Features and description of bush chrysanthemums of the Jordi variety, planting and care

Bright autumn flowers delight with their bloom until frost. The perennial bush chrysanthemum Jordi has an unusual color. It does not require special growing conditions because it has good resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions. Thanks to the bright colored caps, it can harmoniously stand out against the background of other plants or complement any bouquet.

Description and features

The variety stands out noticeably for its orange-yellow striped daisy-shaped petals. They border the middle of an unusual light green shade in two tiers. The bushes delight with flowering throughout the autumn period until the first frost.

The height of the plant is up to 70 centimeters. The bush is quite elastic, so it does not require additional support.

History of selection

The variety was created by Dutch breeders. It is used in floristry and landscape design. From the first year of production, the plant has proven itself well.

One of the reasons for its popularity is the ability to grow the perennial year-round in Holland. The cut variety is successfully grown and sold throughout the world.

Dutch chrysanthemums

Growing through seedlings

In order for the bush to bloom earlier, the plant should be grown through seedlings. To do this, you need to prepare the soil, containers, and seeds.

Preparing the container and soil

To germinate seeds, take a box with a small bottom into which the prepared earthen mixture is poured. The seeds are placed on top at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

If sowing is done in separate cups, then 2-3 seeds are placed in each container and sprinkled with sand on top.


When growing seedlings of this variety, the main point is maintaining the optimal temperature. In order for the seeds to germinate well and the sprouts to be strong, the temperature in the room should be 20-24 degrees Celsius.

bouquet of chrysanthemums

How to plant

To grow healthy seedlings, seeds are sown in disinfected soil. To do this, you can use any method:

  • calcine the soil in the oven;
  • pour boiling water over it;
  • freeze.

Seeds are distributed from above over the surface without deepening. You can sprinkle sand on top.Then moisten the soil through a spray bottle and cover the container with film or a glass lid.


After the seedlings have sprouted, they dive. When 2-4 leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate containers or special cassettes. The process helps select stronger seedlings. Weakened or elongated sprouts are discarded.

Important: picking is carried out carefully so as not to damage the thin roots of the seedlings.

The soil used for replanting is the same as for sowing.

picking flowers


In order for the hybrid variety to calmly tolerate unfavorable environmental factors, it is hardened. Two weeks before the expected planting date, when the temperature outside is at least 15 degrees, the seedlings are taken to the greenhouse.

Planting in open ground

For good growth and flowering of the crop, it is necessary to decide on the place, soil and timing of planting in open ground.

Selecting a location

The area for cultural representatives should be well ventilated, open and illuminated by sunlight. At the same time, wind and drafts can worsen the health of flowering bushes. The place should be free of stagnant groundwater.

Soil requirements

The Jordi variety loves fertile soil, so humus or compost is added to the holes. Mineral fertilizers are not introduced, as they can harm young roots. Drained loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable for the plant.

chrysanthemum flowers


Seedlings are planted in open ground when the ground warms up enough. It is better to do this in mid-May. Plants are planted immediately in a permanent place.

Planting scheme

In the holes, young shoots are placed at a distance of 35-40 centimeters.

Rules of care

In order for the plant to take root in a new place and delight with abundant flowering, it needs to be provided with proper care.


The variety loves abundant watering. If there is not enough moisture, the petals will not be so bright and beautiful.

Water the crop at the root so that water does not fall on the leaf blades.

Top dressing

The variety requires feeding. Ammonia nitrogen is applied at the beginning of the growing season. And during the formation of buds, potassium and phosphorus are added. You should not get too carried away with fertilizing, as an excess leads to abundant development of foliage rather than inflorescences.

seedlings in pots

Weeding and loosening

After watering, the surface of the soil around the plants is loosened, and all weeds are removed. To make it easier to care for the crop in the future, a thick layer of mulch is poured under the bushes.

Preparing for winter

Despite the fact that representatives of the variety tolerate winter, they should be prepared for the onset of frost. Since healthy specimens overwinter well, it is recommended to inspect each bush for the presence of diseases and pests.

In late autumn, the bushes are pruned, leaving stumps of 10 centimeters. Then they are carefully hilled. There should be no holes nearby where water would accumulate, which could subsequently cause rot.

If winter in regions is frosty but not snowy, it is recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches or dry leaves.


The crop is productively propagated by seeds and cuttings.

chrysanthemum sprouts


The seeds of the variety can be sown as seedlings, or in open ground. To do this, the soil must be warmed up and there is no threat of frost. After sowing, the holes are watered with warm water and covered with garden film.


Strong representatives of the variety grow from cuttings, so this type of propagation is considered the most optimal. It is recommended to take cuttings in the spring. To do this, the plant is transferred to a warm room and watered abundantly for a week and fed with ammonium nitrate. This will give good growth to new shoots.

When they reach 10 centimeters in height, they are carefully cut off with a sharp knife and transplanted into prepared soil. You can plant cuttings in separate containers or in one large box.

chrysanthemum cuttings

Use in design

Representatives of the variety are perfectly adapted for growing on a balcony, loggia or terrace. In the garden, they are used to create original compositions with flowering shrubs, and decorate borders, borders and flower beds with them. The variety looks great cut. In bouquets it has no equal in durability and decorativeness.

Representatives of Jordi do not require special growing conditions. In addition, they are easily propagated by seed, cuttings and seedlings. With proper care, a plant with unusually colored buds blooms all summer and autumn.

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