circle with mulch 20-30 cm thick.

Planting technology and agricultural technology for caring for Hot Red hydrangea

In order for Hot Red hydrangea to please with its decorativeness and health, it is necessary to take into account all planting requirements and care rules.

In the north and in the middle climatic regions of Russia, it is advisable to plant hydrangea in the spring, because the plant will need a lot of time to adapt and strengthen the root system. And in the southern regions of the country you can start planting in the fall.

large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red photo

Selecting a location and preparing the soil for planting

When choosing a suitable place for hydrangea, you must take into account that the flowers of this plant burn and darken when exposed to direct sun for a long time. But at the same time, the plant needs enough light for full development. Therefore, a light openwork shadow becomes an ideal option.Hydrangea does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, so it is advisable to plant it where there is a fence from air flows.

Despite its compactness, the ornamental shrub needs sufficient space for full development. The distance from hydrangea to other shrubs and trees should be 2.5 m. If ornamental bushes are planted in a row, then the optimal distance between them is 1.5 m.

In order for the Hot Red variety to please with its rich red inflorescences, the soil on the site must be neutral. If the pH leans towards an acidic level, the flowers will turn blue. And if the soil turns out to be alkaline, the color will be pale red, and if it is highly alkaline, it will be yellow. The alkaline composition is harmful to hydrangea, in which case it becomes susceptible to chlorosis.

Hydrangea does not like marshy and sandy soils. The species is moisture-loving, but if there is excess moisture in the soil, the root system quickly rots. Therefore, drainage is required, especially if the shrub is grown where groundwater is close to the surface. The optimal soil for hydrangea consists of fertile soil, peat and humus, taken in a 2:1:1 ratio.

Requirements for planting hydrangeas

Having purchased seedlings, you need to carefully examine their roots to see if they are deformed or rotten. The root system of a healthy seedling should be flexible, pliable, and not shriveled. You also need to pay attention to the number of buds.

large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red photo

It is necessary to dig planting holes 3-4 months before the intended planting. That is, if you plan to plant bushes in the spring, you need to dig holes at the end of autumn. The optimal hole size is 50x50x40 cm. If the bushes grow in a row like a hedge, then it is necessary to make planting trenches.

When planting hydrangeas, proceed as follows:

  1. Place drainage 8-10 cm thick into the hole.
  2. Place garden soil or humus 5 cm thick on top of it.
  3. Insert the seedling into the hole. Keep it at such a level that the root collar is flush with the surface of the ground. Straighten the roots.
  4. Fill the hole with fertile soil mixture. Tamp down lightly.
  5. Water the seedling. Pour a 10-liter bucket of water under one plant.
  6. Mulch the tree trunk circle with leaf litter 10 cm thick.

Watering and fertilizing

Hydrangea is moisture-loving, so it needs to be watered regularly. The optimal frequency is once every 2 weeks. But if the weather is hot and dry, then you need to water once a week. If the weather is rainy, the need for watering depends on the condition of the surface layer of the soil. It shouldn't dry out. The optimal amount of water for one adult plant is one 10-liter bucket.

You need to water in the morning or evening. The water must be settled. It is recommended to add 3 g of potassium permanganate to 10 liters of water. This component has an antiseptic effect and protects the root system from possible fungal infection.

Since the Hot Red variety grows quickly, fertilizing is extremely important. The fertilizer application scheme looks like this:

  1. Ammonium sulfate is added twice every half month: in the spring and in early June. For a 10-liter bucket of water take 30 g.
  2. Next, from the beginning of June to mid-October, the shrub is also fed with complex preparations with a predominance of phosphorus at intervals of half a month. You can prepare a solution of 70 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate per 10-liter bucket of water.
  3. At the end of the growing season, the bushes are fed with humus.

large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red photo

You cannot feed hydrangea with ash and lime compounds.In this case, the acidity of the soil will significantly decrease, which will negatively affect the flowering and development of the plant.

Formation of the crown of Hot Red hydrangea

Hydrangea is pruned in the spring before sap flow begins. Sanitary cutting involves the removal of injured, weakened, dead shoots.

As for decorative pruning, the first few seasons after planting it is necessary to cut off small inflorescences, which obviously will not bloom magnificently, but will only take away the strength of the plant. In subsequent years, old 3-4-year-old shoots of the bush are cut off, as well as the crowns growing inward, thickening it. This pruning will increase the formation of buds.

Preparing the plant for wintering

Young bushes up to 2 years old must be mulched with peat and pine litter and covered with thick non-woven material. If the bush is very small, you can even cover it with a wooden box.

Adult bushes are wrapped with rope, then covered with any dense non-woven material or burlap. Leaves and dry soil are thrown around the shelter.

Methods of propagation of hydrangea Hot Red

Propagating Hot Red hydrangea by seeds is difficult and inconvenient; a lot of time is spent on plant development. Therefore, gardeners practice propagation by cuttings and layering.

The most effective way is cuttings. Proceed as follows:

  1. At the beginning of summer, take cuttings from last season's shoots. They should be 13-15 cm long. Each cutting should have at least 2 buds.
  2. Remove all leaves except the top few.
  3. Place the cuttings in a root growth stimulator and leave for about 2 hours.
  4. Plant the cuttings in a pre-moistened peat substrate.
  5. Wait for the cuttings to root.They should appear in a few weeks. Then feed them with a mineral complex.
  6. In the warm season, take the container with seedlings out onto the balcony or into the yard for 1-2 hours so that they acclimatize.
  7. You can transplant the plants into open ground in the next growing season.

large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red photo

As for propagation by layering, it is carried out using the standard method:

  1. Bend the lower shoot to the ground and secure with staples.
  2. Make a slight cut where the shoot touches the ground. Treat it with a root growth stimulator, then cover it with soil.
  3. Until the cuttings take root, keep the soil around it constantly moist.
  4. Before winter, mulch the cuttings with sawdust and leaf litter.
  5. And in the next growing season it can be separated and transferred to the selected area.

Protection from diseases and pests

Hydrangea Hot Red has a fairly high immunity; infections and pests are not very scary for the bush if the environmental conditions are favorable. The plant's immunity decreases due to improper watering or lack of nutrition.

During drought, the bush can be affected by spider mites. Their thin webs can be seen on the underside of leaf blades. Ticks should be controlled with acaricides.

If the foliage becomes oily, begins to turn yellow and wilt, downy mildew may be suspected. It is combated with 1% Bordeaux mixture and other preparations containing copper.

When it gets cold and damp, hydrangea can become affected by rust. Copper sulfate helps with it.

The use of insecticides and fungicides is permissible in early spring, until sap flow begins.
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